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December Testers Support Group!

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Hi everyone! This is a close-knit group of women who support each other throughout our cycles as we struggle through the rollercoaster of TTC.

We love new people so please feel free to join us with an introduction and just describing your journey with TTC so far :)

The best way to get support is to give support, so join the conversation and no drop-ins please! We are all in this together and we are here for friendship and sisterhood!

611 Replies • 10 years ago



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Busy day today but wanted to say hi and hope everyone is doing ok?
Il be I back this eve so will catch up with thread then xx love to all.

10 years ago

Man! I feel like I cannot keep up with you gals!! I love that the forum is buzzing though!!

@law: I am excited for your appointment on Friday!! I think its super early to be able to see the heartbeat but I will keep my fingers crossed for you. Hooray for bigger boobies! Oh, and I think you have me your itching problem :( I've been CRAZY itchy at night... Luckily benedryl knocks me out. Sorry about the bad night of sleep.

@rice: I am looking forward to your appointment too! You are law are lucky you are so close together in this. And you are super lucky your bff is pregnant at the same time too! Another girl from the forum and I got pg at the same time and we stay in touch - she is 2 day ahead of me.. its fun to have someone going through the same stuff. I hope your nausea doesn't get too bad!

@1stTTC: So glad your pup is back. Keep her safe from those darn coyotes!!

@Holly: I am excited to see what your doctor says as well!! Hopefully your lining will get nice and thick this cycle!!

@Mamak: You should totally watch Pretty Little Liars. Its not amazing by any means but it holds my attention :) Guilty pleasure. I am doing pretty good. Tired...

@amag: Sometimes its the least likely cycles that BFPs are obtained! I hope bding once was enough!! If not though, you have an excellent plan in place :) I can't wait to hear about your IVF class you are going to tomorrow!! So exciting!

@afmedic: I hope coming back to work wasn't as traumatic for you as it was me! I am so sorry to hear about your sleep issues and migraines! You poor thing! That is so cool you volunteered at the Winter Shelter. Is it cold where you are at? We are supposed to get down in the 20s this week and I really worry about those without a warm place to sleep.

@luv: I am so sorry you are going through this and are being more or less treated rudely by your doctor :( I hope AF shows up asap so you can get this next cycle going!! 2nd time is a charm! NO need to apologize at all. We miss you when you go mia but totally understand. (((HUGS)))

@oak: Welcome and good luck!!

@magic: Welcome and good luck!!

@JLHart: So glad you made it through the day if just barely :) Probably good that you stay away from meds. You can take benedryl and tylenol and thats about it. Sorry you are still feeling crumby :(

@beauty: Hey there! I am doing ok. How about you?

@blue: Sorry about the uncertainty right now! Sore boobs are a good sign and blood drops can go either way. I'd say ditch those tests!! Good luck!! I am still holding out hope for you!

@baby#2: What is bv? Sorry you have it.

@Nicolene: So sorry about your tooth!! Ouch! How did mediation go?!?!

AFM: I am so ready for it to be Friday.. :(

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10 years ago

@hope bv is short for bacterial vaginosis. Doc assured me that it's really common though I've never had it before. She said it is due to a pH imbalance that probably started when I stopped taking bc. She told me that it wouldn't affect my chances of conception except for the fact that I'm too self-conscious to BD while I have it. She told me a simple round of flagyl will clear it up.

10 years ago

SMH--sorry beautiful. At least the benadryl works and makes you sleep. I so wish I could say the same.

10 years ago

@baby#2: Ah! Got it!! I had bv once years ago. The meds should clear it right up. I would be surprised if your dh even noticed you had it.

@law: Thanks lady. Hopefully the itching is better tonight.. I've been using bio oil but I could tell the areas I missed were the worst as far as itchiness. Too bad my itchiness doesn't decrease yours!! lol!

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10 years ago

Well, my first u/s is now tomorrow (5w2d) and it's with my RE instead of some other doctor that it would've been with on Friday. They're swamped right before the holidays because the office is closing for a week or so. Lucky me I got an appointment in time. I'll do another blood draw for my obgyn tomorrow because he wants to see that my levels are over 2000 and then do an u/s to give me a due date.

10 years ago

luv: that really sucks but take the time you need to destress.. we all know how it can be and hoping af is around the corner so you can reset!!

law: good luck with the U/s tomorrow hope its nothing but good exciting news for you!!! you really deserve to be happy!!

SMH: thanks for the thoughts you are truly a wonderful presence here!!i keep my fx just in case thats once is enough guess time will i am excited and nervous for the class tomorrow dont know what to really expect but i will let you all know how it goes!!

oak and magicdust: welcome to the forum you will love the ladies here they are wonderful and can get you through the hard times. where are each of you in your cycles. i have been experiencing some of the same as you starting with about 3dpo starting with some light cramping that seemed to come and go but now at 11dpo i feel like af is going to be here early!! hopefully she will stay far away for all of us!!

blue: i feel exactly the same as you right now. my boobs have been super sore, and had a few spots of blood yesterday at 10dpo a little brown spotting today but cramping was present this morning feel a little better now but i can help but think AF is coming early. i dont know if its the new meds messing with my cycle but i have never gotten any signs of her this early!!

AFM as stated above a little confused with my cycle this month. had some weird cramping around 3dpo then on and off still having it but feels more like AF cramping now. yesterday at 10dpo had slight bleeding then just stopped and today have some light spotting. But i fear AF is around the corner i will wait and see will test sunday which would be 16dpo roughly 2 days late.

10 years ago

Law: Good Luck!!! â?º

amag: I am 12DPO, AF should be here to torture me around Saturdayâ?¦hopefully she doesnâ??t show up! Last night I finally slept through the night with help from a sleep aid, but I havenâ??t been sleeping well and getting up tossing and turning for the past few nights. I have had a pretty consistent headache for the past three days. I felt some back cramps again this morning, normally my period back cramps are much more intense, these ones just felt achy. Also, sorry if TMI super bad gas pains but not the same sharp pains that I was feeling yesterday, those were on and off and sharp and quick. I feel super heavy in my abdomen like a heavy bloating, I donâ??t know how to explain it I guess. I have no sore boobs still and my last cycle I had sore boobs a week and a half before AF showed up, this cycle I feel nothing! I donâ??t know if I am seriously insane but my husband mentioned the veins on my chest were really blue and he didnâ??t know that was a symptom of early pregnancyâ?¦.so hopefully this is the month for all of us:) That would be awesome. What have some of your symptoms been? Aside from mean AF feeling like she is coming earlyâ?¦?

TTC Baby #1

10 years ago

Amag - your symptoms sound really great. I'm so excited for you. Hopefully the spotting was implantation. Fingers crossed for you!

Oakcandy - Praying AF is a no-show for you on Saturday! Your symptoms sound great too. I'm very hopeful for you as well.

Lawbride - U/S tomorrow. Great. We cannot wait. It is even better that you are able to see your RE. If you can see the heartbeat, it will be nice to share it with the person who helped you get there! We are still hoping you see 2 heartbeats! [lol]

ttc_baby#2! - Sorry about the BV. Hope it clears up soon and you can get back to BDing without worry.

smh - Why are you ready for Friday? Are you having a rough week?

Nicolene12 - Sorry about the tooth. That is the worst pain ever!

Luv - Just wanted to send you a virtual [hug]. Hope you are okay.

Magicdust - Back at cha? How are you today?

AFM - Today is CD2 whoo hoo! I had my baseline U/S and have 3 follies on the left and 4 on my right. She wasn't 100% certain about the left because she couldn't get a good view of it (I saw the nurse practitioner today isn't of my RE). If my bloodwork today is good, they will call me this afternoon and tell me to start my Letrozole tomorrow. She also added two shorts of Estradiol to my protocol (CD6 and CD10) to help with my lining. My red raspberry leaf tea arrived today. Guess I will have a cup after lunch.

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10 years ago

As if my story couldn't get more horrifying, my brother told my estranged father about my fertility problems yesterday. I told my brothers that in CONFIDENCE after a year of keeping it to myself. Now his wife is pissed at him, my other brother's wife is pissed at him, and I called him up and chewed him out. I don't need a father that I refuse to talk to knowing about my extremely personal business. GOD. Let's see how this situation gets any worse in the days ahead.

Also AF has started, which is the only bright spot here.

10 years ago • Post starter

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