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March IUI 2014

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I just wanted to start another board on March IUIs.
My first one in February failed and here's to hoping that this second one will be the charm. Can't wait to see some BFPs and some Thanksgiving babies!! If I conceive this cycle my EDD is Nov. 26th.
I'm CD2...

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486 Replies • 10 years ago



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Red - good lord!!!!!!! That is pricey!!

TX - I'm taking Femara now. I'll take it for the next four nights. Other than that, I'm not taking anything. I really hope it wrks this time. If all is good with my ultrasound I'll go in for my second IUI next Friday.

Chrissy - I've never heard of SIS. Good luck!

10 years ago

I'm buying fertile aid for men tonight. Has anyone tried the one for women? I'm always afraid that some of these things are gimmicks posing on the desperate.

10 years ago

Red my 'retold me you could not take fertility aid or fertility blend and Clomid or others of this type together. You might want to ask before you buy the female version.

10 years ago

Thanks, TexasGirl! I actually ordered them but was able to change my order to remove it. That makes sense. Got 2-day delivery for my hubs to start on fertilaid for men.

10 years ago

AMK i guess it is called Saline Infusion Sonohystogram ...i guess i wil have a lot of cramping so we will see how it goes. You ever hear of that or anyone here have it done ?

10 years ago

Chrissy - I just googled it. I guess it's sort of like the HSG test (dye test). It was like 10 minutes and it just felt pressure and cramping that went away after they finished the test. Hopefully everything is ok.

Have any of you ladies tried any home remedies to help with TTC? I've sworn off alcohol and caffeine and I've been taking prenatal vitamins every morning.

Good luck to you and your husband Red!!! Hoping we all get good news this month!! Xoxo

10 years ago

chrissylee33, I've had a bunch of SISes. They're a bit different from an HSG. With the HSG, they shoot a heavy dye up into the fallopian tubes to see if they're clear. With an SIS, they fill up the uterus with saline (about to the size of a 4 month pregnancy) so they can see the interior of the uterus. The uterus normally looks like a deflated balloon, so they can't see the geography. Some polyps, depending upon placement, can act like an IUD - so it's a good thing to find out if you have them and where they are. To get them removed, if necessary, isn't a very big deal.

I find the SIS fairly painful (I'm in the minority, most people don't find them any worse than a pap smear or IUI), but as soon as it's done, the pain is gone. I never had any residual cramping (although the saline does leak out for a bit, you'll probably need a panty liner). It helps to take some motrin or aleve before hand.

Texasgirl13, WOO HOO!!!! Best of luck!!

Me: 45, unexplained (but now ancient) Husband: 46 (perfect in every way) Married 21 years 1 daughter born 07/2011 after TTC for 12 years

10 years ago

Essemkay thank you !!!! Been waiting since October to try!!!! Longest wait ever

10 years ago

essemkay, wow really well that's what I have to do so we will see how it goes did you have polyps too?

My friend said consider it a cleaning of cob webs lol so I am trying not to think about it too much. Maybe I will have better chance once that is done for implantation :)

10 years ago

Chrissylee, I've had two SISs and they weren't painful at all. They weren't comfortable, but anytime someone is poking around inside my vagina with a metal speculum isn't comfortable! I did take a motrin before hand just to help me relax during the procedure, but I'm pretty sure I didn't need it. It was just like an IUI, they use a speculum to get a view of the cervix and then use a catheter in the cervix to inject the saline. As long as your cervix is pointing in the right direction it shouldn't be painful. If it's pointing backward and they have to fish it out with claps, then it'll hurt. Try to relax as much as possible and it will be over in 5-10 min.

Texas!! Yay, so exciting!! Now you really have to pick out those swimmers. I'm so interested in this process, let us know how you are weighing what factors.

I went to an IVF seminar last night, my HMO holds them quarterly, so we went just to look at our options. The presentation was pretty standard and costs were laid out. ~$17,000 for a fresh cycle (with meds) and $3,500 for any frozens after that (gulp). I asked the doc afterward about my super fast response to the meds and he actually had an answer!! I was starting to think there wasn't a way to fix it. So his thought for why it is happening is that my FSH is starting to rise in the middle of the previous cycle's luteal phase (most women's FSH starts to rise between CD1-4 of current cycle). This is the drug that tells your ovaries to make a follicle. It is also the drug the injectables mimic to get your body to produce more follicles. But if my ovaries have already been exposed to FSH for up to a week+ before we even start the injectables then they have already started follicle formation and picked the dominant follicle, which is why I'm getting fewer big follicles than most women would on the same protocol (and why I'm getting them so much faster). He postulated that my released follicles are also probably immature, which is why I'm not having IUI success. Now, how do we fix this? On an IVF protocol he would put me on birth control pills and lupron to keep me from producing FSH, then the the injectables would be the only FSH my ovaries see, which would be a more controlled growth cycle. I asked if they could do lupron for an IUI cycle and he said that this company doesn't as a matter of practice, but that I could ask my RE about it and I might get lucky. He thought that I could do my own experiment and use birth control pills (for a cycle, which means skipping a month of TTC) without the lupron and then start the injectables as soon as I come off of the BC pills. I think I'll give that a go in May, as I'm traveling a lot that month and won't be able to TTC that month anyway. So I think I've just talking myself into two more IUIs (I was down to just one more).

Essemkay, have you heard of this? If you don't mind my asking, what was the cost of your IVF cycles? (You are my local expert, I hope you don't mind my asking questions.)

10 years ago

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