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ttc after cp

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Hi ladies. I just had cp at 5 weeks... im sad...but bleeding is nearly finished so we gona try again. Is anyone in my shoes aswell? How soon did you ovulate after cp and got bfp again? Baby dust to us all :)

667 Replies • 9 years ago



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Nikolina - yay for AF coming to an end :)
Lots of positive thoughts this month :)

Alice - of course you will get there :)
I know that feeling well. After my mc in 2011 I went through 5 weeks of heartache and fell straight away with my daughter.
Something felt bad the first time where as with my daughter I felt positive.
Doesn't stop you worrying I know but I know it will all be fine!
December is a lovely month to have a baby :) how magical!

Missy- how are you today Hun?

How old are all you lovely ladies? Hope you don't mind me asking?
I just turned 30.

How long have you been with your partners?
I have been with my husband for 12 years this coming October and we have been married for 5 years in July :)


<a href=

9 years ago

Hey Emmy. Yea, im soo glad af is finished and we can finaly have some fun ;)

Me and my hubby are together 7 years, and just got merried in october 2014 :) so we still a newlyweds :) He is the best person in my life and my best friend! I can not ask for better husband and i feel soo lucky!! :) And i know that he is gona be the best dad ever :) and i just turn 30 aswell :)

lods lods baby dust to us all :)

Alice i hope you get the best results tomorrow :) Yeey, we have a bfp in d house today :) and lets join Alice this cycle aswell :)


9 years ago • Post starter

Emmy, thank you so much for your comforting words!!! They mean a lot!!!

I don't mind you asking :-) I don't now what you mean by 'just', but going to say "Happy Birthday" anyway!!! :-)
I'm 25 (turning 26). My husband is 36 and we've been together for 7 years (married for 2 years next August). Looks like we both started dating our husband at 18 :-)

Best wishes and baby dust!!!!!


9 years ago

Nikolina, your story makes me happy, I can tell you love your husband deeply!!! And I too hope you all will get your BFPs soon!!!!!!

Come on, BFPs, bless all these ladies with your presence!!!!!!!!!


9 years ago

Emmy, Doing ok today, thanks for asking. Lots of cramping... ugh. really tired today too it would seem. Wish I could take a nap! :p
how're you doing? AF tapering off yet or still going strong? Mines usually 4-5 days depending, but not sure as this is the first one after CP. I'm 28. My hubs and I have been together almost 7 years, but married for 6, we got married in July too, the 7th, what day did you get married?

SO SO SO happy for you Alice!!!! yay bfp!! :) :) :)

3 Daughters born 12/16/09, 07/30/12 & 3/12/16 * 1 Chemical pregnancy @ 4 weeks 2/24/15 <img src=

9 years ago

Awwww Nikolina!!! That's so lovely!!! I remember the honeymoon part well it's just so wonderful!!!
Wish we were still newlywed! We are hoping to renew our vows at 10 years. So only five years to go :)
Your words are so beautiful! I know what you mean about them being your best friend! Same here :)

Alice yes we met when I was 18! Seems like a lifetime ago now though lol!
he is the only man I have loved & it's so sweet :)

Oh yeh when I say just turned 30 I mean in December hehe! My birthday is New Years Eve! A crazy day to have a birthday but I love it!!!!

Wish I was 26 again ;) not so sure about being in my 30s now lol.

How long has everyone been trying?
Our CP in Nov was a moment in Paris! Such a shame the beautiful memories there are marred by sadness :(
After the CP we have been trying but my cycles have only just last month retuned to normal so I guess we have been trying two months xxxxxxx

<a href=

9 years ago

Hey Missy!
Boooo to the cramps! I've felt super tired today to! & sick :(
Yeh my AF is normally 5 days so it's tapering off today :)
& got my ovulation tests today! Yay!

That's so lovely you got married in July to! We were the 31st :)

Are you trying anything new this cycle at all? Xxx

<a href=

9 years ago


I usually don't log on at work, but something told me to and I am SOOOOOOOOO happy I did!!!!

ALICE!!! I am so very happy for you and praying for a super H&H 9 months for you :) I am sure everything is fine and will continue to be. I hope you stick around with us!

Nikolina, yeah that the witch is leaving for real! Jump on him..he will love it. I am actually CD16...had to look at my app because I am not really tracking anything this month :/

Missy, so sorry you aren't feeling well, hope she moves on soon and stays gone for at least 9 months after that!

Emmy, Hey lady!Your trip next weekend sounds amazing and that will be awesome if you conceive...just may be what you need! Enjoy the hairdresser too :)

AFM, I am doing ok...just waiting and seeing what happens. Focusing on the visit to the clinic which is helping me to relax, which is probably what I really need to do, lol. I turned 34 on New Year's Day and my dh just turned 47 last yeah time isn't on our side, but God is so I know it will happen. We are both in the military (how we met) and we were married on Dec 22, 2012.

Come on more BFPs!!!!


9 years ago

Hi ladies!

Emmy, I too hope that AF has packed her bags! How are you feeling?
I'm so sorry to hear about that horrible timing of your CP :-(
Hopefully your relaxing weekend will yield some very good memories!!! :-)

Missytwoshoes, I hope that your AF also went on a holiday. A very long and far one, preferably!!! :-) Do you feel better today?

Nikolina, how are you doing? And have you found your cervix? :-) I'm crossing my fingers for you, hun!!!!!

Jada, the fact that you had to check you app to know your CD sounds promising! :-) Being distracted from your cycle can be a pleasant change, and they say it can help when ttc! :-) It would really be amazing (and ironic :-p) if you would be pregnant by the time of your appointment :-) Btw, so cool and romantic that you and your husband are both in the military!!! :-)

Thank you, Jada, for your sweet words!!!! I'd really like to stick around, but if any of you find it annoying, please tell me! I'm serious, I really don't want to be the annoying pregnant woman :-s

AFM, I got my blood results and my values were normal for 4w, so that's a good start! I made an appointment at 8w and now I'm just hoping I will make it that far :-)

To answer you question, Emmy: we were trying since March 2014, and nothing happened until I got the CP in February 2015. That was my previous cycle.

All the baby dust in the world to all of you!!!!!!!! I'm crossing my fingers tightly that April will be the most fertile month EVER!!!!!!


9 years ago

Jada - I agree with Alice that is so sweet you are both in the military! ????
glad you are doing ok. Lots of positive vibes sending your way!!!

Alice - so glad all results were good :)
Eek the 8 week appointment is so exciting I remember it well.
The time will fly by! :)

AFM - AF is a lot lighter today and should be gone by end of tomorrow :) yay!
my fertile time should start around next thurs so fingers crossed the time doesn't drag!

Are you girls doing anything nice this weekend?
We were going away but myself & my little girl are full of cold.
As it is easter weekend my husband is off work from tomorrow until Tuesday :) so some much needed family time. We are having a big roast family dinner on Sunday.

Hope everyone is doing ok. So thankful to be part of this little forum!
Was telling my husband what sweet ladies you all are and how I feel less alone :) xxxxxxx

<a href=

9 years ago

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