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PCOS and Ovulation

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Looking for other women to discuss their experiences with ovulation who have PCOS? I've only been off the BC pills for 8 months and took them for over 20 years. Starting to see a pattern with my cycles but have only had 4 AF's since September 2012.

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59 Replies • 11 years ago



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im keeping my fingers crossed for you and i am going to stay positive as i can not remeber the last time i was like this and many of my symptoms i never used to get when waiting for AF to show up, so im hoping very much its getting higher and better.

good luck to you and keep me posted hope everything goes ok for you with the endocrinologist and that you did ovulate, i beleive if your bbt says you did then you did so heres hoping for you girl.

take care

i will keep you updated on any new info


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11 years ago

Kirihu, I saw my endocrinologist on Friday and she was very positive that I would conceive this month or soon so we've decided to not add Clomid until my December check up. She indicated that the fact I was able to conceive naturally before was a very good sign for me and that I should continue taking the metformin (even during pregnancy) and eat healthy and exercise moderately. My BBT chart is definitely showing that I've ovulated. I have had 3 consecutive days now with elevated temps so I believe I'm around 3DPO. My hubby and I are BD every other day so hopefully this is our month! If we were to conceive this cycle, I'd be due around his younger brother's birthday! Any news on you?? Anxious to hear if you are still progressing symptom wise. Talk to you soon :)

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11 years ago • Post starter

hi, no unfortunately the symptoms have seised, saturday evening when i was at work i had to run to the loo very quickly as i was in so much pain i was doubled over thinking i was have a flare of my crohns disease, and i ended up find a clot the diameter of a tennis ball in the bottom of the bowl sorry TMI. but since then the cramps got increasingly worse and everytime i went to the loo i had a huge clot there, and even on my towel, but saturdey evening i passed something what looked like a peice of sorry probably to much in fo but looked like a peice of (FLESH) and since then the cramps have eased and the bleeding has almost stopped the clots still come but not so much, when this was going on it felt like i was having contractions and had to push when i went too the loo. so it does not sound like good news im afraid but good luck to you this month my fingers are crossed for you, i will say do i am going to my gynea tomorrow and demanding answers as this is happening to many times and is getting worse every cycle so maybe it can be fixed in time for next cycle and can try out the femara with some success maybe.

fingers are crossed for you and keep me posted as i will for you when i know a little more about what he can do and what might be going on.

take care kiri hu

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11 years ago

Kirihu, so sorry to hear about your experience! Did your OBGYN have any information or next steps for you? Still waiting over here on this side....

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11 years ago • Post starter

i went to my doctor today and he told me my test that was done on friday was indeed positive just little bit to early for 100% gaurantee, when i explained to him what happened to me over the weekend his jaw dropped to the floor in shock and done another ultrasound, he said he can still see evidence of a pregnancy by my endometrium still being thick and has sent me for another blood test tomorrow morning to check to see what is going on, he said if it is negative he has a tablet that will solve my problem of the clots and completely clean my endometrium within 3 months to get back to normal thickness and should rid me of the clotting problem,he even said that this should not be happenig to me as i am too young and he does not understand why it is, he said if my test is positive then he said he will have to find where the pregnancy is to see if it is viable as there is still a chance even with everything that has happened that it may still be a eptopic to fingers are crossed for tomorrow.

dont worry it will soon come and you will be pregnant before you know it.

kiri hu

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11 years ago

Kirihu - what an amazingly emotional roller coaster you must be on right now! I wonder what the blood test will reveal from the doctor, keep me posted on that front. I truly think when you have PCOS the years of lack of "true" ovulation causes our endometrium to be built up heavily. I know the OBGYN that performed my ultrasounds when I first conceived kept commenting how she didn't really like how thick it was. Pregnant or not, I believe you are definitely on the right track. Quite honestly, I believe I was born with PCOS. Only since I committed to myself to taking the metformin religiously for the last 5 years as the doctor had prescribed and get my overall health back in order have I felt even ready to try for a pregnancy. I might be telling you a different story if I had started a few years back, I was truly a mess. Keep in touch and thanks for the positive vibes. I'm sending some your way. I can't tell from your profile but how old are you? This is your first your trying to conceive or second?

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11 years ago • Post starter

hi, i got a BFN from my blood test, i had a good sit down and chat with my docotr i expressed my worries and concerns with him, i told him about 2 years ago i had a laparoscopy to try to diagnose my problem which showed nothing apparently and a ultrasound to check for endometriosis, when i showed him the report he said that it said i had bilateral hydrosalpinx(basically damaged swollen fillopian tubes) he said with this condition every time i fall pregnant i will misscarry, finally a reason for why it keeps happening, but everysymptom i have is linked to that and with pcos aswell my chances are slim.
he said the only cure would be to remove my tubes and do ivf as reconstructive tube surgery will not be a option as it has been untreated for 2 years, he has insisted on starting me on that new tablet called QLAIRA to see what happens he said if i do not feel better after 1 packet i must go back to him, so i have started it with a hope it will thin my endomitrium but even he said there is no gaurantee of it working, i started it last night and left for work today when i stood up off the bus i flooded my trousers and embarassingly had to call my husband to send me some new trousers so i will be calling my doctor tomorrow to find out why that happened, but any way fingers crossed these tablets work.

good luck to you tough i hope all is going ok,
keep me posted as i will with you

many hugs to you

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11 years ago

sorry i for got to say i am 25 years old and i am trying for my second hopefully for a girl this time or maybe even twins as i have a 84.6% chance of haveing them this time around.

kiri hu

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11 years ago

Kirihu, just checking in with you to see how the new meds are working for you? Any side effects? That is awesome that you have one amazing blessing on this Earth already and I hope you get to expand your family! Sending positive vibes and blessings your way.

I'm still hanging in there, no AF and according to the tracker I'm 7 DPO and 3 days passed my suspected period and no signs of AF coming. My temperature is still elevated so things are looking good for me, I"m just debating about when to take a HPT.

Last time I conceived I tested to early with the Dr. office and then waited an additional 10 days and got a BFP. The waiting is driving me nuts but I guess that outweighs disappoint of getting a I'm holding out as long as I can.

Since my cycle phases are so erratic, I have no idea how long my Luteal phase will last but I did read that if you have a persistent elevated body temp for 18+ days with no AF, its highly suggestive of pregnancy.

I'll keep you posted on that front, but I was thinking maybe this Sunday I might take a baseline HPT check :) That'll put me right around 10 DPO so even if its too early I'm OK with that, but if I get that positive, I'll be on cloud 9!

Thank you again for all the support! Talk to you soon.

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11 years ago • Post starter

Kirihu, I couldn't make it to Sunday so I tested this morning and I got my BFP at 9DPO! I'm going to confirm again tomorrow and will follow up with my doctor's office on Monday for a blood HCG level screening. So excited and nervous! Hopefully this one sticks, finger crossed!

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11 years ago • Post starter

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