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Who wants to try an experiment?!

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TWO people that I know of (on this site!) got pregnant recently on their FIRST month trying EVENING PRIMROSE OIL! After TTC for over a year and starting my 3rd clomid cycle, I am ready to give this a whirl! I'm on CD 2 and took my first dose tonight. Anyone else want to see if we can get some more s?!?!?!?

304 Replies • 13 years ago



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HAPPY BIRTHDAY DINKY!!! Hope u enjoy ur special days, 2day and 2mrw!

12 years ago

Happy Birthday Dinky! Feel better soon and enjoy your day tomorrow with DH. Sounds fabulous!

Nicole - I wouldn't think the EPO could cause an infection either. I hope it clears up soon!

Liz - I agree most women probably have no idea when they ovulate so I wouldn't put too much stock in those stats!

Joy - YAY for puking!

AFM - 11 DPO and tested this morning. . I'm positive I'm out. This is my third cycle on clomid with perfectly timed and nothing. I'm going to tell my doc I can't take the clomid anymore. It is just way too hard on my body. I'll take a cycle off and figure out what our next steps are but feeling like its just not going to happen for me at this point. FF gave me a free VIP week and it even said I had a "HIGH" probability of conception with our BD schedule. I'm about ready to give up.

12 years ago • Post starter

I'm so sorry =(
Don't throw in the towel yet!!!

User Image ***Good luck to everyone!***

12 years ago

Hi ladies!!

Victoria - Aw sweetie I am sorry to hear about the bfn. Dont give up tho, it's still very possible that you havent even implanted yet and therefore wouldnt get a pos hpt yet. As for FF... I actually paid for VIP service for 3 months or more after my trial expired (can't remember) Every month it told me I had a high probability of being pg... just goes by O day and when you bd'd. Really hope you get your bfp soon hun!

dinky - HAPPY BIRHTDAY!! Sorry to hear your feeling so icky. A cold could mess with your bbt, but I'm pretty sure it wouldnt cause you not to O.
As for the "morning" sickness (what a stupid name for it) it doesnt really help much when I eat. It seems to just do whatever it likes no matter what I do!

Liz - Ah, I see. Thats super weird that the doc actually called you with the results! Last time I was pg I never even ended up finding out results from my bloodwork or anything!

AFM - Having a lazy day at home... I see a lot of these in my near future... I just feel like crap!!

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

12 years ago

Joy told me about this experiment when I was asking questions about EPO!

Started taking it 2 days ago. Today more CM than usual at this time. Spotting after AF ended yesterday. Headache though for 2 days not sure if EPO is the culprit, or if the 97 degree weather is. Will keep taking it to see if headache continues...results seem so promising that it is worth the headache for now!

Congrats to all those that got BFP with EPO! It must be such a relief! hopefully the positive response will continue :)

Allison User Image

12 years ago

Victoria: I'm so sad for u that u had to see another bfn- but, I agree with joy. I don't think you are out yet! I'm praying af stays away!
Joy: ya, I was a bit thrown off by the phone call, especially considering he was a walk-in dr. He does work out out of the same office as my g.p. though.
Allioak: hi! Welcome to the thread!
Afm: So tired lately, and still crampy every now and then (plus, of course, the nausea). Working 5 days a week in a recreation program for developmentally disabled adults and by the end of the day i'm exhausted! I have a 7yr old at home (turning 8 on aug 8th, party planning, woo hoo!) and we just moved in at the beginning of the month. I have SO much to do and not enough time in a day- its hard to make myself relax. I know I should be taking it easy, but easy is not in my personality! Im an all out kinda gal, lol! Anyway, just a little vent, sorry. Im going to bed now, ugh!

12 years ago

Hi ladies. How is everything going? I'm excited to hear about more BFP's. It sounds like some more might be coming with your promising symptoms!!
I have had negative OPK's the past two days now. Well I think they are. They aren't nearly as dark as the tests cd's 7-9 and I think are a bit lighter than the control line now. I'm interested to see if I ovulate more than once in a cycle or if I always ovulate early and so hubby and I have been missing it for 10 months. The only strange thing is that I had pos OPK's days 7-9 but didn't have a temp spike until today at cd 11. Does this mean my eggs get stuck or something? What a crazy early o month. Either way hubby and I have tried to have some fun with it :)
Still taking my epo and hoping for a BFP in a few weeks!!

12 years ago

Ally: stop the epo when ur temp spikes! Glad to hear u probably o'd, but if u are going to o twice in a cycle it would be within 24hrs of the 1st. Good luck!

12 years ago

Oh yes. Thank you. I'll stop the epo today with the temp spike. Do you think by it regulating hormones it could have made me o early? I thought if I o'd again it might be in a week or so. That's not the case? I wondered If maybe I o'd at the beginning and end of my cycle and so hubby and I were missing it with bd'ing all the time in the middle of my cycle. If you o twice it's back to back within 24 hrs? I this is normal for me then I have a very long luteal phase (that's the second half right?). Is that a bad thing?
Oh ladies. You are wonderful. Thanks for all the answers and inspiration during this long ordeal.

12 years ago

Hi ladies
I have been keeping up with yall just not replying. I thought i had Od earlier this cycle but obviously not. I even took progesterone cream and still didnt have a period. I started taking opks again and this is my 4th day of positives. I know im not pregnant because my hpts are negaitve
So frustrating. Anyways i guess the Epo delayed ovulation and when i started taking the progesterone cream i screwed my cycle up. I just dont know what to do. I know if i call the dr he is going to put me on bcp for at least 3 months.

Im so happy for all the ladies who got bfps.

Praying for all yall

Shea Soy Cycle1- Soy Cycle2- Soy Cycle3- "For nothing is impossible with God" Luke 1:37

12 years ago

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