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Private Testers Support Group Part 3!

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A "secret" group for a not-secretly awesome group of ladies. :)

As I said in the last thread, I'm CD 9 and nothing exciting is happening, unless you count patchy depression and seasonal affective disorder "exciting" :-/

576 Replies • 10 years ago



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Replies (sorted by hugs)

141 - 150 of 576 Replies | Last Page

Cam hopefully your roasty temps are a great sign! Have I told you lately how much I admire your restraint? You obsess way less than I do and I'm jealous ;) Heehee!

JLH your symptoms sound good! Even your husband is convinced you've got it ;)

lawbride I am so sorry you're sick :( Hopefully it'll pass quickly! You have important things to do!

SMH Rella is gorgeous! I am so happy for you! Hopefully you aren't too sore!

afmedic sorry about your chaos but you've got a lot of good stuff going on, so I won't feel too bad for ya ;) How are you feeling? Any crazy symptoms?

bluerose I couldn't find your recent HPT pic but your symptoms sound amazing! I really think this is it for you! FX :-D

michgurl hey hey! Good to see you! Totally understand wanting a break from TTC, especially since you had such frustrating cycles. I am so glad you're getting on some drugs, hopefully we can get your cycle on a normal track here and you'll be knocked up ASAP!

janise glad you're back! I hope your uncle is feeling better but it's nice that you cheered him up!

Holly yay you're back too! It sounds like you've done a lot of good work to get preggo. Several of us had HSGs last month too! I think we're gonna get some BFPs up in here. What CD are you? Don't be discouraged, you might just ovulate a bit late!

amag oh hun I am sorry you've been down :( it must be kind of a double-edged sword because the IVF makes you excited, but nervous, and maybe bitter because you have to do it in the first place. At least, that's how I feel every time I have to do an IUI. I'm just glad your insurance is helping you out with it, otherwise the stakes seem even higher and the pressure is ridiculous.

If I missed anyone I'm sorry! Tried to get everybody!

AFM I had a good vacation, although my husband spent most of yesterday sick in bed. Terrible stomach issues. I am hoping I don't catch it. Fortunately he felt well enough in the afternoon to leave the room and go to the waterpark for a bit. Currently 8 DPO and the uterus is feeling a bit crampy. Have been gassy and constipated like crazy in this TWW. Is it weird that part of me was JEALOUS that my DH had diarrhea? I was like "I would KILL for some diarrhea right now!" Obviously I am going crazy :-P

10 years ago • Post starter

Luv is BACK!!!! Thanks honey I'm sending you some virtual laxatives I pray it's a BFP on here soon! Jan it's too hot down here. Blue where do you have the test posted at? Law I hope you feel better.Jada how are you feeling? Afm what's going on? Smh I know you are enjoying motherhood. Amag hugs I hope you feel better. Holly hey babes I smell some bfps soon!
Temp still up I'll know by Saturday!

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10 years ago

So happy to see y'all! I'm home, in bed, temp 99.9, and of course now I have actual Ewcm! Seriously??? I will catch up soon by name but so very happy to hear from y'all!


10 years ago

Wow Jada then let your dh HELP you break that fever

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10 years ago

Cam, you are so right but he won't even kiss me :(

10 years ago

Luv: thanks I am feeling really good now. I think you are right. I was getting really down on myself for not getting pregnant and needing ivf but after a few days of relaxing and destressing I realized.. so what? I'm going to do whatever I need to to get my doesn't matter how it happens but I know I want it and deseve it! I'm not going to look down on myself about it. Sometimes there is no reason for y one can't get pregnant naturally doesn't mean there is anything wrong with me or anyone else. We all have our own struggles in life and this is mine. So hope your tww is going by quickly and your temps stay up. Hope dh feels better as well glad you were able to make it to the water park as well

10 years ago

Cam thanks hun! I am excited for your high temps! Not only send me virtual laxatives but send me some of your heat outside, our high today is still gonna be below zero! :-O

JLH holy smokes! Sorry about your fever! Maybe you are sick or something so your mucus membranes are going nuts? I've heard of a runny nose but a runny hoo-hoo is something else LOL!

amag I totally agree, everyone is different and once the baby comes (hell, once you're actually pregnant) there is no difference whatsoever how you got that way! And I promise you won't care how you got that way ;) Thanks, DH is feeling better, he took a Lunesta last night and got like 9 hours of continuous sleep, much needed!

AFM 9 DPO, temps still toasty, finally had a good BM today. It is FRIGID here and I have to leave soon to train a client. With this particular client I am training her up to be able to walk a lot of stairs, since she has a stair-intensive trip coming up in April. Being at the waterpark probably helped me be able to do the stairs with her, because I counted and from the ground to the top of the slides was 95 stairs each time! Eek! Waterparks = good workout!

10 years ago • Post starter

Luv, weird I Was able to jump on the hubs this back in bed. No work today. Glad you had some relief today! Ha ha. And that your DH is better.

Amag, my sorority sister is now four months along and bc of IVF. I'm with Luv, one no one you don't want to know how you got pregnant doesn't need to know, and as long as you and baby are healthy that's what matters! So happy you are well on your way ;) And that you are feeling better.

Law, how are you?? I'm hoping you are feeling better!

Cam, hey lady! How are you?

SMH, how's life with Ms. Rella??

Holly, so happy to hear from you! Hoping all your prep will lead to your bfp and soon!

Blue!! Anymore testing?!

Jan, happy to hear you had a good time with your family!

Mich, you have been busy! Happy to have you back ;)

AFMed, how are you??

AFM, home and sick in bed...booooo....hoping to get some rest today and to wake up feeling better. I was able to bd this morning as I'm on CD18 and depending on what my cycle does this time I may have O'd yesterday or today? Last cycle was 29 days and 31 days the one prior...meaning O was around cd18...with the ewcm yesterday I'm leaning towards the longer confusing. :/ My next appointment with the OB is Monday, I plan to share the spotting and see what's next.

10 years ago

@luv- glad you enjoyed your vacation! I usually hide my tests and I take a sickening amount of tests haha.

@cam- I have a few that can be seen on my page I think... however I'm pretty darn sure they are negative.

@amag- I agree with luv. A pregnancy is a pregnancy no matter how you got there. Just the same as a parent is a parent biological or adoptive.

@jlhart- sorry you are so sick. Rest up! Hopefully the bding even while you are feeling unwell pays off!

12 dpo here. Test 99.9% negative. No spotting since 10 dpo. Breasts and nipples still sore. Some nausea and hot flashes. However temp is beginning to get closer to my coverline. Still cramping. Expecting af on Saturday. :(

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10 years ago

thanks all, glad to see everyone is feeling toasty despite the cold outside. still frigid here too:

jada: you can definately send the heat up this way i will take whatever i can get. sorry you havent been feeling well.. Hopefully you still got it in enough to get that bfp!!

law: you as well sorry you are not feeling well i know what thats like. im still a little sick but i think its mostly allergies. We had a few days of warmer weather then it went cold and thats when i always get sick so im thinking thats what did it. just hoping for spring...ugh!!

luv, blue, jada: thank you guys im glad others understand where i am coming from. my family is all really supportive but it gets hard at times when i look around and see how easy it was for all of them to have their children and i fell jealous is a way. but I am in a good place now and ready to move forward. im hoping to start AF sometime this weekend which means we are closer to starting our stimulation meds. So far on this one i havent had any side-effects hoping it stays that way. i have seen women go through IVF and they can get pretty angry on the meds when they are normally the sweetest people. hoping i wont get like that... im trying my hardest not to and to stay as calm as possible for the next month or so.!!

10 years ago

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