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Private Testers Support Group Part 3!

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A "secret" group for a not-secretly awesome group of ladies. :)

As I said in the last thread, I'm CD 9 and nothing exciting is happening, unless you count patchy depression and seasonal affective disorder "exciting" :-/

576 Replies • 10 years ago



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lawbride thanks hun :) I'm feeling like crap! I mean physically I'm okay. Emotionally I'm crap. I am so excited for your girl though! I figured it was a girl too :) Is DH excited??

10 years ago • Post starter

Luv: I am still here. Yes, I'm a "lurker", however that doesn't mean I care any less. And...yes...I know...How else would you know unless I made my presence and my interest known?

I'm here with everybody and I share the joy and feel the pain. Afterall, I am undergoing the same "trauma".

Hi ladies: Jada, Blue Law, Afmedic, Cam, Holly, Amag, MamaKB, SMH. Hope we are all getting to the place we need to be, at least mentally! Have a great day.

10 years ago

Janie's--thanks. I swear mental health is the hardest thing for me to attain. How are you doing? How's life? Anything exciting to look forward to?

Luv--aside from the euphoria I feel over today's news I've been pretty down in the dumps...which is why I've been more absent than usual so I can totally relate to just feeling well, sad. DH is beyond excited...the first thing he said is that she's going to be a daddy's girl.

10 years ago

Law: I really can't pinpoint how I feel, except to say "I'm here". Not quite at hopelessness yet, but pretty close. Watch out for your DH and his getting ready to spoil "Daddy's girl"! lol. Happy you were able to find out the sex...hope there are no boy parts hidden anywhere! I know you'll be happy either way.

10 years ago


Luv, I tend to agree with you...I understand we are all dealing with our own situations, but yeah if you have a moment to get on and keep up at the least say hello! LOL. I hate you are going through it emotionally and unfortunately I think we all have those moments. I have not started on the next step so I can't completely understand, but here if you need/want to vent. Plus I could be there one day and any insight you have is welcomed. ?How's work going? Any new clients?

Law, Hey hun!!! Whooo hooo a baby girl :) That's so very exciting! I secretly hope to have a little girl if blessed to have a LO! I just scrolled down and saw you had another reply, so sorry you aren't feeling well either. How are classes going? Did you mention names before?

Jan, Hi glad you are still around and that you chimed in! Maybe it does or doesn't help to talk but know we are here and we do want to here from you!!

AFM, well the day is half over...I have two more meetings so hoping that will drive the afternoon and I will be outta here soon! Only half a day really tomorrow with my appointment being at 2:30. Had some cramping earlier, kinda felt like AF :( I am CD23 today, last cycle was 29 we will see!

10 years ago

Jada--classes are fine, it's just this paper looming over my head that is killing me so much. I get really depressed and start hating myself over all sorts of things because I'm just so stressed and down about not having done it already. There are other people,who are still working on theirs so I'm not alone but this makes me feel worthless and like a failure. School is something I've always been "good" at but I'm struggling and it's rough. Names...well, it was going to be Alexa Grace but now I'm leaning toward Harper Grace so I have to convince DH ...I think he'll cave :)

Janise--how's life outside of TTC? I know this area can feel like its our entire life but hopefully you have bits of happiness sprinkled throughout so that TTC is easier to cope with.

10 years ago

janise I'm sorry I didn't mean to indicate that I was bashing all the people who don't post very often! It's more about the women who have gotten BFPs, then ONLY pop in to congratulate the other women here who get BFPs, not supporting anyone else who is still struggling towards that goal. It makes pregnancy feel even more like a "secret club" that I will never be able to join. You are right that you are still with us in our common struggle and I definitely do not include you in my rant ;) I know a lot of the girls still TTC are going through some crap right now and can't post very often. We will be here for you gals when you come back!

lawbride I hope that for the most part the "dumps" feeling is hormonal. At least that is temporary, which doesn't really help at this moment but it makes the darkness have a light at the end. You have a lot going on so it makes sense that you'd be stressed. Just remember you are a strong woman! And you have a little girl to set an example for ;) heehee! Glad your DH is so excited!

JLH thanks sweetie! You are such a doll. I am glad you get what I was saying, which was clouded by my raging hormones and crying for good swaths of the day. Hope your meetings go quickly today! Actually I am getting a "new" client, it's really a returning client but it'll be some extra money each week so that's good! My fingers are crossed for you to have an amazing appt. You deserve good news and decisive action!

AFM still feeling a bit down but I've been trying to distract myself with cleaning. Also I have pretty horrific gas so it is hard to stay depressed when you occasionally produce truly hilarious smells. I mean LORDY! Also I am getting a lot of laundry done. This day will not be total shit. I am determined to make it okay.

10 years ago • Post starter

Luv: Don't worry I understand. Its like you are standing in a long miserable line and talking with the lady behind you and then she spots her friend up front, gets her stuff cashed and walks past you out of the store without a glance; like the two of you never stood talking for 20 minutes. That's how I feel sometimes..

10 years ago

So, I guess I am another guilty of the "lurking". Sorry I don't post often anymore, but with no computer at home it's difficult and being able to log in from work long enough to do anything has been near impossible lately.... And trying to post to the forum from my cell phone seems like an endless struggle for me. Not to mention my CRAZY work schedule here lately.. But I can assure you all, that my absence is not because I don't care about you ladies still ttc....

Anyway, if I miss any of you, I apologize... but it won't let me look but so far back when I try to reply.....

@BlueRose: So, sorry about AF coming!!! I will be thinking of you this month and fx'd extra tight!!

@SMH: Congrats on the birth of your sweet baby girl!! :)

@Luv: Have you tested this month yet? Or are you still waiting? I am sorry you are feeling down. Fx'd this is your month!!

@Law: Congrats on the baby girl!! Harper Grace is a beautiful name!!

@JLHart: Hey girl... How are things going for you?

@Janise: So, sorry you have been down... You are in my thoughts....

Again, I apologize if I missed you...

10 years ago

1st--thank you girlie. I'm leaning towards Harper and just have to have DH come to my side. How've you been anyway? Good I hope! How many weeks are you now?

Luv--thanks for the encouragement. I will get through it. I will get through it. I'm going to be the little engine that could for a while! :)

10 years ago

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