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Who wants to try an experiment?!

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TWO people that I know of (on this site!) got pregnant recently on their FIRST month trying EVENING PRIMROSE OIL! After TTC for over a year and starting my 3rd clomid cycle, I am ready to give this a whirl! I'm on CD 2 and took my first dose tonight. Anyone else want to see if we can get some more s?!?!?!?

304 Replies • 13 years ago



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Hi ladies. I have been stalking your thread for quite awhile. I started epo at cd 1 this month after hubby and I took a month 'break'. We'll have been trying for a year next month. Hubby came home with OPK's yesterday. (how cute! Sometimes I think I drive him crazy with all of this but then sometimes I see just how excited he is) My question is about OPK's. I'm cd 7 this morning. I generally have a 32 day cycle with o in the middle by temperature readings. My OPK this morning (first one ever) was definitely positive. The line was as dark as the control with one darker line down the middle. What does this mean? What if they all remain positive, what would be wrong with me? Can the epo have this effect at all? I have been told I have some cysts, but the docs have never said pcos, can cysts mess up tests? does anyone know the difference between some cysts and true pcos? I was excited for trying these new things but now I feel confused and discouraged about my body. Good luck to everyone else starting the epo and thanks for any advice.

12 years ago

Pssst. (I'm a BFPer that should stay away but am a stalker too and stay quiet but secretly pray for everyone's BFPs!) Psst...OPKs can be early pregnancy tests/indicators. That's the optimist in me looking at your situation.

DMP - TTC #3 after several chemical pregnancies. May we all have success! God Bless!  BabyFruit Ticker pregnancy week by week

12 years ago

Hi ladies!

DMPage - LoL "pssst"!!! Too funny!!

Ally - Welcome to the group hun! As far as I know epo cant effect an opk. If you continue getting positive opks it is possible you could be prggo as dmpage said. Also if you get 2 positives days apart from each other it possible that some women can O twice in one cycle apparently. To cover your bases I would just start bding every other day to every 2nd day!

dinky - I have both been told and have read that it is best to bd every other day. Even if dh has a good sperm count, and on the chance ge doesnt then bding everyday could really mess up your chances.

Baby4MJ - Yay for EWCM!! I am sure your temp will spike soon!

Victoria - I'm doing great hun, thanks! Can't wait for you to test!!

Liz - I have heard that you can take baby aspin up to 12 weeks, but was told that it was best to stop when I got my bfp, and that taking it before my bfp would help prevent m/c. Just what I was told! Glad you got another bfp!! I am sure your blood test at the doc will be the same! And those again are both DEFINITE bfp's! With frer my doc told me a line is a line!!

crashbunny - sorry the witch is giving you such a hard time! Hope she lets up soon! Didnt end up having to go to that party! Dh ended up getting home too late from his other outting.

Shea - Any news???

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12 years ago

I have been taking EPO this cycle although not everyday, so dont count me in the experiment!!
Honestly, we were just planning to NTNP this cycle, but now being close to o I take it back LOL
Since I am not using OPK or anything I am not going to know exactly when I do O, but should be maybe in the next three days. Will it be safe if I happened to take it a couple of days after I o, or should I just not take anymore this cycle? I hope this makes sense.

Jess User Image

12 years ago

Hi wannababy!

Yes it is apparently safe to take epo a few days after o, but make sure you dont take it too long as it can apparnely cause contractings & lead to a m/c. (or so i have read) but a couple days wont make a difference. Make sure you bd everyother day even after your guessed o day as a lot of ladies taking epo have said they o'd later than normal on it. &

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12 years ago

DMPage, Ally & wannababy, hello and welcome!
Ally: sorry, I don't know much about pcos, also not a fan of opk's (used em for 3 cycles and NEVER got a +) I do know that follicular phase can vary while luteal phase is generally the same length each cycle, so its possible to o earlier than your used to and just emd up with a shorter cycle. Do u check cm? U should have ewcm around the same time u o, so maybe using opk in conjunction with checking cm would give u a better idea? Hope u find your answers!
Wannababy: I know its different for everyone, but cm generally dries up after o, going from ewcm to scant cm may indicate post o. When in doubt, bd anyway! Lol!
Dinky: same as I told ally, fp can vary in length, so u could o earlier than expected. If u have lots anyway, go nuts! Better safe than sorry! Glad your gyno gave u the thumbs up! Sperm can last up to 5 days in fertile quality cm so giving the soldiers a chance to regroup and bd-ing every 2nd day shouldn't hurt your chances much, if at all! Good luck!
Baby4mj: opk never worked for me, bbt charting and checking cm &cp was all I used this cycle- hope it works for u as well!
Victoria: I'm so anxious for u to hpt! 8dpo today? So, 4 more days? Can't wait to hear your good news!
Shea: have u tested yet? Fingers crossed u c a definate bfp this time, you deserve it!
Joy: hows your little bean? I've been feeling gaggy for about a week, actually vommited yesterday and today- I dont think i've ever been so happy to puke! LOL!
Hope everyone is doing well and I didn't forget anyone!
Baby dust!

12 years ago

OH! And thanxs for all the congrats and thank you for the reassurance to u ladies who checked out my hpt pics!

12 years ago

OH!!! Aaannd, Joy: I looked into the aspirin thing and its recomended during pg for women with certain conditions which, as far as I know, I dont have. So I have stopped as of today. They say daily low dose aspirin is very low risk but unless its necessary I would rather avoid any risk! Thanx for mentioning it, cuz I might not have looked into it otherwise!

12 years ago

Hi lovelies,
I've got a quick question for those of you who had BFP luck with EPO: What is your blood type?
The reason I ask is because I've been into naturopathy and herbal remedies for a while and decided to try EPO this month (yay!), but recently came across some info on how O types should avoid EPO. This info is NOT directly connected to pregnancy info, but more on general health, which I'm more willing to risk if it doesn't affect chances of conception... after all there are other crazy things which O types should avoid like avocado, lentils, olives, which I love to eat.
In short, my question is twofold:
a) If you got preggers with EPO, what's your blood type?
b) What do you think about that blood type diet anyway? I'm not sure about it, but it does seem like a good theory. I would be so happy to hear that one of you BFPers is an O type like me.

Big Love,
Southern Bee

ps. I certainly don't mean to limit the conversation to only those lucky BFPers, so anyone with opinions please fire away! xo

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12 years ago

Hi ladies!

SouthernBee - Is it pathetic that I honestly have no clue what my blood type is?? LoL!! I honestly have never been in a circumstance where I needed to know, or have ever been told! My Mom probably knows, so I will ask and get back to you on that!! I have never heard of a "blood type diet" so not really sure about it! Oh, and welcome to the thread!!

Liz - LoL!!!! Love all the posts!! I am assuming my little bean is doing great considering how ill I have been!! Haha!! I'm like you I haven never enjoyed feeling like crap more than I do now!! Slightly problematic when I need to go out tho... baby seems to dislike car rides even more than I do! It seems as soon as I hit 6 weeks the nausea/morning sickness got worse!! Last time I was preggo it was just the normal nausea coming and going, never had this before, so I am pretty excited!! Hoping that beans my little sweet pea is healthy as can be!! Glad you did some reading about the low-dose asprin! I figured the same thing, dont wanna risk causing problems! Hope you keep feeling icky!! (sounds cruel, but you know what I mean!!)

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12 years ago

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