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CD 1..TTC Baby #2 and need buddies!!

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I have a 3 year old little girl. I had the mirena iud removed in November and my husband and I decided to wait until after the first of the year to start ttc. This is my second cycle ttc and today is cd 1 for me. Just joined today and could use buddies for the journey!

1122 Replies • 11 years ago



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Attention: BFP just now. Lined showe within 3 minutes of testing. Freaking out. Haven't told hubby yet. Was seriously expecting BFN!

11 years ago

SMP: So exciting!! I'm so happy for you! Keep calm! I'm sure your DH will be super excited as well!

11 years ago • Post starter

Thank you Amanda!!! I seriously thought AF was playing a terrible trick on me!! I feel like I'm in a dream. Like its not real. I may be MIA for a few days... I'll keep you all posted on appointments and what not!!

11 years ago

@smp congrats hun
@dbjohnson thanks babe
@amanda where r u why are u so quiet.
as for me trying not to symptom check but cnt help still going to restroom checking tp lol nasuea and tired are my only symptoms at this time

11 years ago

Topowifey: I'm here.. just trying to get my house cleaned while DH has DD out of the house lol. It's so hard not to symptoms spot. Tiredness was my only symptoms with DD (she was unplanned.. as tired as I was I should have had a clue) and tiredness plus sore boobs were symptoms before m/c... napping every afternoon with both of them. As far as today goes, no EWCM today (only lasted a day) now it's just clear like water. So I'd say today was O day (also had pain from left ovary today) which means that I should have AF back in 2 weeks yay!! I think my luteal phase is usually 12 days so we will see.

dbjohnson: hope your test went well today. Hopefully you will have test results by tomorrow (and an explanation of what they mean)

How's everyone feeling? Hope everyone is having/ has had a wonderful weekend! Our's has been relatively boring so I'm kind of ready for Monday (Yes it's pretty pathetic) so that I can get started on my ordering and stuff I want to get done this week. Hoping the next two weeks go by fast.. we have a trade show for our store to go to the 28th which I'm looking forward to and then Easter!

11 years ago • Post starter

Hey Guys,

SMP: CONGRATS!!!!! Im so excited for you.

Amanda: Hey girl, i know what you mean about being ready for Monday.... i am too. this weekend passed by rather fast ( thankfully ) I went to church today so that helped me alot as far as passing this day.

Topowifey: Glad every thing is working out for you.

dbjohnson: How are you?

AFM: Im trying really hard not to symptom spot. However I did look back at my last past two cycles and noticed that my nipples were sor by 4DPO and they arent sore yet. Although I am still getting the cramps off and on through out the day. but nothing else so far. This has been the best month as far as BDing goes. I just pray it was good enough that it caught the egg.

Well ladies, Im looking forward to this week coming and going so I can test and get those two pink lines.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend. I will check on you guys tommorow.

11 years ago

lol trying not to symptom check myself it is so hard i havent even checked my past symptoms it is way to early anywho. i am trying to stay postive i do my secant dose of hcg tomorrow so fingers crossed hope this works.

11 years ago

OMG! Congrats, SMP!!! I want you to know, I had a feeling you were going to end up pregnant this cycle! It is always when you are least expecting it, and you were just waiting for AF. I'm so happy for you!

@topowifey: it is SO hard not to system track. Like Amanda, my only symptom with my DS was tiredness... Extreme tiredness! I got the best sleep of my life during the first trimester.

@Zuberi: I'm doing okay. Just waiting out this two week wait

@amanda: the giving blood part was easy... The waiting for the results sucks. Plus my doc is out of the office is tomorrow, so it will be Tuesday before I hear anything. I don't really know what this test will tell us, besides if I have progesterone in my system. I guess that will confirm I'm ovulating, but I'm not too worried about that. I'm temping and had a good temperature shift.

This weekend flew by for me! I can't believe it is Monday tomorrow. I honestly haven't had a second to think about symptoms or thinking about testing. I'm going to try to hold out until DPO 10 (Wednesday)... We'll see if I can make it.

11 years ago

@dbjohnson this waite is killing me so u have to wait till tuesday dame that means we all gotta wait to here the results lol. as for me u all are lucky there is not way i can test till missed period because i am on a secant does of hcg for implantation reasons idk so it will give me a false positve. symptoms non this morning so far yesterday hungry nausea tired but fought my sleep slight cramping on each fallopian tube or overy not sure lol. i know symptom checking is so not the bizz but one of my girls from another forum we are trudging buddies same o day and af day everything we said we will not symptom spot and we started lolz.
@Zuberi_Baby2013 how r u today.
@ amanda hey luv how r u today.. wish i could keep myself busy but all i can do is obsess so bad i know i so need a massage but then i am to lazy to get there

11 years ago

Good morning ladies.

Dbjohnson: i think you and I are on the same Dpo. If not we are close. Im 6DPO. My ticker is off by a day. Didnt take the time to change it.

Topowifey: hang in there girl.

SMP: don't forget about us. Keep of updated with how you and the little bean is doing.

Amanda: How are you? AF came yet? Have you and your dh decided if you are going to ttc next cycle or are you going to wait? I've been secretly hoping that you got preg when you guys bd last week. Lol

AFM: Im trying to get thru this TWW. I don't have any symptoms other than the mild cramps off and on since 2dpo. I usually have sore nipples by now. But that hasn't happen either as of this am. But, i did have alot of creamy CM last night. Don't know what that means if anything. Im just waiting to test.

Hope every one is having a great day. Im praying for all of us.

11 years ago

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