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3 Days Past Ov April 1 -- Anyone with me?

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Hi all! I'm just 3 days past ovulation and looking forward to riding the wave of this two week wait! LOL Trying not to obsess, but I decided a little obsessing is good. I had a chemical pregnancy last month, and it was hard to try again this month with the mix of worry and sadness. Trying again has been good for my heart.

My body seems amped up after last month! I have had some nausea, chills and other weird symptoms already. Maybe heightened progesterone...I've read a chemical pregnancy can sort of prime the fertility pump.

Anyone else already obsessing? Staying sane? Want to wait together?

57 Replies • 9 years ago



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Hahahaha, I soooo understand what,you mean. I wake up and go, I'm not nauseous, or am I? I am so glad to get to go through this with some new friends!

And you're a newborn photographer?? First of all, that's awesome! Second of all, that must,be torture, and totally adorable at the same time! You don't live anywhere near Orlando do you? :) :)

9 years ago • Post starter

Oh and I have really liked the peace of mind of having ovulation tests. It was really disconcerting to try new ones this month and not have them work the same way for me!

9 years ago • Post starter

Thanks for the welcome messages, ladies! :)

And yeah, that's so awesome about being a newborn photographer! I'm a yoga instructor, and within the styles that I teach, I teach prenatal yoga.. I actually stopped teaching a couple of months ago because hubby and I decided to TTA for about 2 years and it was tough for me to be surrounded by preggo ladies.. But now we are surprisingly TTC! So I might go back to teaching :P (Maybe after I get a BFP hehe).

Hubby and I have been practicing NFP STM (Sympto-Thermal Method, like FAM but abstaining instead of using barrier methods during the fertile phase!) since we got married last July :) I've been charting since August 2013. My cycles had always been a little crazy/on the longer side, but last cycle it was much more normal (ovulated on CD20) and this cycle even better! (Ovulated on CD15 and both temp shift + mucus dry up matched!) I've also been using OPKs - got a SUPER dark line on CD15, unlike postitive OPKs that I've gotten in past cycles..

So here's hoping! I sometimes end up giving myself a headache trying to tell myself "It may not happen this cycle. There's only a 30% chance that we'll get it on the first try. I need to stop thinking about this!!" but it's so tough to NOT think about it!! Gah! :-/

9 years ago

I'm in Ireland , so quite a bit from Orlando :) but it can be very difficult, I had to take a few weeks off after my miscarriage because I was so heartbroken and holding 5-12 day old babies was like pouring salt into an open wound. Now I just keep telling myself that soon I'll be taking photos of my own baby and it keeps me going.

Laura, I am the exact same with the "there's only a 30% chance" talk but 30% is enough to cling onto and hope you're one of that 30.

I am convinced that if I'm hoping to find symptoms that I feel cramps that aren't even there and that I feel nauseous because of my mind. Mind tricks are a terrible thing. What day do you girls think you'll POAS if AF doesn't arrive?

TTC#1 MC <img src=

9 years ago

Ha, so Ireland, not so far. LOL!!! The net really is making the world smaller :)

I cannot even imagine how hard that had to be :( I am so glad you gave yourself that time.

I would love to say Ill wait but I'm definitely a pee stick addict. I had to order super cheap ones online so it wont end up costing me a fortune again. If all goes well, and similar to last time, I'd be implanting sometime this weekend. I'll probably check the next day (hides face in shame).

So do you guys have way more restraint than me? When do you think you'll check?

9 years ago • Post starter

I would also like to think I'll wait at least until AF is due as I have no cheapies so I'll end up spending a fortune if I buy loads of FRER's

The day after? Would that show up so fast? Do you get IB?

TTC#1 MC <img src=

9 years ago

Haha no, I think the odds are probably less than 1%
It's a sickness. I don't get any IB but I cramp pretty strongly for like 8 hours. Have you guys seen It's too funny.

Hope you guys will bear with me when I get my first of many BFNs. And or mercilessly tease me -- either one works!!

9 years ago • Post starter

Bahaha :P You can count on our support, Christy!

I think I'm gonna wait until 12DPO. I usually get longish LPs (like 15 days or so), so waiting until AFTER AF is due would be torture (as if waiting right now isn't torture enough!) So yeah, I think testing maybe next Thursday or Friday. I'm SO scared, though. You're totally right, ELG, you know it's "just" 30% but you cling on to that! Argh. I wish I could...I don't know...sleep until it's time to test or something. So anxious! :O

(PS.. I might test earlier. Last cycle I think I tested 6 times, the first one being 5DPO!!! Hahahaha - I love/hate how irrational the TWW makes me :P)

9 years ago

I'm Emily by the way girls :) don't ask me why I picked such a weird username (clearly a newbie)

I second Laura on that one Christy, you'll have our support :) We understand the crazy.

Ya I might test next Friday. FX I can hold out until then. I totally get what you're saying about sleeping until then I often wish the same, I always look at bed time as a super positive when waiting cos when you wake you're a day closer to a possible BFP. Wish our bodies had a LCD screen that just showed the stages "Egg successfully fertilized" "Implantation ongoing" hahaha

TTC#1 MC <img src=

9 years ago

Aw, you guys are the best! I can't believe I've met two such cool, nice people through this site. I feel so lucky!

I love the idea of some kind of LCD update. How about it, science?!

Nice to meet you Emily! I don't think you're user name is weird at all!! I think I'm the only oddball who used my name (or most of it). Too late to change it now :)

Have you guys ever looked at the charts with the symptoms on this site? They are really fun for obsessing purposes.

9 years ago • Post starter

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