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March IUI 2014

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I just wanted to start another board on March IUIs.
My first one in February failed and here's to hoping that this second one will be the charm. Can't wait to see some BFPs and some Thanksgiving babies!! If I conceive this cycle my EDD is Nov. 26th.
I'm CD2...

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486 Replies • 10 years ago



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Flobear- so here is the rundown (at least what I'm doing).

You go for an ultrasound and blood work on CD3 to see your lining (needs to be thin) and how many follicles you have on each ovary. As for the bloodwork they check your E2, FSH, and FH levels. Your FSH ideally is below 10 and E2 under 50.
If all ok, they start me with Letrozole pills to boost my follicles and make more mature (I think that's what it does), from CD3-CD7 (for 5 days).
Then I go back on CD12 for ultrasound and blood work. This time the ultrasound will show you how many follicles matured and what size they are and your lining (needs to be thick now). The blood will test your FH and Progesterone levels to see if you are nearing ovulation.
Then, depending on findings I give myself a shot (called Ovidrel) which helps release the egg(s) in the mature follicle(s)- hopefully the egg is nice and healthy!
After the shot, they tell you to go back the next day or two depending again (needs to be before you ovulate) for the IUI.

I hope this helps, sorry it's a novelâ?¦
Good luck on your natural cycle, I hope you don't have to go through all this!!

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10 years ago • Post starter

hi ladies!
Figure since i am CD5 i will start the leg raises and heating pad today, hey can't hurt :P

10 years ago

Thanks Miracle that does help. My husband is still thinking positive about this cycle, the progesterone is just giving me terrible pms that it's hard to stay positive. Boobs hurt and huge and the left one is blue, cramps, emotional, exhausted. Ugh. My dr said after the second round we can choose to go straight to ivf. I'm hoping we got it this round or will the next, but so long as it happens :)

What cd are you on?

10 years ago

Hey Texas! I hope March is our month!!!!!

Flobear- I'm Cd4 today. I hope this round will be it for you too and you won't have to go through IVF. I'm meeting with RE on 3/7 and I'm thinking she'll probably talk IVF with us tooâ?¦ It's so expensive as we are not covered for anythingâ?¦ I hope it doesn't come down to that.. praying so hard!..

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10 years ago • Post starter

tcmc - AF seemed to just stop by for a few hours and left. Now I have very minimal spotting, so I'm not sure what's going on. What I do know is I just wish I could find out positive or negative so I can get off this roller coaster ride! It's driving me and hubby insane! I'm thinking about testing, but very nervous and scared!

10 years ago

If the test had been positive, I would have just thought it was the trigger. If the test had been negative, I would have just thought it was too early. So not sure why I tested. I guess part of me wanted to see the positive, even though I would not have believed it "fully".

The test WAS negative so I'm going with "too early"? If no AF, I will test again on Wednesday, which will be 14dpiui. And I'll test again, and again, and again until AF or blood test! Oh man!

10 years ago

Hang in there Amanda.
Miracle March IS our month

10 years ago

Sleepless night last night leads to exhausted during today. Add to that nausea and I'm just a fun person to be around today. Also super moody, yay. I blame progesterone for everything.

Testing in the morning and scared. Considering I'm already on this board I'm expecting to do another round of iui. I'm fortunate that I was able to get insurance to help cover cost, but I do have two insurances now. Fun right ;)

How is everyone else doing today?

10 years ago

Hang in there flo! I'm 7dpiui. Still have some cramping but most of the other trigger side effects seem to be over. Tested this morning and got a bfn so trigger should be gone. Prob wait to test until later this week now. :)

10 years ago

Miracle- I had a lot of little follicles on both sides. 10 or 15. I took letrozole on day 4 this month cause I couldn't get an appointment on cd 3. I hope it doesn't mess up things!

Amanda- I think you will get a surprise in a couple of days! I would wait until day 14! Stop stressing!!!!

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10 years ago

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