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April 2015 Babies!

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Heya there girls.

I'm out for March, so I thought I'd start an April Babies Thread.

Post here if you're hoping for an April Baby!!

me: 27 bf: 38 | JAN 2012 - | MAY 2014 - | JUNE 2014 - | JULY 2014 - | AUG 2014 - | SEPT 2014 - User Image

1094 Replies • 10 years ago



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Ok so I have an update from my earlier post. I have been nauseous all day and could not keep down what I did eat. Although my hcg test at 6:30th was negative I decided to take a opk again and there are two lines. ( result line is light but it is there. I took an opk the other day and there was no line except the control line.) (3 days ago). I have read that opk tests can pick up pregnancy before hcg tests. I have had weird cramping as well today and I am extremely tired on top of being sick to my stomach. Again I am 9dpo today day 22 of my cycle that varies from 26 to 31 days.

Any thoughts?

9 years ago

Congrats rose!!! So happy for you!!

Thank you to everyone who responded to my situation. I know I'm over reacting. I know he's just feeling pressured to preform and then on top of it he's incredibly sore from work. I'm feeling better about it all today. I was just having a weak moment. But thank you all for your replies!! You girls are the best!!

So I'm out for April. (Unless the bd we had 4 days ago kept spermies alive inside of me until yesterday. Which is possible. But I'm not very hopeful about that). Today's tarot reading said I'd concieve though. Fingers are crossed. It
Im doubting it. I think I'll take a little break this month and focus on
Other things.

me: 27 bf: 38 | JAN 2012 - | MAY 2014 - | JUNE 2014 - | JULY 2014 - | AUG 2014 - | SEPT 2014 - User Image

9 years ago • Post starter

Snowwhite: you never know. Don't count yourself out until the witch shows her ugly face. And whatever you choose we will support you and be there for you.

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9 years ago

How do everyone get the cute little thing on the bottom that shows the days till ovulation and so on and so forth.

I just bought fertilitea. I don't know what it is going to do but I am willing to try anything that is natural and can help me ovulate. This is going to be the most expensive baby ever. Once this baby comes (not pregnant yet, I know) I will be spoiling this baby till I cannot spoil him/her anymore since I am trying so hard to have him/her.

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9 years ago

Hi ladies, so as I said I am new to the CD2P site and I'm just wondering how much folic acid you all take while TTC? I am in Australia and I am reading lots of conflicting reports on the internet between US, UK, Canada etc

I have a multi that has 300mcg and I just bought folate pills that have 500mcg.

Does anyone know if there would be a problem if I had both at the same time? Or should I alternate (i.e. multi on Monday, folate on Tuesday, multi on Wednesday etc??

Your thoughts are appreciated!!

PS So happy to hear @Rose's exciting news re: I wish you a very and I hope that we all can have the same come April too!!!

& to all

9 years ago

Congratulations, Rose!

Ababy2love: You can make your own ticker here:

I coudn't wait any longer, so I tested today and got to say hello to good, old evap line for the very first time. Serves me right for using internet cheapies. But I'm only 9 DPO today, so not stressing about it. Had expected a negative one anyway, so it hardly matters. Gonna give it another try tomorrow. And the day after. And ...

9 years ago

Oldbiddie: Thank you so much for telling me how to do it. Also it was worth testing, some women get their bfp at 9dpo. However, you have 5 more days that you can test where the test may change. Good luck.

Afm: I think af is finally gone. I researched and found out that it should not have an affect on my ovulation. They just said add another day or two (depending on length of af, of course) to ovulation date. I also am reading a book found in CT2P links called The Sperm Meets Egg Plan (it's free you guys) by Deanna Roy. If you read it please give some insights and if not then I will share what I learned.

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9 years ago

Hi Ladies!

Sorry I have been MIA. Just wasn't in the mood to sign on over the weekend and have been really busy at work yesterday and today. Finally had some time to catch up on the posts. Sorry if my responses are from posts from a couple days ago and sorry if this ends up being a really long post....

Rose16: I pray it sticks too! Not really sure how to look for the pic. But all the other ladies seem to see it so...YAY!

_snowwhite_: I am so sorry you are having issues with the BD'ing and with your making you feel attractive. But don't think of yourself as's not a weak moment for feeling the way you are feeling. The only thing I can suggest is talk to him and tell him how you feel. Otherwise it's going to happen again. My DH tells me all the time to tell him how I feel. I went through a spell like you...where I was starting to feel unattractive. Not because we weren't BD'ing, but because he stopped touching me while we were. I felt like I was initiating it all and doing all the work while he just laid there and never gave me any attention. It got to the point where I just finally started crying after we had DTD and he had gone in to take his after BD shower. But I must've still looked all tear struck cause he could tell I was unhappy when he came back to bed. So I told him how I was feeling. He was upset for 2 reasons...1. Because I didn't tell him and 2. Because he never wanted me to feel that way. He has long stressful shifts at work too. So I understand he is tired but still I work too and I still make the time to make him feel good. We always discuss the BD schedule before we start and that way he knows it's coming. And he is ready for it. So, talk to him. Tell him how you are feeling. Guys are idiots when it comes to this stuff. LOL, even my DH says that. Your BF just might not realize he is making you feel that way. But communication is the key in all relationships. I agree with Ababy2love and she has some great advice. I know it's not easy to hear it. But I would definitely hold off BD'ing until you talk to him. Chances are he just doesn't realize what he's doing but best to be safe than sorry.
Hang in there and GL! Hopefully that BD session was enough for you though to get your April baby and the tarot reading is correct.

mommydaddyvillarreal: sorry to hear about your previous mc's. A friend from another Forum went through the same thing last month and ended up with twins. Are you temping as well? The best way to tell if you have officially ovulated is seeing your temp rise for 3 consecutive days. Good luck!

Notjustaprettyface: Welcome to the Forums and good luck! I take a prenatal vitamin that has all the required vitamins and amounts in it. My pills are prescription but I do know that you can get prenatal vitamins over the counter too. Try going to the site Baby Hopes. On there I know they sell Prenatal Vitamins and Omega 3 pills.

Babydust85: Every other 2 months my schedule and DH's schedule are opposite too. It is definitely a struggle but we do the same thing by discussing the BD schedule so we can make it work.

RPope84: How long is your luteal phase typically? I read your post from yesterday when you mentioned you were on 4 dpo and you were expecting AF to show Wed or Thurs. That would make your luteal phases only 6-7 days long. If that's true then it's time to see the doctor because I don't think that's normal.

armywife2014: Hang in there. I have been there too where it feels like all the symptoms are there and nothing happens but AF. Really sucks! But 9 dpo is considered still too early for a BFP to show up. The earliest I have ever known someone to even see a faint line is 10 dpo. I have never understood using an OPK as a HPT but I have heard of other women using it too. Only thing I can suggest is wait a couple days and take another HPT and see what it says. Hopefully your nausea is a good sign and not the flu.

Ababy2love: I drink FertiliTea as well! I like it. I stopped drinking it for a while. But started to drink it again this month. I originally bought it in the loose tea form...But that started to get annoying after a while. They finally have it in tea bag form. Don't drink it within 2 hours of your Prenatal Vitamins. It has the same effect as dairy. Which is it messes with the folic acid in your pills. I will look for that book when I get the chance.

AFM: I feel like this has been the longest wait until O. I had a strange baby dream the other night. Which for me it's strange because it's before I O...I don't typically have dreams like that until I am in my TWW. I haven't been getting a +OPK until CD16 these past 2 months. So DH and I are going to start BD'ing Friday which will be CD 12 and start the EOD BD'ing then we are planning to cluster it when I see the +OPK...meaning every day for 3 days. Hopefully this week goes by

User Image Me:38 DH:40 TTC #1 since March 2013 Been seeing Fertility Doc since Nov 2013 Please check out my page and you will see a whole list of things we have been doing for this whole TTC journey. 1 Fur child (cat)...named Kit 2 step kids... Boy: 13 Girl: 12

9 years ago

Hello ladies.

I am 12dpo today af is due in two days. When I went to the toilet I had light pink blood on the TP, nothing on my underwear, second time I went out to tinkle had same pink blood on TP. I am not sure now if this is Af or implantation bleeding. Can implantation occur at 12 dpo on 28 day average cycle or has Af arrived early? Help please.

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9 years ago

Brownstone: I have always read that implantation can occur between 6-10 DPO. However that doesn't mean that it isn't implantation bleeding. Maybe you O'd a couple days later. I don't see much on your chart...are you temping or tracking CM?

User Image Me:38 DH:40 TTC #1 since March 2013 Been seeing Fertility Doc since Nov 2013 Please check out my page and you will see a whole list of things we have been doing for this whole TTC journey. 1 Fur child (cat)...named Kit 2 step kids... Boy: 13 Girl: 12

9 years ago

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