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Who wants to try an experiment?!

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TWO people that I know of (on this site!) got pregnant recently on their FIRST month trying EVENING PRIMROSE OIL! After TTC for over a year and starting my 3rd clomid cycle, I am ready to give this a whirl! I'm on CD 2 and took my first dose tonight. Anyone else want to see if we can get some more s?!?!?!?

304 Replies • 13 years ago



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Hello ladies! U are all so uplifting! Im so excited to check in here everyday!
So my blood results came back and beta hcg level is 787 as of yesterday. The reference guide they gave me says '25-426 @ the 4th week, 25-7340 @ the 5th week. I know I I know I'm only 15dpo. Are the #'s really that relevant? What does it mean if it's high?
Baby dust to u ladies!

12 years ago

I broke down and tested this morning at 9 DPO. BFN. I know its still kinda early but I feel like I'm already out. Sooo sad.

Liz - YAY! I knew you would get some good betas! Your doctor's pee test must REALLY suck! Maybe you are going to have twins?!?!?!?!

SouthernBee - Don't feel bad! I was just kidding around but love that you shared that info with us. I'm O and got a negative so maybe there is some truth to it....?

Baby - that your cold symptoms are a good sign!

Ally - OPKS are the worst. I can get several positives throughout my cycle. Just BD about every other day until you can pinpoint O. And no, you would not be stupid to test for pregnancy. I would.

12 years ago • Post starter

Good Morning, Ladies-in-BFP-Waiting!

TeacherToria: You are so totally not out!! 9DPO is WAY early to be testing, even with the FRER (you need to try out the CTP "Pregnancy Test Calculator" for some reassurance, I think!). After 2 years of this game, I have sworn off of early testing. I just let AF do the dirty work for me - when she shows, then I get upset. If she doesn't, then I test! Otherwise I'm just bummed out from the time I get a (way too early to test) BFN until AF shows, and I don't want to give in to sad or negative emotions until I absolutely have to. So no worries yet, ok? You're still in the game!

AFM, the stuffiness and sneezing is beginning to subside, certainly in comparison to yesterday which was pretty brutal! I'm thinking that maybe it was just a result of my cat sleeping on my head after all? I'm also still a bit confused about my temps. They continue to hover between the 97.6 to 97.7 mark. Also, not sure why my CTP BBT chart isn't showing a coverline? So confused.

Anyway, hope everyone has a great day!
to all!

I'm 39, hubby is 45. Happily married since 1999. TTC #1 since 2009. Three 1st tri miscarriages: Oct. 2009 @ 6 wks March 2010 @ 8 wks (w/heartbeat); D&C March 15 Sept. 2010 @ 5 wks All tests clean. 6.15 (FSH) 81.2 (estradiol) Diagnosis:"Unexplained Infertility" User Image Nov. 2010: Clomid cycle (100mg) - Canceled due to too many big follies (6!) Dec. 2010: Clomid (50mg) cycle w/3 big follies - BFN Jan. 2011: Femara cycle w/3 big follies - BFN Feb. 2011: Follistim w/Ovidrel IUI cycle w/3 big follies - BFN March 2011: Stopped fertility meds and took a break April 2011: TTC naturally+acupuncture

12 years ago

Hello ladies! I was travelling and didnt have access to the internet, thats why I havent been on. Interesting thought about the blood type. I am O neg, DH is O pos...I wonder...
I am feeling great, CD 10, only thing is yesterday I seem to have come down with vaginitis. Doesnt quite feel like thrush, although this is pretty routine for me, I have yeast infections pretty constantly. I wonder if it has to do with the EPO? I figure since it changes CM it may have changed the pH, thus the infection. Any input on this? Anyway, Im not treating it with medication, its not that bad. Just drinking lots of water, having yogurt, and hoping it goes away SOON.
Hope you are all doing well! Missed you guys!

User Image ***Good luck to everyone!***

12 years ago

Hi ladies!!

Yikes! I missed a lot!!

Nicole - welcome home! How was your trip? Not sure about the infection being cause by epo... possible, but I've never heard anything about it. Hope it gets better on its own soon!

Baby4MJ - Ooo... sneezing/stuffy nose is good! I've had that the whole time I think! AND my bbt was completely messed up this past cycle... FF couldnt even determin Oday let along a coverline!!

Victoria - 9dpo is way too early!! You're not out yet!

Liz - I dont put a whole lot of stock in hcg levels... higher ones can mean twins, but not necessairily, it's differnt for everyone. Yay for you doc confirming pregnancy tho!!

Bee - Oops! 4got to ask my Mom yesterday to see if she new my blood type!! Haha! I will find out eventually I promise! LoL! When there used to be blood drives I was always too underweight to give so I never found out! Never had any surgeries and they never told me when I was pg last time.

Ally - How many pos opks is that in a row? I often got them 2 days in a row.

DMPage - I had "cold" like symptoms too!!

dinky - A cold could be a good sign! And Happy Birthday for tomorrow!!

Hope you are all having a good week! And sorry if I missed anyone, or anything!! There was a lot to go through!!

AFM - Been super hot and humid here the past week... yesteday was SO bad!! Today we're supposedly gonna get some rain tho, so hope that cools things off a bit!!

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

12 years ago

Hello ladies!
Victoria: bfn @9dpo is discouraging, but doesn't mean u r out! Maybe eggy just took its time implanting? Hang in there! Im sure u will get your bfp soon- even if it feels like forever!
MJ: according to cpt I didn't even o this cycle- which is obviously not the case! Do u do your own charting as well? A temp spike as little as .4 degrees could indicate o, then the coverline is calculated by going 1/10 of a degree higher than the highest of the last 6 temps b4 the temp spike. I have heard the coverline doesnt hold much value except that it helps visually to distinguish the 2 phases. My bbt dropped below the coverline a few times in my lp this cycle. What cd is this for you?
All u stuffy-nosed sneezers: it's a good sign! My nose has been stuffy and I have been sneezing as well- still am! But no cold has shown up yet! I wonder if it's connected to the increased sence of smell?!
Shea: u live in Canada right? Where abouts? Im on the west coast, near Vancouver and it has been rainy and overcast all ''summer'', still kinda warm though so it's pretty muggy. Wishin for nice weather for both of us!
afm: a 2nd look at the guideline sheet and I notice the weeks are measured from LMP! So I am almost in the 5th week, right on track I guess! I think its odd though that they would still consider it the 5th week even though I know I o'd only 2wks ago. Anyone know why?
Good luck ladies! U are all in my thoughts and prayers everyday! Baby dust!

12 years ago

Oh ohhhh! Slight thrush symptoms are another one of my preggo symptoms. Happened with all 3 of mine! :D (just trying to stay positive!)

DMP - TTC #3 after several chemical pregnancies. May we all have success! God Bless!  BabyFruit Ticker pregnancy week by week

12 years ago

Hi ladies!!

Liz - Did the doc tell you you were 5 weeks even tho you only O'd 2 weeks ago?? I am interested to see how far along my doc says I am since my lmp was 3 weeks before o-day.

AFM - Let the vomiting begin! I think I miss my nausea... LoL! Never had this last time I was preggo, so hoping its a good sign that this one is gonna stick!

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

12 years ago

Joy: I o'd on cd18, so almost 3 weeks. The paper i'm getting the info off of is the lab results sheet from the bio lab- they give your results directly to you so u don't have to wait to see the dr. It was a walk-in dr I saw, but he did actually phone me with the results also, which was a bit strange. Drs never phone with results, if theres anything they want to discuss they usually have the front desk lady phone and make an appt. But I did mention to him that I was pretty sure of when I o'd, he didnt say much except that the guidelines are approximate. Maybe they consider gestational age from lmp b/c most women dont know when they o, then they do the more accurate timing at the 1st ultrasound? Some thing to ask the doc, I guess!

12 years ago

Hi girls! It's my 32nd bday today and i am at home sick. You are too sweet for being so encouraging, but unfortunately my stuffy nose was just the beginning of a really bad cold
DH organized it secretely with my boss that i get tomorrow off and he is taking me to a nice hotel near the mountains, for some wellness and hiking . I have been such a b***h towards him lately (hormones?) so it is sooo nice what he is doing! I have promised myself to behave .
CD10 today, can't figure out if OPK this morning was positive or not. Plus with my cold, my bbt makes no sense . And I am also thinking that because of my cold maybe i wont even ovulate this month? dont want to ruin the experiments statistics, so we might need to take it into consideration when the time comes.
Victoria, I am keeping my fingers crossed for you, wait a few days and test again-you are definitely not out yet!
Liz I know it's hard not to worry about it, but it sounds that everything is normal! and the charts are just inidications based on statistics, but each body is different and reacts differently, so from what i understand there is NOTHING to worry about!!!yay, i am so happy for you!!
Joy, sorry about the vomiting, but on the other hand it is kinda nice, right? At this stage I cannot wait for morning sickness, flatuleness etc.. . Does it get better when you eat sth?
Nicole, i doubt EPO triggered your infection, as it has anti-inflammatory effects, hope it goes away soon!
To the rest of you, sending you all positive energy and . And to the lovely stalkers, thank you so much for sticking around and for being so encouraging...
Taking my tea pot back to bed and hoping this cold disappears by tomorrow!!

12 years ago

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