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Who wants to try an experiment?!

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TWO people that I know of (on this site!) got pregnant recently on their FIRST month trying EVENING PRIMROSE OIL! After TTC for over a year and starting my 3rd clomid cycle, I am ready to give this a whirl! I'm on CD 2 and took my first dose tonight. Anyone else want to see if we can get some more s?!?!?!?

304 Replies • 13 years ago



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Southern bee: im blood type AB. But db is o, maybe he wouldn't mind doing an experiment for us? I have so much epo left over! Lol!
Joy: I found out my blood type when they did all the major blood work in my 1st pregnancy. Also I've had a few surgeries and they like to know blood type, just incase. DB was with me for all of it, so I asked him my blood type- because I didnt remember either! Lol!
Very glad you are vommiting as well! LOL!!

12 years ago

Haha Joy, no worries! You're not the first! My husband and my mom don't know theirs either. The only reason I know is because I donated blood a few years back and they gave me a nifty card that says my name and 'O positive'.
The diet (it's not a weight thing, but more a lifestyle thing) is called 'Eat right for your type'.
It could be a great way to tune in to our particular body make ups, but I get wary when doctor starts selling his personally formulated and really expensive supplements. I think I started hearing about it almost a decade ago, but I don't know anyone who has stuck to it very strictly.
Here's the website:

I'm sensitive to dairy and possibly gluten, which is why I started looking into this in the first place.

Liz~ Thanks for getting back so quickly!

In any case, I'm at cycle day 4 with EPO so I'm excited to be part of the grand experiment!!

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12 years ago

Awww SouthernBee, I'm O+!!! I hope this really isn't true! I've been ttc since May 2010 and REALLY need a miracle. I'm 8 DPO so we'll see soon enough I guess.... Welcome to the thread though!

12 years ago • Post starter

Welcome Jess and Ally too! Sorry! SouthernBee just crushed my hopes and dreams....

Just kidding! But I do hope you're wrong! For BOTH out sakes!

12 years ago • Post starter

Hello ladies!
Southernbee I hope this isn't true cause I am O+ too!! My sister used to eat according to her blood type too, I thought it was very strict though...and i LOVE avocado, can't imagine having to give it up .
Thanks for your replies Liz and Joy, glad to hear you are feeling nauseous and gaggy!!
Got to work late today and have a million things to do, plus i am getting a cold . This week hasn't started well, hope it picks up soon as it's my birthday on Thursday... .
Have a great day!

12 years ago

BFPer stalker here... Pssst! I thought I was coming down with a cold for both of my last two pregnancies only to have it never turn completely "on" and to get my BFP! Scratchy throat and weird sinuses. Just sayin'!

DMP - TTC #3 after several chemical pregnancies. May we all have success! God Bless!  BabyFruit Ticker pregnancy week by week

12 years ago

Hi ladies. Positive OPK again this morning. I tried to post them on the test page but I can't figure out if it would allow an upload from an iPhone. The choose file box won't let me click it. I know this may sound pathetic, but I don't put them on the computer. I don't want hubby to think I'm too crazy. anyway, they are dark as can be. I had a regular period a week ago, I would be stupid to test for pregnancy, right? I have no symptoms. This stuff is all so frustrating. Plus we were really getting our hopes up about a move and new job for my husband and found out last night that he didn't get the job. What a sucky day.
I'm blood type O pos also. I have never heard of these things to stay away from. Im a nurse and hubby a doctor. I feel safe with them and my husband was fine with me taking them also. I'm sticking with the epo for now to see if I can get lucky (like some of you ladies already have!)
It sounds like some of you are getting close to testing. Good luck!

12 years ago

Hello and Welcome Everyone!

Hope all the BFPers and soon to be BFPers (and stalking BFPers ) are all doing great!

Well, I'm more confused than ever re: my BBT charting. It's still hovering barely above the coverline and dipped from 97.70 down to 97.64 this morning. Based on all my calculations and CM checking (the EWCM is about gone now), I think I O'd on CD13 (Saturday July 16), but I really have no clue for sure. Just to be safe, I stopped taking EPO. Very frustrating.

I guess I will just assume I'm now in my 2WW? This morning I woke up with a stuffy/runny nose and have been sneezing my head off all morning. My DH said "Ohhh...hormones!" He's so cute (and optimistic). I think it's more because my cat was sleeping on head all night, and it's result of snorfing cat hair up my nose all night while I I guess I will just have to chart a few more days and see what happens.

I hope everyone is well and I'm looking forward to hearing about more BFPs!

p.s. My blood type is "B+"...So ironic. I wish I could be as positive as my blood is! lol...

I'm 39, hubby is 45. Happily married since 1999. TTC #1 since 2009. Three 1st tri miscarriages: Oct. 2009 @ 6 wks March 2010 @ 8 wks (w/heartbeat); D&C March 15 Sept. 2010 @ 5 wks All tests clean. 6.15 (FSH) 81.2 (estradiol) Diagnosis:"Unexplained Infertility" User Image Nov. 2010: Clomid cycle (100mg) - Canceled due to too many big follies (6!) Dec. 2010: Clomid (50mg) cycle w/3 big follies - BFN Jan. 2011: Femara cycle w/3 big follies - BFN Feb. 2011: Follistim w/Ovidrel IUI cycle w/3 big follies - BFN March 2011: Stopped fertility meds and took a break April 2011: TTC naturally+acupuncture

12 years ago

Oh dears!
I REALLY didn't mean to dash anyone's hopes... like I said, the info is not at all connected to pregnancy, but more to general health. I am so happy to hear that epo worked for some O pos peeps! Let's all just forget that crazy theory for now and concentrate on love and support in our bodies and minds.

going into town today (living on a farm... town is a big deal!)
Hope everyone's having a grand ol' time with the increased CM! Lol.

xo Bee

ps. MJ, sneezes are a good sign ;) keep it up!

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12 years ago

Southern Bee -

Good to hear (about the sneezing) because 12 hours later and I'm still sneezing my head off! I went to the library after work today and just grabbed a couple of books and ran out because I couldn't stop sneezing in the stacks. So embarrassing (and loud!)

I hope this means something (and I don't mean a summer cold!)

I'm 39, hubby is 45. Happily married since 1999. TTC #1 since 2009. Three 1st tri miscarriages: Oct. 2009 @ 6 wks March 2010 @ 8 wks (w/heartbeat); D&C March 15 Sept. 2010 @ 5 wks All tests clean. 6.15 (FSH) 81.2 (estradiol) Diagnosis:"Unexplained Infertility" User Image Nov. 2010: Clomid cycle (100mg) - Canceled due to too many big follies (6!) Dec. 2010: Clomid (50mg) cycle w/3 big follies - BFN Jan. 2011: Femara cycle w/3 big follies - BFN Feb. 2011: Follistim w/Ovidrel IUI cycle w/3 big follies - BFN March 2011: Stopped fertility meds and took a break April 2011: TTC naturally+acupuncture

12 years ago

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