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December Testers Support Group!

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Hi everyone! This is a close-knit group of women who support each other throughout our cycles as we struggle through the rollercoaster of TTC.

We love new people so please feel free to join us with an introduction and just describing your journey with TTC so far :)

The best way to get support is to give support, so join the conversation and no drop-ins please! We are all in this together and we are here for friendship and sisterhood!

611 Replies • 10 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

161 - 170 of 611 Replies | Last Page

Hello :-) new here on my 2ww.
The ups and downs of am I ? Arnt I. ?
Had sweats and shivers tues /weds last week now left with lingering cold
Had odd tummy "bubbling " sensations. Last week too. And mild tummy cramp ish not like AF.
Today feel like my period is about to start. Odd pains in my ovaries and odd pin prick type sensations.

Ahh this wait is a killer !

Any way look forward to getting to know you all. X

10 years ago

Magicdust, Hey! Were you also having weird sharp pains, the "pinprick" type I am assuming is similar, I have been having them too and weird cramping but waiting is killing me!

TTC Baby #1

10 years ago

Ahh oakcandy that's reassuring that we are both in the same boat.
It's odd isn't it , the pain ?

When are you due to test ? Have you had other symptoms ? Xx

10 years ago

Welcome magic and oak! You'll love it here!

afmedic--I tried both ambien and lunesta in the past and neither worked for me. I can function without sleep but I know it's bad for me so I'd like to remedy it if possible. I need something that helps with an inability to stay asleep.

1st--I'll go check it out! :)

10 years ago

Magicdust, I have had a bad headache for the past two days...I did test this morning and I got a BFN, but then again it might've been too early to test. The reason I thought the cramping was weird! A few days after ovulation I got that weird fluttering feeling and cramping really in back and abdomen. I haven't had any implantation bleeding yet and I do not have sore boobs which might be a good thing because last month mine were killing me and AF showed up. How about you? Have you tested yet? :)

TTC Baby #1

10 years ago

Hi ladies...

Luv, I really have no words....I just hate you are going through this. It's not fair...I do hope that you will get to your next iui prior to your travels. We are here for you!

Sailor, I am so so sorry to hear of your loss...again, there are NO are definitely in my thoughts and prayers!

Holly, good thoughts your way this cycle, love your banner!

SMH, hope you made it though the day ok...I barely did! LOL!

AFM. Hey lady! How are you?

Amag, welcome back :) hope all is well!

Law, how was the day? I'm sure they will feel like they are dragging until your appointment, but we are here to keep you company ;)

Rice, hey there...any new symptoms?

1st, how are you feeling?

Kimmy, Oak, and Magic, welcome! Good luck to each of you!!

AFM, ughhhhhh this cold WONT go away. I am in a class for two weeks and my nose ran, I sneezed, it just sucked! Want to take meds, but worried to....still seeing some cm when I wipe....6dpo today....

10 years ago

Good eveming everyone...hows everyone feelin..??

I am fearfully and wonderfully made!!!!!

10 years ago

Hey BeautyFull_Diva24, Good! How about you!

TTC Baby #1

10 years ago

Im doin okay @Oak...
how are u??

I am fearfully and wonderfully made!!!!!

10 years ago

Hi oak .. I too had like bubble sensations in my tummy a few days ago.
I have tested (far to early!!) bfn .. Really gonna try and hold out now.

Sorry to read about peoples losses and wonderful to read about the BFP too.
Hugs to all x

10 years ago

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