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ttc after cp

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Hi ladies. I just had cp at 5 weeks... im sad...but bleeding is nearly finished so we gona try again. Is anyone in my shoes aswell? How soon did you ovulate after cp and got bfp again? Baby dust to us all :)

667 Replies • 9 years ago



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Emmy, you and I are on the same cycle it would seem! today is CD 1 for me too. What do the kiwis and brazil nuts do?

3 Daughters born 12/16/09, 07/30/12 & 3/12/16 * 1 Chemical pregnancy @ 4 weeks 2/24/15 <img src=

9 years ago

Hi ladies!

Boo hiss to the witch for all of you :/ I pray if she is showing she's quick and not too painful!!

Emmy, sorry you're down, know we are here for you!

Missy, how's the witch treating you?

Alice, fx'd for you!!

Nikolina, ugh to the witch...just a few more days though, looks like we are somewhat cycle buddies :)

AFM, I had bible study tonight with ladies also looking to conceive and its nice to be around people like them and like y'all to help me through this! I didn't use OPKs this month but feel O is near...we shall see! Just taking the approach of letting things happen this month since we will see our new specialist next month.

Off to do more school work, but thinking of each of you!

9 years ago

Hi lovely ladies!!!

Emmy, I'm soo sorry :-( And what a horrible timing, AF showing up for you and yet another person pregnant around you :-( It must be very hard on you... Avoid them if you feel like you need to, it's okay to think about your own mental health. You cannot be supportive for someone else if you feel like crap yourself. Take some time for yourself and spoil yourself as much as you need!! Maybe next month will be a lucky charm for all of us!

Nikolina, lol, I get what you mean :-) I would almost start thinking that you cause the bleeding, looking way too enthusiastic for your cervix lol ;-) Hope AF will back off soon so you can find your cervix again :-) I hope April will bring you good fortune!!!!

Jada, that's sounds like a good approach!!! I hope something 'unexpected' just might happen for you this month... :-)

Missytwoshoes, seems like you and Emmy indeed are cycle buddies! I will cross my fingers for the both of you!!!

AFM, my temp has gone up a little bit, but I don't think it means anything. It is still rather lower than last month. Moreover, my body really feels like AF is sooo close. Had some more cramps. Think she might arrive today or tomorrow. If temp doesn't go down tomorrow and no AF, I'll take a test.

Good luck and baby dust to everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!


9 years ago

Morning beautiful ladies!!!

Emmy and Missytwoshoes im so sorry that af has arrived :( Really hope that this cycle will make your dreams come true! I always sooo down when my af shows, but once i get positive opk i know there is another chance :) Hope the days will go fast and she will be gone v soon!!! Trying anything new this cycle? I was reading about baby aspirin...maybe i will give a shot this cycle, couldnt hurt right? Just gona wait untill i o and start taking then, as i heard some reviews that it could change o date. Lots baby dust :) FX this is the cycle!!!

Jada hun, yee i have cycle buddy!! on which cd you are at? You not gona take any opk this cycle? Lods lods baby dust hun!!!!

Alice lol :) You make me laught every day lol :) I think my bleeding has stopped but havent checked my cervix yet, soo can not tell for sure lol just incase i open blood gates again lol
I hope your temp stays up and spotting has stopped!!! When is your af due? Fx hun for bfp tomorrow!!! Lods lods baby dust!!! :)

Im at cd7 today, so bleeding should have stopped! The longest af ever, as i usualy have like 4 days and 1 maybe just spotting. Fx tonight bd night :)


9 years ago • Post starter

missytwoshoes - that's great to have a cycle buddy! :)
Yes today will be cycle day 2 for me now. I read that kiwis regulate your cycle and Brazil nuts help with implantation!
I think kiwis also increase ewcm.
My cycles were all messed up after the cp so Feb cycle I tried eating kiwis every day from cycle day 1. I managed to eat 1/2 most days up to ovulation. I ovulated on exactly day 14 and I had lots of ewcm.
I don't know if it was a coincidence or just my cycle returning.
Last month I didn't eat kiwis and my cycle was slightly out again.
So who knows!
Brazil nuts are suppose to be great and you can eat 4/5 a day apparently to help implantation.
I will try any thing lol!
How long are your cycles? I'm hoping this month to be 29 days.

JLHart22 - Thank you Hun that's is lovely to hear! It's nice to know I'm not alone even though I feel like it at the moment!

Alice_Wonderer - thank you for your kind kind words. I have told myself I need to distance myself from anyone who is pregnant at the moment as it's just too hard. I know people will understand.
Sending you lots of baby dust and hoping you get your bfp!!!

Nikolina123 - it's horrible when AF arrives isn't it? But you are right when ovualtion is near it's a new chance! I am using clearblue digital ovualtion sticks this month. I conceived my DD after a miscarriage in Nov 2011 using these so I'm going to give them another go! Fingers crossed!
AF will be nearly gone for you. I have heard of aspirin and seen it help other ladies so maybe worth a go!
I also read that beetroot juice has given lots of ladies their bfp! I bought some yesterday and nearly threw up! Not for the faint hearted but some ladies swear by drinking it every day!

Thinking of all you lovely ladies! Xxx
Are you all from the US? I wasn't sure. I am from the UK :)

<a href=

9 years ago

Hey Emmy!

Yea it sucks every time when af arrives, but this thme was the first time ever when i was waiting for af to show, cos i knew im having cp by tests, and then sooner she shows after than better for my cycle.
Im the same as you, at this point im willing to try anything and everything what can higher my chances to have healthy sticky pregnancy. Well we wont be trying hard this time, my hubby really wants to give a month break, cos he hates seeing me so sad, but i think im ready whatever life is trowing my way, so i will make sure we have a bit fun on my feritile days lol :) Last two cycles when i got my bfp's we baby danced like everyday for 8-9 days straght before and after o day, so thats the method which works for us, as before we did try every other day. But never know, we might just get lucky this cycle aswell :)
Never heard about beetroot juice, but i do eat alot beetroot salad, maybe that gives the same effect? I think i will try baby aspirin, gona start after o day.

Lods lods baby dust hun!!! Lets have our sticky babies this cycle!!! :)

Alice, lol, still cant find cervix, but bleeding is definetly stopped, yeey :)


9 years ago • Post starter

Hi sweat ladies!!

Emmy, thanks for all the tips!!! I think all of us are willing to try anything :-) And trying new stuff is always promising! I hope these new strategies will bring you a BFP soon!!!!
To answer your question: I'm not from the US, I'm from Belgium.

Nikolina, yay for AF vanishing!!! About your cervix, it's starting to look like a suspicious disappearance now, should we hang flyers? :-) I'm happy that you've found out that BD'ing daily really pays off for you guys!!! It looks like you've found your winning formula! And even if you don't do that this cycle, you can still get lucky!!! :-)

AFM, I'm still in the dark. AF is supposed to arrive tomorrow, if I have counted right. Could be off with a day or 2. The vanishing spotting is odd for me, I've never had that before. But I think/fear it's probably one more variation of my cycle, another mean trick of my body :-p So I'm trying not to get my hopes up because of that.

LOTS of baby dust to you!!!!!


9 years ago

Ah id love to visit Belgium!
My mother in law has been a few times.
Tbh I would love to visit lots of places! I love the idea of travelling!
But I kinda gave that dream up to go to uni & settle down etc. :)
I joined this site in 2011 when trying to conceiving my daughter but have just come back to it now as ttc number 2 after the cp in nov last year.

Are all you lovely ladies ttc number 1? or number 2?
I have a little girl who is 31 months old.

<a href=

9 years ago

Nikolina I have just re read your reply and realised that when we conceived our daughter we bd every day for a week over ovulation.
We have been doing every other day since nov. Silly me! you have reminded me!
Thank you :)
It may or may not work I guess but worth a go :)

<a href=

9 years ago

ya'll have been busy posting in here! lol. lots of posts to read and catch up on! :)

Jada, shark week is just getting started I'm so I've been sitting here eating cookies with my heat pack. I have to go back to work on Thurs (we've been on spring break), so I'm hoping it won't be so heavy then. :p Thanks for asking. I hope the specialist will be helpful for you! Maybe this month will be your lucky month and you won't need the specialist. ;) fingers crossed for you!

Alice, ahhhh I'm glad the spotting stopped! maybe it was IB! I'm hoping when you test it's a bfp!!

Nikolina, not really trying anything new this cycle I don't think. Maybe I'll increase my vitamin to twice a day instead of once a day. I'm supposed to take it 3 times a day but it was making my kidneys hurt when I was doing that (I get kidney stones). So maybe that will help. SS to hear bleeding was so long. glad AF ended, nikolina needs to get down to business! lol

Emmy, thank you for the info on the kiwis and brazil nuts! I don't even know where to find brazil nuts TBH. lol But maybe the health food store has them. How do you eat them? plain? honestly I've actually never even eaten one before. lol. So could be interesting. :p My cycles are usually 26 days (I have a really short LP.) But this last cycle after the CP was 34 days... oy, my longest ever. Hope that doesn't keep up! I am from the US, yes. :) I'm TTC #3, I have 2 daughters 5 and 2. :)

AFM, I went and got my hair done today. :D My appt was originally a week after the CP but I rescheduled because I probably would have cried all over my hairdresser lol. I feel like a new woman now with a cut and color. :) I know I'm only on CD 2 but I'm already ready to get shark week over with so I can start ttc again!

3 Daughters born 12/16/09, 07/30/12 & 3/12/16 * 1 Chemical pregnancy @ 4 weeks 2/24/15 <img src=

9 years ago

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