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On cd9 with clomid and have negative result from OPK

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Hi ladies,
I hope you all are doing good. Today i'm on cd9 and have done my first test for ovulation n it came negative but i think its too early to expect ovulation. Anyone overhere who TTC with clomid or waiting for ovulation after first round?? I really want some buddies so i can get some usefull advises.
to everyone n lots of , I hope we all get our soon.[url=">

33 Replies • 10 years ago



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Hi @dakotagurrl,
Hey you have 12 years old son nice it means you are TTC your second. But 12 years wait its too much. Anyway i hope this is
your month . I've been married for five years but officially
i've been TTC for three years. Almost two years i tried to conceive
naturally n nothing. Then i started to go gyn n had laporoscopy after this i hv found out have mild PCOS but always i have regular period so thats why gyn told to try for next six months with prenatal vitamins. In sep. she put me on clomid and this is my first round of clomid and i hope it will work for me . Good luck hun n[url=">

10 years ago • Post starter

Hi girls. I am on my third round of clomid this cycle. It is my 22nd TTC so of course I am really wanting this discouraging wait to be over!!! With the OPK question, don't rely on them fully. I have been using them for a few cycles and they worked well. Always a positive the day before ovulation. But then these last two cycles on clomid they didn't work! No positive at all! I don't know if it is coincidence with the clomid, but I was just pleased I wasn't waiting for them before BDing!!!

So, I am now 14dpo. So far no spotting which is amazing for me (of course it could come sometime during the day, very early morning here at the moment!). Here's hoping it stays away...

10 years ago

Hi @shelob,
Sorry for your two last cycles on clomid. I think we have to b'ding every other day and don't just depend on OPK. I have read many stories on other forums where ladies mentioned though they didn't have positive result on OPK but they conceived so we should keep trying . Do you have positive result of ovulation this month?
I hope this mon you get BFP good luck hun and keep updating.
I'm on cd10 today though this is my third day of my last pill but i'hv used OPK and had nagative n i know its too earliar to have positive.
I hope i get my OPK positive soon.[url=">

10 years ago • Post starter

Hi Kamal87. That's exactly what we did for BDing this cycle. I know I ovulated because I temp and I got a rise on CD16. Unfortunately this cycle hasn't worked either. I started spotting yesterday afternoon and my temperature dropped this morning :( I am really sad about it because that means I won't be pregnant before my due date from my miscarriage (end of this month). We did everything so perfectly this month, and still no pregnancy. Makes me wonder if it can happen without IVF. Not happy :( I hope your cycle goes better! AF will start tomorrow or the next day and I will have to ring and start another cycle. I wonder if they will change anything? Three cycles at 50mg. It does cause me to ovulate much more regularly, so at least taking it isn't a waste of time. And that was the whole point.

10 years ago

Hi @shelob,
How are you doing? I hope you feel better now and sorry to hear that this cycle as well didn't work for you. Don't be sad hun plz stay strong it will happen for you also. I can understand how do you feel cause we both are in same situation and wait really sucks. Are you going to have higher dose this month? Yea this is good news atleast you are ovulating regulary now so keep you head up don't loose hope. I hope this month is ur .My doc also prescribed me 50mg for three months without any scan . I'm on cd12 did three OPK all came negative. From cd10 i'av been bad cramping, backache, thigh pain etc. Let's see if today i have +OPK .[url=">

10 years ago • Post starter

Aww thanks for the positive thoughts :) I am feeling so much better now. It is crazy what hormones can do! I feel absolutely rotten for most of the day when progesterone drops and then I improve dramatically. It helped that we went and visited my parents. I had a bit of a melt down when they asked how I was, but they know what is going on so understood completely. I recovered, and then we had a lovely walk in the sunshine followed by a dinner of baked potatoes and sausages cooked in the embers of a bonfire with toasted marshmallows for desert :) It was perfect! And a full moon tonight which looked spectacular.

My second month on clomid I had terrible cramping for two days before ovulation, then only minor twinges on the actual day! I hope you get a positive soon :)

10 years ago

Hey awesome, it looks like you had a fab day with your parents and i glad to you are feeling better now . Keep yourself busy in something which do you like n stay strong hun . I have been testing for 4 days but all came negative and all cramps, twinges are gone. Now i'm feeling nothing like ovulation n i think i have to keep testing let's see may it happen for me also. Did your AF start yesterday?[url=">

10 years ago • Post starter

AF started today. It was good actually, because once I know it is coming I want it here already! It also meant I could call the fertility clinic to start a new cycle during the weekend, which is much easier than calling from Work on Monday. They are so lovely. The nurse was so supportive, and didn't even try to push me off the phone when I vented a small amount of my frustration about doing everything right and still no result.

I also went and visited my friend who had a baby just over a week ago. SOOOOO tiny!!! (5 pounds 4 ounces). A little early but he is fine. Didn't cry at all when I held him :) She said to come round any time! I was so pleased I went today and not yesterday. I would have been all waterworks, today I was just goo goo over the wee thing.

I know how frustrated you must be with the OPKs! I am almost at the point of giving up on them with two cycles in a row with no positive. But they are fantastic for peace of mind when they do work! When are you expecting to ovulate?

10 years ago

Hi @Shelob,
Ahh it means you have best nurse n you can tell her your doubts. See this is good that you have AF on time now you can start your next round and it can be possible that this is you month. Aww one week old baby what's his name? It looks like you enjoyed that moment when you hold him?? Don't worry hun i hope you will hold your baby in your arms vry soon .
Yea sometimes i felt like it'll never happen for me becaz i haven't ovulation yet but sametime i think may be this is too early to expect ovulation. I have read many posts where ladies ovulated too late on clomid so it can be possible for me as well. Actually i'm trying to stay positive and hopeful becaz when i think too much i feel like it's over for me . so that's why i keep myself busy in work and if i have spare time, i use it in singing and dancing lol . Though i have not +OPK yet, i'll keep testing and b'ding every other day.

10 years ago • Post starter

Hi everyone,
So finally on cd16 i got smiley face on OPK. How's are you doing??[url=">

10 years ago • Post starter

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