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2016 IUI/IVF

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Ladies we've had some great news lately, let's keep it going! This is for everyone starting out for their first or trying again! Best wishes to everyone and loads of baby dust!

540 Replies • 8 years ago



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Hoping- this is our first IVF, we did 2 failed IUI's. We are unexplained secondary infertility as we have a child already conceived naturally first try. We also can't believe we are doing IVF but I'll do whatever it takes for another child. My doctor said we could do 1 or 2 but I have no problem with multiples, lol.
Margie- I feel for ya girl! I've been so blessed with amazing health insurance that mine is covered 100% except for misc fees not billable to insurance, about $3200 and I spent $175 on meds.
2mom- I'm so freaking excited for you! This group makes me feel like we really have a chance with first time success.
MDB- I could never wait until proper time to POAS, will you wait for blood test?
Camasia- good luck, your cycle will start before mine. I'm will only on ganirelix, low dose Hcg and gonal-F and then trigger with either Lupron (if risk for hyper stimulation) or HCG. After IVF I'll be on 1 progesterone suppository twice a day.

8 years ago

2moms - YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY - SO EXCITED for you !!!! Stick babies stick! you could have twins!!!!! when is your next beta check?

someone asked about progesterone - I did the suppositories and all I can say is YUCK YUCK YUCK!
It is gross. But you do what you have to do. They took me off them at 13 weeks (by then the placenta takes over). But it will all be worth it...

8 years ago

Camasia, have fun in injection class!

2moms, YAY!!!! Congratulations!

Bens, woohoo on the boy!!

MDB, welcome!!!

Keth, babies still in there?? How are you feeling?

Hoping, how are you doing?! Sounds like everything is moving along!

AFM, today is Father's Day and I wanted nothing more than to test and tell hubby some great news. Today we are 5dp5dfet and we are...PREGNANT!!!

8 years ago • Post starter

Omggggggg yesssssss congrats Baby yesssss!!!!!

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8 years ago

Yeahhhh!!!!! I am so excited with the great news!!!!!

2moms, congratulations! Your numbers are super! I hope the best for this pregnancy!

Babypath, your news made me so happy! Congratulations to you too! When is the blood test? I really hope the best for you! Fingers crossed dear!

Hoping, i know how you feel starting IVF. I was too nervous and excited at same time! I too had antibiotics after retrieval and also progesterone sups vaginally. With progesterone my only problem was the left overs, which also gave me some candida. Ask your doctor if it is ok to have vaginal douching once in a while. It really helped me to clean. Also, keep in mind that sometimes vaginal sups may give you some spotting. Good luck dear!

Bens, i hope the best for your baby boy! How many weeks are you? Keep going well dear!

Margie, try to have a very good time during your vacation! You need it!

MDB welcome and good luck. I am sure you are gonna love this board!

AFM, i am ok, next doppler on Tuesday, maybe the last one. I will be on 35 th week. My belly is huge and i have pains on the bottom. sometimes i cant walk at all. Maybe one of the babies press something there and the pain gets too intense. I am not complaining! I am happy that babies are growing and are still there! After the doppler i guess i will know when the delivery will be. My doc had told me that she would be happy to reach the end of June, which is yoo close! Excited, but also stressed!

8 years ago

MDB- welcome! Sorry I was so caught up in the news that I missed out on saying hello and welcome to our group! Like Margie said- it looks like you have a good shot with 2 blasts, one hatching at transfer! When is your beta? Do you plan to test before then?

Hoping- yes, but we already have some info about the doubling! Honestly I don’t think anyone expects to be here, since it’s never talked about. We’ve decided that when we announce the pregnancy we’re going to announce the infertility stuff too, since we felt really alone IRL in this and if any of our friends are also silently struggling we want to help. This group has been amazing, but it is strange to hide it from everyone I actually know. And, unrelated, I did an antibiotic for retrieval.

Michele- thanks! It is possible! We had 4 failed IUIs first and I’ve never seen a (non-trigger) positive test. I know we have a lot to go still, but we’ve never made it this far!

Bens- thanks! I hope it’s twins! It looks possible based on the numbers and doubling time, even though I know you’re not supposed to invest too much hope in the numbers since they can be all over the place. But this site has a ton of info and it looks promising!

Baby- Thanks! CONGRATS to you too! I hope we’ve kicked off a successful round of February/March babies!

Keth- thanks! WOW wk 35! Sorry you’re experiencing some pain with the kiddos hanging out in there, but yay for making it this far! Good luck with your next doppler!

afm- clinic sent me straight to the ER when I called the on call nurse. My stomach is HUGE and horribly distended, most positions are painful (I can’t stand up straight, for instance) and I’m having trouble breathing. Sure enough, OHSS has hit me full force because of the rising hcg and I have fluid gathering in my abdomen. I was a prime candidate for it so it’s not really surprising, but the severity is pretty awful. Finding the upside- they did another beta (ahead of schedule) while I was in hospital, so I got to learn my doubling time a little ahead of the plan (I’m scheduled for another tomorrow morning). The second was 470 on 12dp2dt, making the doubling time look pretty good!

8 years ago

BABY - OMG AMAZING NEWS!!!! how perfect to tell hubby on fathers day - how did you tell him and what did he say????

2moms - hang in there - it will all be worth it.

Keth - you have made it to 35 weeks with twins - amazing.


8 years ago

Hey everyone! I hope you don't mind me crashing this thread :) My husband and I are about to go in for our genetic screening/counseling on Wednesday. That is also the day we plop down the BIG payment for IVF. From our initial consultation everything seemed promising on my end (our issue is super low sperm count), but I'm soooo terrified that it won't work and I'm getting my hopes up too early. In mid-July my next cycle will start so they will do the egg harvesting (I apologize if there is an abbreviation for this that I don't know...I feel like I just learned what TTC, DPO, BD mean and now I am in a whole new world with this IVF stuff) with a target for frozen transfer in September. I love reading all these success stories for many of you!! I will likely be back with the trials and tribulations of this process.

8 years ago

Good morning ladies,

Hannah - Welcome to our group! I think it's called a retrieval but egg harvest works too... it's a pretty accurate description. I'm doing my IVF cycle in August with the transfer in September so we may end up being TWW buddies. I also just made the big payment today. I'm happy I made it but it wasn't the best feeling putting all that money on a credit card.

2Moms - I'm glad your beta is doubling really well. Those are awesome numbers. I'm excited to hear if you actually are carrying twins. I'm sorry you're experiencing OHSS. it sounds pretty unpleasant. I hope you start feeling better soon... or worse but with morning sickness instead of OHSS.

Kethryes - Yay for making it to 35 weeks. I know my best friend is only pregnant with one and she's having a lot of pain in her hips. I hope you feel better soon. I'm looking forward to hearing about when you'll be due. I think it's understandable to be a bit stressed about the babies actually arriving. it seems like we spend so much time trying to get pregnant, that the babies actually getting here is not something we're completely prepared for.

Baby - That is amazing news!!!!! what a great fathers day present for your DH. What are your numbers?

Michele - It's crazy how expensive it is but it will all be worth it. you're lucky that you have such amazing health insurance.

Camasia - Good luck on Friday. it's exciting that you're starting soon. How are you feeling about it?

Hoping - I feel rude just asking but does that include the drugs for it or just the cycle? DH wanted to compare how much it costs us here vs how much it'll cost for us to do it back home considering the exchange rate. I'm pretty sure it's still cheaper here though. I don't know what protocol they'll be using with me. I figure they'll tell me closer to the date. I'm still about two months away.

AFM - I just paid for our cycle... it's about 7k everything in which could be worse... it could be better too but hey I'll take what I can get at this point. I'm officially slotted for August. now that I've paid one of the nurses will be contacting me to schedule my baseline date. DH is booked in for July to provide his sample to be frozen. I feel like everything is slowly coming together.

Out of curiosity did you ladies feel like grieving for the normal TTC experience that you hoped to have had? I'm happy to move a head a get closer to finally getting there but I feel sad that this is how I had to go about it.

Me:29 DH:27 Mar 31 2015: IUI #1, MC 16/04 May 30, 2015: IUI #2, Jul 31, 2015: IUI #3, Aug 25, 2015: IUI #4, Sep 26, 2015: IUI #5, Oct 24, 2015: IUI #6,

8 years ago

Welcome Hannah

Margie I'm so exited and I was sadden about not being able to conceive naturally but I'm super excited to be able to get pregnant period!!!!

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8 years ago

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