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2016 IUI/IVF

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Ladies we've had some great news lately, let's keep it going! This is for everyone starting out for their first or trying again! Best wishes to everyone and loads of baby dust!

540 Replies • 8 years ago



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Hi ladies!

Baby- glad you had a vacation! FX for a good lining check

Cam- sorry to hear you're feeling cranky on bc. I think it has that effect on a lot of us

Margie- I'm glad you like your doc, but I'm sorry to hear about not liking your nurse. I'm the opposite. I'm not really a fan of our doc (we tried to switch within the practice) but we got lucky with our IVF nurse. Even though we have an assigned IVF nurse to coordinate our plan, through our cycle I've seen so many different people at the clinic (different nurses and docs), so maybe you'll find some who are good for you(?) I also found a much different vibe with IVF than with IUIs even though I'm at the same clinic. I can't really explain that, but it's definitely true. As far as your DH being away, I'm sorry! That sounds scary, but as much as we love them, our spouses don't have a huge role in most of the IVF stuff. I think mine came to the initial appointment and has seen me do injections once. I actually got a little frustrated earlier because I was trying to explain our next steps and apparently taking care of the weeds in the yard was more interesting...

Michele/Margie- I was also placed on exercise restrictions starting with one of my IUI cycles with injectables. Honestly, I can't imagine trying to run right now after a week and a half of stimming, because my stomach is so swollen and even sitting down too quickly makes my ovaries bounce.

Jfmolo- so glad to hear it! It's awesome that it's almost time to switch over to OB care! Sorry to hear that your old favorite is not going to work out, but I'm glad you have some recommendations.

afm- Tonight is trigger night with both HCG and Lupron and retrieval is Sunday morning! Had blood and u/s both yesterday and today, and as of this morning I had a really thick lining and follicles measuring 25, 19, 18.5, 17.5, 2@17, 16.5, 2@15.5, 6@15, 2@14, 13, 12.5, 12, 11, 10.5, 2@10, 9 and a couple others. The nurse doing my scan said it was a perfect response and exactly what they hope for when they start an IVF cycle, so that was great to hear! I'm mostly excited, though I won't lie... I'm a little nervous for my first intramuscular shot (of many more to come) tonight, since all have been subcutaneous until now. Please keep your FX for me on Sunday!

8 years ago

2moms trigger dancing over here!!!!! It's almost PUPO for you! I'll be ok but it's like I'm pmsing for a long time but hey one more week of bcp and I'm praying I start stimming.

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8 years ago

Jfmolo - so excited for you! 8 weeks! I would say my bloating and nausea was the worst from weeks 7-10. Hang in there!

2moms - keep us posted!!!!!

Margie - I truly didn't feel IVF was too bad. Even with my DH here, he couldn't do much. He tried to help but he knew even less than me. There are video's online to help...

AFM - doing well. symptoms have calmed down though my sinus' still aren't back to normal. I still can't smell... and am getting headaches. but otherwise ok. I go back to the Dr. in 2 weeks. I want to hear the baby's heartbeat again. It's weird when the symptoms go away and you aren't at a place where you can feel the baby - I just need to make sure all is still ok in there...

Hope you ladies had a great weekend!

8 years ago

hey ladies
so looks like ivf here we come...i took a mental break from it all. i thought if i don't think about it then i'd get preggers but it didn't happen.
so i'm day 1 today...go in for day 4, go for an hsg, meet with the ivf head nurse sign paper work all that jazz and then wait for my next period and start meds at the start of july!! exicting and neverous all at the same time!!

Benns/jf - time is going quickly now,soon u will feel kicks and before you know it the little one will be here

margie - i know how you must feel. when do you start again?

2moms - so excting! how did i go??

Cam - do you know what meds you are taking

michelle - how are you doing did u get ur hubby to come home lol whatever it takes right!!

mel - any updates on ur beta and numbers?

baby - where did u guys go.. we want to go somewhere to but i feel like zika is everywhere and im to freaked out to go

good luck to all you ladies!!! xx

Me: 30 DH:32 TTC since Oct 2014 Dec 2014 - Chemical Pregnancy Diagnosed with hashimoto's thyroiditis on synthroid 75mcg 3 Rounds of Clomid and IUI - (April, June, July) Laparoscopy in July 2015 - mild endometriosis, lots of scar tissue 4 rounds of femara with TI - (Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec) Jan, Feb 2016 - super ovulation cycle/overlap - femara/gonal-f with trigger/back to back iui/progesterone - March/April - break from it all May - femara and TI intercourse - one last chance - BFN June - IVF prep month July - IVF!!!

8 years ago

cam- only a few more days of bcp! I bet you (and DH) are glad about that!

bens- that makes sense. After so much time with so many symptoms and then nothing I can understand being nervous. I'm sure all is going great in there!

hoping- gl starting down the road to the big leagues!

afm- retrieval was yesterday. I slept through most of it because of the sedation and valium combo. I only remember one part that really hurt and DW said she thinks it was because the doc was pressing the needle through one follicle he'd already drained to get to another. They got 15 eggs! Then I got the call this morning and ALL 15 were mature and 11 fertilized!

Our clinic plans on day 2 transfers from the start (not sure why... when I asked about blast transfer they said they don't really like to do that and they want to get them back in ASAP), so we go back in tomorrow to transfer!

8 years ago

Hi gang!!

2moms, best of luck to you at your transfer tomorrow!!

Bens, I completely understand your want and need to see baby's heartbeat again! XOXO

Jf, can't believe you are graduating to OB soon! Wow! And yay!!

Hoping, good luck on your cycle! We went to Palm Desert, CA for our vacation. Let me tell you, it doesn't matter where you are, the thought of Zika is freaky! We were playing golf one day and I got bit by a mosquito and kept looking for signs...I ended up getting a rash, but I believe it was caused by too much heat and sun ????????

Keth, how are you and little ones!?

AFM, lining check went great today! 13.38! Transferring next Tuesday! Woohoo! Can't wait to be PUPO!

8 years ago • Post starter

2moms - how did the transfer go???

8 years ago

Baby- thanks for the good luck and congrats on a great lining check!

Bens- thanks for asking!

We transferred two high quality embryos today and everything went really smoothly! They gave us a picture of the embryos to keep (which for some reason was oddly emotional for me). From all the research I've done they look great! Now I'm officially PUPO and our beta is scheduled for the 17th. It's a lot shorter than the IUI wait but it still feels like forever!

8 years ago

Oh and forgot to mention- of the 11 fertilized 9 total embryos made it until when we were transferring, so we should have 7 frozen. We'll get that official update in a letter from the lab once the cryo process is finished.

8 years ago

5- 27 Birth Control START


6-13 Schedule injection class with nurse this week à

6-16 Start new pack of birth control


6-24 Blood + Ultrasound
**listen to IVF voicemail after 5pm

Medications start tonight between 7&9 pm

6-28 Blood + Ultrasound
**listen to IVF voicemail after 5pm

6-30 Blood + Ultrasound
**listen to IVF voicemail after 5pm


7-2 Blood + Ultrasound
**listen to IVF voicemail after 5pm

7-4 Blood + Ultrasound
**listen to IVF voicemail after 5pm

7-5 Blood + Ultrasound
**listen to IVF voicemail after 5pm
Tentative trigger injection

7-7 Tentative Egg Retrieval
S. Miami

7-13 Tentative Embryo Transfer – S. Miami

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8 years ago

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