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December Testers Support Group!

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Hi everyone! This is a close-knit group of women who support each other throughout our cycles as we struggle through the rollercoaster of TTC.

We love new people so please feel free to join us with an introduction and just describing your journey with TTC so far :)

The best way to get support is to give support, so join the conversation and no drop-ins please! We are all in this together and we are here for friendship and sisterhood!

611 Replies • 10 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

151 - 160 of 611 Replies | Last Page

heyladies i am back!! things have been absolutely nuts at work and home just glad i got through last week. i am soo far behind in what is going on i doubt i would be able to catch up anytime soon so im just going to jump in the convo now....

AFM: 10dpo and just feeling alright. BBS have been going haywire which seems to be normal this time of month but have been having slight cramping since a few days after O...not normal for me but things dont ever go my way and with DH and i only BD once this cycle on O day i dont have very high hopes. We go for our class on IVF on wednesday and trying to get DH in for a practice SA for IVF wednesday morning as well then have to meet with my RE again Wed the 18th to find out what protocol for meds we are going to do for the following cycle. so the way i see it if I dont end up Pg this cycle i have one more cycle to try before we start IVF!! im still holding out hope that it may happen on its own before

How is everyone else doing? and welcome to all the new ladies i see there are a few new faces

10 years ago

Rice--I feel okay. I don't really feel any different. Looking forward to symptoms. Lol. My boobs are a cup size larger. I'm cool with that. :)

1st--that would have been so scary. Have you seen the HB already?! If so, how far along were you?!

Holly--yay she came!! Now you can get started!

Amag--so excited for you! Things are moving quickly for you!

10 years ago

Luv- I am so sorry, I know that nothing I can say or so will make it better. Please know that we are here for you.

Sailor- Take all the time you need we will be here for you. I am so sorry.

Blue- I got my fingers crossed for you!!

SMH- I know the feeling comming back to work after a break is always a kick in the butt. I do the same thing, I spend Sunday nights and monday mornings thinking about all the crap I should have done.

I am Sorry Law for the sleep issues. I can sympathize. I actually have insomnia, it comes in spurts and sometimes I wounder how I am even functioning.

RBK- Glad you are getting settleed in.

Welcome Kimmy!

Ist Welcome back so happy you found your Beagle.

10 years ago

@Law: We were able to see the HB at our first u/s.. I was about 6 weeks, 1 day. But, we weren't able to hear it then. We go back Dec. 6th, and hopefully then we will be able to hear it. I will be 8 weeks, 1 day then.

@AFMedic: Thanks :))

10 years ago

So the doctor made me do a blood test and turns out my hCG is less than 1. So they think I was never pregnant at all. Which is f***ed up because 1) I've never had evaps on Wondfos and 2) what are the odds of having multiple false positives? Not thrilled with my doctor who kind of made me feel like an idiot and scolded me for testing early and making myself anxious. If they seriously thought I was going to wait until my period was a week late to take a test they are out of their goddamn minds. I should be relieved that I didn't have a CP but I am just totally confused as to how I could get multiple false positives. I just hope this means I'll get AF on time so I can get an IUI again this cycle, because if AF is a week late like after my CP last year then I'll be in Pittsburgh for the holidays during O time.

10 years ago • Post starter

luv--I'm sorry hun. Hopefully the doctor is right that way your period comes like it usually does--that would be the ideal situation since you wouldn't waste a cycle where you could've had an IUI.

1st--did you also see the gestational sac, yolk sac, and fetal pole? I'll be a little earlier than that on Friday. Our appointments are on the same day! :)

afmedic--does anything help you with the insomnia? my doctor prescribed ambien but I'm afraid to take it.

10 years ago

@LUV: I'm so sorry! I know that has to be frustrating.. I didn't think it was possible to get that many "false" positives in a row.... But hopefully AF will come on time and you can still get your iui before leaving town!!

@LAW: Yea we got to see all that fun stuff :) My u/s is on CMP :) And that's soooo exciting!! Keep us updated on how it goes!!

10 years ago

Luv- I understand your fear of taking the Ambien, the best word of advice is if you take it go straight to bed do not wait till you feel tiered. The people who wait or do not go to bed after taking it are the ones who have hallucinations and crazy side effects. They started with Ambien but it did nothing to me, not even the hallucinations, I was then prescribed Lunesta and Trazadone. I have not taken anything since I got pregnant with my daughter, one the 2 that did work are unsafe in pregnancy and seeing as the Ambien did not work there was no point. I do not take anything now out of fear I wont wake up for my daughter if she needs me in the middle of the night. I know it is unhealthy but I think my body has gotten use to it and some hoe I can function with at least 2 hrs sleep. Don't get me wrong it catches up to me and my hubby will have to take care of my daughter every once in awhile when I crash early. Usually what happens is I will get a migraine and have to take my migraine meds and then I crash from those.

10 years ago

luv: i am really sorry about the evaps? if thats what they were but it does seem strange to get more than one like that!! i do hope AF arrives on time then and you can go ahead with another round of iui asap!! it sucks to wait a cycle when you have been trying for soo long!!

Law: sorry aobut the sleep issues that really sucks... i know i am not a happy camper when i get anything less than 6hours minimum sleep!! the days i toss and turn and get no sleep i can barely function. hopefully this will all change for you soon and you will be able to get caught up on your needed sleep!!

10 years ago

Hi ladies I am new to the forum so I have been TTC #1 for 4 cycles now, including this one, I am 11DPO and I would love to talk to you guys and hopefully get each other through this testing month! :)

TTC Baby #1

10 years ago

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