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TTC #1 for 3 months! Anyone else around this timeframe?

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Hi ladies,

I'm posting this forum for other women around the same timeframe as me TTC so that we can get support from others in the same place with our TTC journey. I know there are women out there who have been trying for soo much longer and would tell us 3 months is nothing but it still isn't easy and that's why I want to open this up for us ladies newer to TTC but still having been through a few cycles TTC with no success so we can share stories and thoughts. Anyone around this timeframe is so welcome to join and comment!

Alittle bit about my story is I'm 26 and married in July. My husband and I knew we planned to TTC right after our wedding as we've been together for over 6 years. I guess in my head I knew it could take awhile but you just see others around you accidentally getting pregnant or it happening right away and we spend so many years protecting against pregnancy that I just thought once I stopped bc it would happen fairly quick. So anyways I got off the NuvaRing which is very low hormone birth control and my doctor said I could conceive in the first month following its removal. My sister got pregnant while on it but taking it out for one day! So I didn't have many concerns about the length of time off birth control. August we used protection while off birth control just to let my body regulate and then stopped using protection in August. So I have completed 3 cycles TTC with charting and taking bbt (which shows I am ovulating typically on cd22). Today I took a test and it was negative so I'm feeling pretty down that I'll now be entering cycle #4 and starting over again.

Anyways that's alittle about me. I would love to hear from you ladies that are within the first year of trying and what your experiences are. Let's start a group of support around our journeys so we can discuss and lean on one another when we are feeling down or finally get that bfp and can celebrate!

14 Replies • 8 years ago



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Thank you! Same here about only ever seeing stark white that's why I'm like omg is this possibly it? I've never even see a shadow. Going to pick up some digital tests and retest this weekend when I'm 11-12dpo

8 years ago • Post starter

It's nice to hear some others out there who haven't been trying too long, but that it still feels like an eternity for you too! I'm on my 4th cycle ttc #2.

The worst part for me is that my best friend from childhood (we were born 3 weeks apart and were inseperable from birth) started trying for a baby one month before we did. She got pregnant instantly. We were so excited to be pregnant together and go through it together (even though I already have one child) and have our kids be so close in age.

She is already halfway through her pregnancy and it feels like it'll never happen for us. My husband thinks this is silly, that it will happen when it happens and he's not concerned with timing. which is probably the right attitude to have, though he could be a little more understanding about how importnat timing bd-ing is!

My friend is so supportive and is the only one who knows we are trying for #2, so that's great. And obviously I should only care about conceiving a happy, healthy child, no matter when. But it's still hard!

I feel terrible for everyone who has had or is having a difficult journey getting pregnant, but I do believe everyone needs support during this no matter if they've been trying for 2 months or 2 years. It's stressful all along the way for everyone.

8 years ago

Sooooo frustrating with never seeing anything. Keep us updated! And yes it DOES feel like an eternity. Especially when it feels like it happens so easily for everyone else. I just started my 2ww this cycle and I promised myself I wouldn't symptom spot...but...uggghhhh..who am I Kidding? I already am.

. .

8 years ago

Hi everyone,

I'm ttc #1 and I'm on cycle #4. We started ttc in July 2015. I got my BFP on cycle #3 but that ended up being a missed miscarriage. I had a really hard time dealing with it and 3 days after my miscarriage was induced my best friend announced her accidental pregnancy. I was really bitter and angry about the whole situation, but I feel like I've finally accepted everything and moved on. I'm feeling positive again and I'm now 5DPO. It is overwhelming sometimes when I think about how it's been almost half a year since we started ttc.

I want to wait until after I miss my period to take a hpt but I don't know if I can wait...

to all you ladies!

8 years ago

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