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10 DPO (I think) and NEED some one to talk to.

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Hi ladies! I am tired of the stalker folk not replying to my comments or topics. :(

I want to find a nice lady who is online daily and is in her tww.

For once let us close a forum with an update!!! I find more often than not a woman starts listing her symptoms and bfns but NEVER updates the forum with the outcome. D:

I'm tired. Lol

So, if you're in the same boat that I am - please respond! I'm on daily and I am currently suffering from horrible line eyes!!

578 Replies • 10 years ago



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AF came today. Onto the next month I suppose

9 years ago

Its an expensive habit Jo lol xx

Sorry to hear your AF has come sweetie xx

9 years ago

Booooo to AF! I'm glad you're hanging around Joriefm! Thanks for the support!

9 year old son Two Angels in heaven lost at 8 weeks It's a BOY! Baby #2 due 3/16/16 fingers crossed and praying everyday Third times a charm! User Image

9 years ago

Good morning ladies!

Just wanted to pop in and see how everyone is hanging in there.

AFM i'm on CD6 and waiting to ovulate and do the dreaded TWW again. Generally I ovulate on CD 17 or 18 and have a short luteal phase, but this month I am taking B6 and Red Maca capsules to help extend my Luteal phase on top of my Prenatal and Vitamin D.

DH and I will also be trying pre-seed for the 1st time this month. Hope this works. Hang in there ladies. I wish you all and

9 years ago

Hey ladies. So I mentioned last week that I was pretty sure I ovulated early, on CD 12. I've had a lot of (gushing) brown discharge 1-2 days after DH and I BD (which I never get at this point in my cycle). I assume the gush is from the mixture of CM and his stuff. After that's all out, it becomes light brownish to white. I've also had some cramping for the last few days. BBS are terribly sore, which is normal for me. If I did ovulate on CD 12 I'm 9 DPO today. I have a pretty good feeling about this cycle but there is a tiny part of me that thinks maybe there's something wrong and my symptoms are not early pregnancy symptoms at all. With DS I had zero early pregnancy symptoms so this is all new, plus, that was nine years ago! I'm going to test on Monday since that should be 14 DPO. Some others signs/symptoms, sleeplessness at night, tired during the day, vivid dreams, breaking out, small amount of nausea.

9 year old son Two Angels in heaven lost at 8 weeks It's a BOY! Baby #2 due 3/16/16 fingers crossed and praying everyday Third times a charm! User Image

9 years ago

Keep your heads up, folks!

Can't wait to see who gets their this cycle.

I'm just loggin' on here and there...not to mention, I think I might be pregnant (what's new? lol) I took some tests, and either I'm cursed with dreaded line eyes since March, or I'm actually getting faint 's. My AF isn't due until 08/13 so it's still early.....if I happen to conceive this cycle (the first cycle we're NOT TTC) I might just lose my mind.

9 years ago • Post starter

Hi girls! Hope you're all well. I've not been on here for a while but I'm now 11 weeks pregnant. I'm throwing up every minute of the day but I know it'll all be worth it in the end! Sending lots of baby dust your way.

Good luck xxxxx

9 years ago

I got my today at 11 DPO with SMU! AF due Thursday, August 14th! I just had a feeling even though I knew it was a little early to test. The line came up in less than a minute!!! I am so beyond thrilled!!!!

to every one waiting to test!!!

(I hope that link works so you can see my !!!)

9 year old son Two Angels in heaven lost at 8 weeks It's a BOY! Baby #2 due 3/16/16 fingers crossed and praying everyday Third times a charm! User Image

9 years ago

Hi Ladies,
I'm a newbie and on my 1st cycle of Clomid, 100 mg and now currently 7dpo. This morning I had cd21 bw and just got the results. My progesterone was 12. I asked the nurse if that was good and she said, yes and I did not need suppositories at this point. She also said if AF doesn't arrive by 8/18 come in for a pregnancy test or if AF arrives call to report cd1. I've been reading online and saw some people say over 15 is really good. I'm a little concerned, as low progesterone was an isuue in my previous pregnancy (mc @ 7 weeks). I'm over thinking things and need some advice. Is this good? Should I use the suppositories anyway (just asking, my hubby say do exactly what they say).

I have this wet feeling - sooty if it's tmi. Yesterday it was watery like and today is creamier like lotion. Boobs are a little sore and some other symptoms but nothing too big time. Should I test? If so, when or should I wait? I'm so nervous because I want to know ASAP because I have a medical condition and need to be monitored by a maternal fetal med doctor.

Thank you in advanced for responding!ð???

9 years ago

@MrsAC3 Congrats!!!! Wishing you a sticky bean and happy healthy 9 months!

@JellyBean77 I would hold out on testing until 11+ dpo. the closer to your AF you are to testing the more accurate the tests will be. Implantaion doesnt happen until 6-10 dpo. So if you test at 7dpo it will most likely be negative.

9 years ago

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