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December Testers Support Group!

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Hi everyone! This is a close-knit group of women who support each other throughout our cycles as we struggle through the rollercoaster of TTC.

We love new people so please feel free to join us with an introduction and just describing your journey with TTC so far :)

The best way to get support is to give support, so join the conversation and no drop-ins please! We are all in this together and we are here for friendship and sisterhood!

611 Replies • 10 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

141 - 150 of 611 Replies | Last Page

Sailor so sorry for your loss. Miscarriages suck.
Luv sorry for the temp drop, and your tests aren't getting darker that would be so frustrating.

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10 years ago

Hello everyone! I am new to this, been ttc for a few months now, AF arrived 11/29 right on schedule, I'm on CD4 and excited to try again! Hoping for a December BFP, hopefully able to share that with my family for Christmas. Good luck to everyone and lots of [baby_dust]

10 years ago

SMH--I am already on the list for cancellations. Since it's completely different offices I don't think there's anything my doctor can do. The sleep is probably getting to me more than the's a toss up. AT least the benadryl provides some relief from the itching. Nothing helps with the sleep :(

10 years ago

Sorry Lades! I am have MIA all weekend... Thanksgiving was great, but crazy busy. And then we lost one of our beagle pups while rabbit hunting in a different county, so we spent the last of our weekend going back and forth looking for her. Luckily, we found her late Saturday night with some help of a good Samaritan and I spent all Sunday babying her :)

@Luv: I am so sorry girl!!!!! My prayers and thoughts are with you!!

@Sailor: I am so sorry about what you are going through too!!! My thoughts and prayers are with you!!

@Law: Great beta results girlie!

I know I missed a lot of people and I promise to try and get all caught up during my lunch break!!! :)

10 years ago

@rbk: Welcome back to North America! I am glad you go out and are safe now!

@sailor: You have a beautiful outlook and I am happy you have Christmas with your family to look forward too. I hope you get your sticky bfp very soon!

@blue: I am hoping its IB too!! Good luck hon!

@kimmy: Welcome! I hope you get your Christmas BFP!

@law: The benedry doesn't knock you out?? Wow!! Just a half of pill knocks me on my butt. Your doctor may be able to pull strings and move your appointment up. Its worth a try!

@1stTTC: I am so glad you found your pup! That must have been horrible. Glad you had a good holiday though.

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10 years ago

1st--thanks girlie! I'm glad you found your pup!

SMH--Nope, benadryl does nothing for me in that regard.

Well, my appt is on Friday at 11am. So, I'll be 5w4d at that point and might be able to SEE a heartbeat even though I won't be able to hear it. I know it's only a faint likelihood but I'd be happy if we did. I think my obgyn is also going to want me to do an u/s to give me a due date but if it's taking the place of my 8-10 week appointment then I'm going to hold off on that one.

10 years ago

I have a quick break so I wanted to jump on real quick.

Luv---Im sooo sorry that this is happening to you. I really wish that I could send you some of my baby dust. We all know how much you deserve this. I pray that it works out so you can get IUI before you leave.

Sailor--- Im so sorry to hear about your loss :(

Blue---There is still hope!

Law---Aw your DH is sooo sweet...that would bring a tear to my eye!! I'm so excited for your appt this Friday.You will have to tell me all about it. There is a good chance that you can see the heartbeat :) I still have 11 more days to go before my first appt. I took my temp this morning just to make sure its still high, ha ha. As for symptoms, my boobs are still sore and I felt a bit nauseous on and off yesterday. Aside from the crazy itchy, how are you?

10 years ago

Law & SMH: Thanks :) I was thrilled to have her back. Coyotes are really bad in the county where she got lost and I was terrified they would get her. But thankfully they didn't and she is safe at home now :)

10 years ago

Luv - Sorry to hear your temps are not getting darker and this may be another CP. Especially since you had one last year around the same time. I'm sorry hun. I hope things get back on track quickly and you can still get the IUI this month.

Sailor - I am sorry about the miscarriage. Hugs to you too. I pray everything happens naturally and your body bounces back quickly.

Blue - good luck! Hope the blood was just implantation.

SMH - AF started today. So, I go in for my CD 3 baseline pm Wednesday. Can't wait to see what my RE says about the patches or what we may be able to do about my lining issue. I did start taking the red raspberry leaf capsules...I hope that helps as well.

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10 years ago

Luv: That sucks! I know nothing can ease your pain and aggravation but we love you and are here for you if you want to cry, yell, scream, or vent!

smh: Doing good, baby girl is great. I have been looking for a new show maybe I will have to look it up on Netflix... and watch them all in a week haha! How are you doing??

sailor: My heart goes out to you, Im so sorry. I'll keep you in my thoughts.

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10 years ago

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