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March 2014 Due Date?

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Ladies, I just got my BFP today at 9DPO. This is my second conception and the first ended in a missed miscarriage Feb, 2013. I've been experiencing frequent urination, breast tenderness and nausea. Looking forward to this one sticking, so excited we got a chance to conceive this month. Sending positive vibes out to all the other ladies.

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65 Replies • 11 years ago



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Janel - thank you for the encouraging words. Is this your First baby? This is ours... the first time we've been pregnant in 12 years of being together... we are so very nervous. Sending sticky vibes your way too!

Hearing your baby's heart beat is SOOO Exciting! I hope you keep feeling well and things go as planned for you this time. Definitely keep me posted.

I think based on my math (and I could be so wrong about this) but I think you are 2 weeks ahead of me. I'm 4 weeks 4 days based on LMP and 2 weeks based on ovulation. I wonder why they did your beta's at 6 weeks and doing mine at 4? I hope I get to see levels increase this early.

I went to my GYN today - she's not an OB - I will have to make an appt next week with the OBGYN once we find out about the beta.

Ugh... now that the TWW is over - more waiting...haha!

10 years ago

Im confirmed pregnant on Monday at DPO 16, EDD is 8th Mar 2014!!

Hi buddy!!

10 years ago

Hello everyone, hope you don't mind if I join you. I just got my BFP this morning. AF was due today. This puts my EDD at 3/11/14 which happens to be my birthday! I am so excited and trying not to be nervous since our first pregnancy was a miscarriage at about 9 weeks. I don't think my Dr will see me until I'm 8 weeks along so it's going to be a long 4 week wait....But I feel really optimistic about this pregnancy. Happy and healthy 9 months to you all!

10 years ago

Hi Alex, hi Ally! Congrats to both of you and sticky vibes!

10 years ago

Alex and Ally congrats on your BFP!! I am so excited you've joined the chatter with me and SMB! Keep us posted on your labs, doctor's visits and anything you feel like!

SMB - This is our first child we are trying to conceive, however my journey has been less than yours it sounds! My hubby and I have been trying since last year and were excited at our second chance this year. I am about 2 weeks ahead of you give or take, based on my LMP I'll be 7 weeks on the 4th of July, but I'm pretty sure I'm less than that. I did schedule the ultrasound for next Wednesday so I feel confident that either way we should detect a heartbeat at that point.

I definitely think every dr has their own protocol. My dr. office does do OB care but I'm not excited about the hospital they deliver out of, so I'm definitely scheduling an appointment with a dr. at my preferred hospital choice. I did get my first round of OB labs yesterday which they check for White and Red Blood count, Glucose, Platelet, Liver function panel, etc. I'll be interested to compare my labs from previous to now. I'm such a medical/science geek!

Keep me posted on your situation.

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10 years ago • Post starter

I won't get to see my Dr until the end of July/first of August....I hate having to wait that long....but it will be so exciting to be able to see a heartbeat. I can't WAIT!
Glad to have you friends to talk with and take this journey with.

10 years ago

Ally, my next appointment with my regular GP is on 7/25 so it looks like we'll have news to share around then. The waiting is very hard, but just know your little miracle needs a few more weeks to develop. I find reading on the internet and focusing on other things that make me happy seem to pass the time away...before you know it we'll be busy taking care of that little one constantly :)

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10 years ago • Post starter

hi all - so I got my lab results back today.... 194. They are up a bit from 137 but not as high as the doctor thought... it has been 44 hours since last test. I am trying to stay positive that my next blood test will be closer to 400. What do you ladies think of these numbers?

They are still within "normal' range and it IS an increase - but I am a worry wart all the sudden.

So another blood work on Friday morning - and appt with GYN Friday afternoon. I am 5 weeks tomorrow - I'm still thinking maybe its just TOO early to see these numbers increase so rapidly?

Still pain in right side - last night only woke me up once - went to pee and pain gone in 20 mins. One episode today - same thing - went to pee and pain went away.... no blood though - not even a trace.

Interested in hearing your thoughts - especially those who have gone through miscarriages and ectopic pregnancy before.

10 years ago

Hi ladies just thought I'd join in the chat as well.
Got my BFP last Friday. With the Dr calculations I'm 4weeks and 1day today.
Would love to have some buddies to chat with.
to everyone

10 years ago

Congrats SBLANCH! Is this your first you're trying to conceive? So happy for you and sending sticky vibes your way!

@SMB - did the doctor schedule another set of comparative HCG levels? I wouldn't get too hung up on it but I definitely can understand the concern. When I had my first conception, the doctor did not immediately check my HCG levels and when they finally did they didn't schedule the comparisons properly. My numbers weren't doubling but I wasn't so "set" on that meaning the pregnancy was going to end. I would say try to stay calm and relax. More lab testing and ultrasound sounds in order for you in the coming weeks. Once you make it past 7-8 weeks if they can detect a heartbeat, yolk sac, I say keep on thinking positively!I didn't make it that far last time so please try and hang in there, I say if you're not bleeding its possible everything is OK. Maybe you're not as far as long as you and the dr think. You're body is working on something amazing and every persons body will react differently. Hang in there and keep us posted. Sending prayers and sticky vibes your way.

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10 years ago • Post starter

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