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Over 40 & TTC anyone in my boat???

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Hi Everyone,

I am 44 this year and am TTC, I got married back in 2012 to my DH... We had a MC back in 2011.

I have 2 daughters for my previous married aged 20 & 16 with we love dearly.

I had been on the POP Cerazette/Cerelle for about 2 years and have hear so horror stories about not having AF etc...

Well I had been one of the lucky ones so far, I came off POP Jan 29th 2014 & O on the 13th.
Then on 15dpo AF came.

I guess I had mixed feelings as we are TTC but was still happy that we are in the game.

Anyone in the same boat?

Please share your stories

746 Replies • 10 years ago



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Hi Ladies! I'm 45 years old and ttc#2. My son is 7 years old and is praying for a sibling....even though he has NO idea we are trying. My DH is praying for more than one, but that is another story!

I am on my 2nd round of Clomid, Estradiol and Progesterone. If I don't conceive after my 3rd, dr is referring us to a specialist. I'm also taking a baby aspirin, multivitamin w/ folic acid and royal jelly. Tests on both of us are great so I guess it's just a matter of timing and whether or not I have any good eggies left. I'm doing my BBT, checking CM and using OPK's so I'm keeping my fingers crossed for this month. I'm currently cd9.

It's really nice to hear so many ladies over 40 who are ttc. I had my son naturally when I turned 38 and conceived on my first attempt. What a difference 8 years makes! YIKES!

Sending and to all!

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9 years ago

Hi babyangel,

Yeah it would be great to see this page full of BFP's over the next couple of months... great to see you have joined us. xx

6dpo been eating a ton of sweet stuff and still a lot of watery CM, a couple of twinges in lower left side and that's it xx

9 years ago • Post starter

Hi!!! BPF's sound great! My anniversary is on July 29... am 48. TTC over a year... first 6 months...just trying...switched insurance....did blood work... all came back great, then went to specialist.... a very, very good one who after they did their Clomid challenge test agreed, but the first words out of the Dr mouth...donor eggs.. No. Went back to my Dr (he is sooooo nice) and did clomid for 4 months. (Clomid should come with a warning for me or at least a roll of yellow tape, I'm so horrible) and then my wonderful Dr. said no more, and referred me to another specialist. This is my 3rd month of gonal f with timed intercourse. (injections are better, but dang, I'm so not a needle person, dh gave them first month, then I decided to do it myself, mood swings are much better, got headaches the first 2 months which were overwhelming, and am exhausted constantly) Am hoping to give my dh (he's 29, odd choice prayed to God for someone who would adore me and he sent him) an anniversary gift....... Yes, I have kids but we would love one together... one with my smile and his dedication. I'm a fighter, don't know how to quit or give up and he's strong. So, I don't know how to do more, but its been a challenge! Baby dust to all... Happy 4th!!

9 years ago

My hubby is younger than me too I have 2 girls but none together...same as you God made my DH just for me he was just to young when I really wanted him, but there when I really needed him haha xx

9 years ago • Post starter

Hi Jaxx0267. I am not interested in donor eggs either and would love to have another of my own. Good luck with the injections! I am on clomid and I know what you mean about moods and warning signs... I'm worse now than I ever was PMS'ing. Yikes!! I try to keep myself in check, but I can either be like a mad hornet or weepy. Ugh!
That's right...we all need to stay strong and keep praying for our bfp's. Happy 4th to you also! & to everyone!

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9 years ago

Hi All,
I'm in shock here I just done another test today and I got a BFP!! I haven't told anyone yet I'm literally in shock shaking!! So WE can get pregnant after 40! My youngest was 13 yesterday! I'd love to tell them all now but I'm not going to tell the kids yet. I'll wait and hope for a healthy little sticky bean!! When my hubby gets up I'll tell him but even tho we we're trying its still going to be a shock lol! God love him his nerves will be gone!! If it all works out PLease God I'll be 41 and due on hubbys birthday!! I knew the first time I posted that I was pregnant but just hadn't a positive test yet. ATM I feel verry nauseous and sore BBs!:(

So ladies Please keep the hope up like I did! You can get pregnant after 40 and I didn't even get a chance to get my Ovulation sticks this month But what I did do differently was I drank up to 3 litres of water a day!! My CM Greatly improved from that (very quickly too I might add!). Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers and I'll do the same for you too!!
Wishing You All Sticky Baby Dust !!! xxx

9 years ago

congrats!!!!! wishing you 9 wonderful months and more!!!!

you give us all hope!!!

Karlou will you be testing tomorrow? any more symptoms?

i gave up the IUI idea for this month. just chickened out for no reason. Had a +opk last night and today. We bd the night before the positive opk, last nigth, and will tonight.
think i am covered?
I had mild ovulation pain yesterday and more intense today (as i am writtting) so i guess my follie is about to burst right?
it s kind of fanny (n funny) having sex with a schedule but...

fingers crossed
hope everybody gets a BFP this summer

9 years ago

Hi Meranda Thanks a million!! I still in SHOCK!!!
Yep that sounds good! I'd also BD in another 2 nights after tonight so Tonight, then on Monday so your defo covered!:-) I hope you have some good luck and also drink loads of water trust me on that I was never a water drinker but I had to lay off for a few days because I thought it diluted my tests that I was taken so now I'm going back to the water!! How are you Karlou?? I think it's a great place for everyone to talk too!

Wishing you ALL a BFP!! xxx

9 years ago

Wow one of our ladies has a BFP!!! fab news hunni so happy for you xx

9 years ago • Post starter

Hi meranda ,

Just tender breasts that's it I think lol been eating sweet stuff all week though lol I am keeping my fingers crossed for tomorrow too are you feeling hun? xx

9 years ago • Post starter

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