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September 2017 Babies

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For those who are hopeful for a special Christmas gift this month :)

162 Replies • 7 years ago



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Strange how all doctors are different! We had our first scan at 7 weeks 1 day! Confirmed the pregnancy and heard the heart beat! Am now 8 weeks 5 days. But our only other ultrasound is around 18 weeks!

7 years ago

Yeah it is strange :(
But ... my doppler came today. And i heart the heart beat. And it was amazing. And now i feel like i can chill :)

7 years ago

I paid for early scan privately cause of missed miscarriage last year. I get entitled one next week at 14wks. Best of luck 2moro mrs mayne

7 years ago

Scan was amazing. Seeing baby has made it so real!

Theyve put us ahead by 2 days. Measuring 12w6d. Now due on August 31st

Couldnt be happier :)

7 years ago

Great news mrsmayne

7 years ago

Snap mrs mayne scan yesterday edd now 31/08/17

7 years ago

Awww. That's cute :) and how are you feeling?
I had a really horrible week again with morning sickness. But touch wood. Have felt better r the past 3 days :)

Are you showing yet?
I have nothing :( I even had to ask baby if she's doing any growing haha
I'm sure I'll wake up one morning and have popped out like a balloon.
I can feel my uterus at night which is awesome :)

7 years ago

Oh gosh have been feeling rotten for last 8 weeks mostly evening time but has eased last two days. So hopefully it's the end of nausea for both of us.
I have a little tummy but can easily hide it, looks more like weight gain than pregnancy bump though ????! Take care ????

7 years ago

Felt baby move tonight!!!!!!! 3 DEF kicks and then drank some OJ and my DH felt him too!! 12 weeks 5 days today. So happy, I LOVE this part!

Also started showing around 9 weeks but getting more obvious now! This is second pregnancy for me.

Feeling YUCK! have been sick practically this whole month. Got the flu, then a cold, then ANOTHER cold. Finally starting to feel better.

Morning sickness has been terrible this time around with it hitting it's worst at night. Finally got on medication (Diclegis) and that helps a lot. But also get dizzy almost every time I stand up and then can't stand too long before I start to feel faint. Have another appointment with my Midwife Friday so hopefully will learn more about that.

How is everyone else doing? Almost in second trimester!

7 years ago

30wks this week, all going well, baby boy will be here soon enough, how are ya'll doing?????

7 years ago

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