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Anyone surviving the tww ttc after a stillborn?

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I see a lot who have miscarried I am just wondering if any one has experienced a stillborn and are now ttc.

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22 Replies • 13 years ago



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Thanks JT. Doctors offices where the worse or watching some mothers with their kids and wanted to strangle them. Some mothers I see at the store of the gas station are out of control.

Yes we where giving the go ahead in April. It took us a long long time to get pregnant the first time. Then in May I started having two periods. Come to find out this was actually caused by low progesterone. My doctor (have had her since 8th grade when I had cysts on my ovaries) suggested we get back on track and start clomid. Today is 11 dpo and I know it didn't work again I can feel AF coming. This month I will start my third cycle and I'm not looking forward to it. Keep me updated on how the next appt goes. Thinking of you.

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12 years ago

JL, The pediatricians office killed me. I had to take in my odest son because he was sceduled for a surgery before we lost our son and we decided to follow through so had to get the prep appointment done and I could hear newborns screaming in the other rooms and sooo many out in the waiting room, that was one of my worst, I went to the insta care for all sick appointments after that until last week, hopefully thats a good thing, Im back to the pediatricians office so maybe back prego soon.
I think my progesterone is off also, my doc said he would be starting me on the shots as soon as I got a bfp but that just seems off to me, pretty sure I should fix the problem before? I am sick of waiting and wondering why im not getting a bfp so one month before he said he could help me I have made an appointment, he has delivered my other 3 children and I really like him so I am sure he will help me the one month early
So, 11am on monday. I can hardly wait. I'm betting cysts, hormonal imbalance, and a perscription for clomid. I feel like I am learning enough to explain the whole thing to him and help him help me.

Hopefully we can announce that bfp soon..... Somewhere over the rainbow .

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12 years ago • Post starter

I lost my daughter (our 1st) Kallie this june on my older brothers birthday. Her placenta and cord were clotted off and I just found out that only carry ONE copy of MTHFR-so that shouldn't have caused any . problems. Still no clarity on why this happened. It may be time to get dh tested for clotting factors. We miss our little angel dearly, but we are happily ttc again--with doctor approval! And we are currently enduring the dreaded tww..only 1 dpo and I'm already going crazy!! I really thought I would struggle seeing/hearing newborns and thankfully I don't because I work in maternity care and I assist during deliveries and c sections, as well as provide cares for moms and babies..including snuggling with upset little ones :( Hopefully we have the beautiful BFP soon!!!!!

12 years ago

@ waiting on a rainbow, I am so sorry to hear about Kallie. If the clot was in the placenta it is likely not anything with your husband and as your tests came back good it is unlikely to ever happen again.
I think ttc after a loss is the hardest, you are so eager to have a baby and you have expected to have that baby for so long and all the plans and dreams were llined up just had to leave behind the most important peice.
I will be starting cycle 9 of ttc since we lost our son. I am normally very fertile, I just have a hard time keeping them. 7 miscarriages and our stillborn son, so the doc has given me a script for clomid to help. Still waiting for af to show, all bfn's and she is due tonite or tomorow so I'm sure I'm out as I have always gotten my positives early. Hopefully she will get here soon, like tonite, and I can take a "magic" little pill and have myself a baby.
As a baby conceived this month for you would give a due date close to June, does that concern you. I struggled with that at one point in our ttc journey, I didnt want to celebrate a birthday and mourn my son all at once, but decided it could be such an amazing gift that it could ultimatly help it not be so hard around that time.
Just curiouse about your feelings.
Soooooo much sent your way.
Hang in there and i truely hope that your ttc journey is super short and has one of those amazing happy endings that you get to see so often at work.
Snuggle some of those screaming babies for me.

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12 years ago • Post starter

@jtomsic- Have you heard of our tried Fertilaid? I don't know what is normal after delivery, but I didn't have a cycle in june or july, so I tried fertilaid and after 18 days, I started my 1st cycle august 18th and got a positive opk on cd 20.

On the note of having a june baby. It may be a little tough, but at the same time she already shares a birthday with my brother. This if a little bit of a selfish reason, but we were expecting her in august so we have a lot of summer clothes for her that I would love to give her little sister! And yes, sister. We are really hoping for a girl, twin girls actually (they run in both of our families!)

I'm so sorry to hear of your struggles in ttc! I really hope things turn around REALLY soon for you! Have you ever been tested for clotting disorders or been to a hemotologist? It could give some insight to why you have had so many miscarriages.
to you!!!!!!!!!

12 years ago

We suffered an infant loss in July. Our baby girl was born June 27th and died July 9th. She had trisomy 18, a chromosomal abnormality. We have a 3 & 5 yr old that were conceived very easily as well. We decided to start ttc right away and I'm in the 2ww of my second postpartum cycle. If we conceived this month my edd will be June 18. I have mixed emotions because I really want another baby but I'm not thrilled about having to go thru another 9 months (or 10 since our baby girl was born at 43 wks).

12 years ago

I am sooo sorry! I actually can imagine the emptiness you are feeling and am so sorry you are having to go through this.
I also fully understand not wanting to wait another nine months for a baby. I have 3 children conceived quickly amongst miscarriages and have never thought of anything past the nine months of waiting for a baby but am now on my 10th postmortem cycle waiting to even get pregnant again.... Not to turn it to my story, I just wanted to explain. That in that time spent waiting I have been able to better seperat the loss of my son and the concept of an entirely new pregnancy and child. Some days I still have the deep feeling of wanting to have a new pregnancy and baby to make the loss of my son less intense but have really gotten to a point of knowing he is a part of our famil that we still all talk about and can be excited for a new baby with a different pregnancy. Think it has also really helped with all of the what ifs, and giving confidence that yes it did happen once BUT is very unlikely to happen again.(Ours was a cord accident, all blood work great).
Anyway, if it does take time I am so sorry, it can make it that much harder some days but, try to take time for your self and your daughter, tell people about her talk about whenever you can so that when you do have another there will not be any side of guilt with a fix it or replacement baby.!you can wait the 9 months and I hope you can enjoy them! Hang in there:)

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12 years ago • Post starter

Hi there, I too am TTC and in the aweful 2ww! We lost our first child(a baby girl named Augustine Grace in honor of the month she should have been born) on April 13th due to trisomy 13. I was 23 weeks. My heart goes out to you all, I never imagined Hell like this. I gave birth to her and she came out still in the sack like a little gift. We got to hold her, and say goodbye. The hardest part is the emptiness and the desperation of trying again. Everytime I start my period it feels like a slap in the face. I am so glad to have found you all and so sorry for your pain xo

12 years ago

I had a still born at 39 weeks 2 months ago and this month decided to start trying again.

12 years ago

Sweet augustine- so sorry for your loss. What a neat way to name her!Kallie was also due in august. I hope you get you BFP soon!

Miracle baby 2011- it's such a tragedy to lose a baby at any time, but it seems so much more painful the close it gets to the due date. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. If you don't mind me asking, do you know what or why it happened? After losing Kallie, we also decided to try again after 2 months. I think we would have sooner, but it took that long for my cycles to be back to normal. I wish you a speedy time ttc!

As for me- we tried for 2 months and just got our bfp. I'm currently 5 weeks 3 days, making my due date july 14th- the month after I lost kallie and the month before she was due. It's quite bittersweet being pregnant again. Just hoping everything goes as planned this time!

12 years ago

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