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February 2016 Babies

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I'm going ahead and starting this board since I know for sure I'm out January. ladies!

Me: 27 DH: 31 TTC #1 since January 2015 & User Image

267 Replies • 9 years ago



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161 - 170 of 267 Replies | Last Page

BeautifulDisaster - I'm so sorry Hun, that sounds very hard emotionally and mentally. I pray your blessing awaits you very soon. Keep your hope alive and keep trying. You always hear the stories of women getting pregnant when they least expect it. I don't know if this will help, but a couple of years ago, I was overweight, and having all sorts of issues in my body, skin, mind (was put on heavy antidepressants), cycle (long cycles with heavy bleeding), breathing (never had before and put me in the hospital). My husband decided to go "Paleo", which I refused for over a year. I was doing Nutrisystem, but was not losing weight. So I gave in and started a less strict version of Paleo. I gave up grains, and switched most sugars I used to coconut sugar. No dairy, which is fine because I love almond milk. After 1 year I lost 25 pounds, within a year and a half it was 30lbs. No exercising, because I'm quite lazy, just eating Paleo. We go out to eat every friday, so I don't hold to the Paleo diet that one meal, and I can indulge in bread, ice cream, etc. But just for that one meal a week. On Saturday nights I have an organic ice cream during family movie night as well. But the rest of the week it's lean chicken, ground turkey, Whole Foods fish sticks, and occasionally grass feed beef burgers. All the fruits and veggies I want, and lots of almonds, cashews, and other nuts. It's worth looking into, especially if you don't like to crash diet, or exercise. I also gave up weighing myself when I gave up dairy, sugars, processed foods, sodas and grains. I did that because I didn't want to feel deflated if I thought the needle on that scales wasn't moving. I only allowed the Doc to weigh me at appts. and was happy every tie I got the new weight. Good luck Hun!

Namdaed - I'm sorry showed :(

9 years ago

Hi Ladies,

Well last week felt like a short vacation. It was a staycation and we had so much going on I feel like I need another Monday (Memorial Day) My doctor opened his office and saw me to see if I had a ripe egg yet. Thankfully yes..he said it was just above size 19. So on Tuesday we had the IUI. He did say, since this is our 3rd IUI. If this doesn't take he's referring me to a more advanced specialist. PLEASE GOD! Let this one stick! I really don't want to switch to yet another doctor.
Today I am feeling funky but I can't tell if it's because of the progesterone I am on or if it's all good signs.

Wednesday we spent the day running errands, doing some projects around the house and getting ready for Thursday.

Thursday, was our anniversary and we spent the day fishing. Sadly we didn't catch anything worth keeping. We did get a bit too much was a beautiful day. All in all I had fun.

Then we had the kids over the weekend and went to my parents house on Sunday for dinner.

I am so sorry if some of my replies are well overdue. But I didn't get the chance to sign on much last week.

Welcome to all the new-comers and I wish you luck this month!!!

Bens10: Wow, those seem to be a lot of eggs they found. My doctor wouldn't do an IUI if there were that many...too close to a possible dangerous "multiple births" situation. Did you do the IUI?

Sailors wife: I know this is a late response...but after 2 1/2 years of trying...sadly, BD'ing has become a chore. I pray it doesn't take that long for you. Now, it's a schedule and I let him know when we plan to start and as long as my IUI doesn't get in the way, I just put a star on the calendar as a mark for when we are supposed to have sex. Then DH can try to get in the mood when the time comes. So sad that the romance isn't really there. Hoping that once I get my THB or at least pregnant it will change and come back.

I have that problem with my ring too! When I wash my hands I have to take my ring off and once I am done drying them I put it back on. Just so I don't leave my rings somewhere I got into the habit of putting them between my Or in my pocket.

bookgirl87: How did DH"s appt go?


dsinha1011: How are you feeling after the surgery?

TTClate30's: Awww, I am so sorry for your loss! I pray this one works our for you too!


Margie_M: Hey girl! I think I missed your post...did you have your IUI? What day are you? for you this month!

nharty09: Been on vacation so I haven't been on much in the past week and a half. Sound like you had a great time on your vacation! I am praying it was perfect timing for the both of us!

kelley828: My DH keeps saying to take it one day at a time. He used to say there's always next month but now he only says that when AF arrives. I think he now realizes I hated hearing that earlier. Men don't seem to understand that just because their age doesn't make a difference that ours does.

BeautifulDisaster: It is extremely hard being around people who are lucky to get pregnant without barely trying, even with their 2nd & 3rd babies. My best friend is pregnant with her 2nd and I have a very hard time chatting with her. Hang in there sweetie!

If I forgot anyone I am truly sorry! I will try to keep up with everyone better now

So sorry to those who got AF! Congrats to those who saw BFP's!
And good luck to those still in the TWW!

User Image Me:38 DH:40 TTC #1 since March 2013 Been seeing Fertility Doc since Nov 2013 Please check out my page and you will see a whole list of things we have been doing for this whole TTC journey. 1 Fur child (cat)...named Kit 2 step kids... Boy: 13 Girl: 12

9 years ago

Quick question for those of you doing IUIs or at least taking fertility meds. Are any of you getting coverage through your insurance? If not, how much is the medication, etc (if you don't mind me asking!)? I do not believe my insurance will cover any of this and it freaks me out to think how much it may end up costing to go further. I called a fertility clinic today to get some info and they want to do a SA on DH and do blood work on me on CD 3 or 4 if I start this month. I want to be ahead of the game if AF appears this time, but I know DH will want more info on it so I'm doing all the research I can beforehand! Praying if I get everything set up that maybe I won't need it after all

9 years ago

nharty09: has your insurance covered your treatments up till now? Thankfully, mine covers it. But I didn't know if they covered IUI and IVF until I called and asked. They cover IUI's and up to 4 IVF retrievals. I pray I don't have to do the IVF though. If I were you, I would call your insurance and just ask if your insurance covers any of the treatments and how many. Some only cover 1 IUI, some covers a few. FX'd! Hope you find out it's all covered.

User Image Me:38 DH:40 TTC #1 since March 2013 Been seeing Fertility Doc since Nov 2013 Please check out my page and you will see a whole list of things we have been doing for this whole TTC journey. 1 Fur child (cat)...named Kit 2 step kids... Boy: 13 Girl: 12

9 years ago

Hi Ladies,

nharty - My insurance covers the drugs for the IUI and part of the treatment. We still have to pay $200/cycle for the actual IUI.

Lolo - Yes I had my IUI on Saturday, so I'm 3DPIUI. Luckily for me it wasn't as uncomfortable this time and we got to BD as per the doctors instructions the night of and the morning after just to cover our bases. FX that this one sticks for both of us.

BeautifulD - That really sucks. My sister got pregnant and had my niece since my DH and I have been TTC. It's always a difficult thing to hear.

Namdaed - I'm sorry AF showed

risa - did you get the results from your blood test yet?

kelley - FX that you O soon. Men can be wonderful and they can be the biggest idiots on the planet. I love DH but he isn't always as understanding about TTC as he probably should be and yours sounds similar. Sometimes they don't think things through before they say them. I know it can be super frustrating month after month. I'm just hoping it will be worth it in the end.

AFM - 3 DPO/DPIUI I hope we caught the egg. I'm actually feeling more confident about this cycle. I'm hoping the TWW will pass quickly. At least work is crazy busy for the next few days so the time should fly by this week. I'll obsess next week.

Me:29 DH:27 Mar 31 2015: IUI #1, MC 16/04 May 30, 2015: IUI #2, Jul 31, 2015: IUI #3, Aug 25, 2015: IUI #4, Sep 26, 2015: IUI #5, Oct 24, 2015: IUI #6,

9 years ago

Lots of IUI's this cycle.

I am 6 DPIUI/O - My NP wants me to go in for blood work tomorrow just to check my progesterone level (to make sure I ovulated). In the end, I had 4 mature follicles. When I got pg with my DD, I had 3 mature follicles and got one baby. So I am keeping my fingers crossed this one takes, as I am not sure my insurance will cover another IUI. They changed their policy in APRIL! just my luck...

Congrats to madelinesmommy and Querdoodle on their BFP!

I think we will have more BFP coming with the group! I have a good feeling!

9 years ago

I have realized it is a for sure. Now I have to book an early scan to see that ut is located in the right place. They say if you have am X you have a bigger risk it will happen again. But somehow I have a good feeling about this. But it is nerve-racking.

Keep your hopes up ladies! It happens when you least expect it!

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9 years ago


BeautifulD, I get it too. My sister-in-law got married in the summer. End of october they announce they are expecting. They will "roll with it" as they werent trying. She is due july 1st. I emailed her today to check in, see how shes doing. Love the power of social media.

Doc said I should have the result tomorrow. I'm still holding on to hope that Im odd & thats why hpt was negative.
Guess I should look into my covrage as well just in case.

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9 years ago

Thanks, ladies. From what I have found online my insurance does not cover any fertility treatments. They will cover procedures, etc, to correct any fertility issues, which I am guessing is if I had a blocked tube they would cover the procedure to try to open it up, but that's it. Hopefully I won't need it!

9 years ago

Appeli!!!! Yay!

9 years ago

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