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First time TTC; going crazy!

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Hello all, I have found this site while going crazy during this two week wait. I am inexperienced with symptoms and waiting and what to expect...I would appreciate anyone's advice...

My LMP was 2/11, I'm sure I ovulated between 2/25-2/27...I began with breast heaviness & soreness on 2/28 which is unusual for me to start with that early before AF. And it as continued - still sore boobs/swollen. I have noticed I've been a little more tired; requiring a nap the other day and going to bed earlier. And finally, on 9 or 10 DPO, (yesterday) I started with some dull lower abd cramping/pressure on & off all day... I have tested the last couple days because I am so impatient!!!! And obviously BFN... I know it is too early... Does it sound like I may have a chance?? Maybe I'm making up these symptoms?? AF is due 3/11... and I'm thankful for working 12 hour shifts the next couple days to distract myself! Please advise!!!

323 Replies • 11 years ago



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AshleyLauren - I am so sorry! Sending positive thoughts to you and your husband!

10 years ago

Hey ladies. Thank you so much for all your support. It has been a week, and I feel pretty good considering the circumstances. We are actively trying and hoping this is our month. I have researched as much as I possibly can about increased fertility after a cp/mc. I'm just trying to stay as busy as possible during this time. I'm hoping to find out my the end of the month if my cycle isn't messed up.

How is everyone's month going? What are you guys doing to try to get your bfps? We are BDing every other day (since the bleeding stopped just in case my O is earlier or later than usual), using preseed, diva cup, vitamin e daily (me and hubs), Shakeology, folic acid and eating less carbs this month. I need to start working out again. I stopped right after my bfp at the end of July. I think the exercising helped my progesterone levels naturally.

Hoping for lots of good news this month.

User Image Ashley&Bryan 6.1.12

10 years ago

Hey Ashleylauren. Good to hear you are trying to keep busy. Hopefully this will be your month for that little bean to stick this time!
We just did a semen analysis on hubby and everything was normal so that is such a relief! My doc said I could start on clomid if I wanted to. But we are on cycle 8 of ttc and I wanted to give it a few more months before starting that. I am trying two new things this cycle. Pregnitude ( supposed to make you O at right time and strengthen egg) and Maca root ( helps men and women increase fertility, libido, and all around energy). Studies showed maca increased sperm count and mobility in men and balanced out all the hormones in women. So we are giving it a try. I'm really hoping that one of these works! I'm definitely taking more pills than I want to be but hopefully it will be worth it!

10 years ago

Is your cycle regular? I researched Pregnitude and the main ingredient in it, and I did not like what I read. My doctor gave me a bunch of samples after the chemical. I was so excited when I read about how it strengthens the egg, but couldn't mind much info on the pregnitude website.

It has helped women with PCOS. However, research Myo-Inositol, and see what you think if you haven't already.

Personally, I prefer the more natural route. My doctor has given me a bag full of prenatals in addition to the Pregnitude. The prenatals were full of unnecessary chemicals. It was sad for me thinking how the doctors are more concerned with selling product than their patients' health. To make it worse, I was drinking Shakeology. It was the healthiest thing I was putting in my body, and my doctor told me to stop drinking it. I had a bad feeling about it all, but hey, she's the doctor and knows best, right? I'm not so sure.

For my next pregnancy, my husband and I already discussed what I would and would not be putting in my body. Long story short, we are doing what we think is best after hours of research.

User Image Ashley&Bryan 6.1.12

10 years ago

Yes, I understand that. I'm glad you are finding what's right for you and not putting anything in your body you don't feel comfortable with. I have 32-35 day cycles and I usually O on day 19-20. That's why she thought I may could benefit from pregnitude. I have done research on it and have found good and bad things. Mostly good though. I told myself that if I didn't like the way it made me feel or mess up my cycles then I would stop taking it. So far, so good. I'm on cd 12 and I've been taking it for only 9 days so It may not even help this month but hoping to O a lil earlier...even if its just a day or two sooner. I'm using opk's and bd'ing every other day like you. So hopefully it will work out!

10 years ago

Hi girls, just like you I've started my ttc, it's my 2 cycle. Ashley lauren are you taking anything now? I'm looking for some natural ways, not really into medicines. Any tips will be appreciated!

10 years ago

Hello girls!
Sorry I have been MIA for a while. We have just returned from our vacation and are ready to get things moving.
Im currently CD13 and started to feel OV pain yesterday, so I know that is happening soon or it already happened. So we were dtd religiously almost every day. Decided to take a slightly different approach this cycle.. It is our 8th cycle TTC, and so far I was always using OPK's (I stopped this month because I realized I ovulate on the same day pretty much every cycle), and BD every other day and then the day of OV. Since this didnt work, we decided to do it the old fashioned way :D That means BD whenever we feel like it, and that way we covered more days I Im curious to see if it will make any difference.
Another thing that Im doing differently this month (on top of my daily folic acid dosage) I started taking vitamin B, as well.
Also, I did some research on fertility clinics in my city, just to find out how the whole system works. And OMG, I was so pleasantly surprised! I found 3 great ones, and apparently all of them are ready to take me within week or two from the time I call them, to make an appointment. It was also very nice to hear that most of the tests are completely covered by my health insurance.
So we decided to sign ourselves in for the hole process in case we dont succeed this month.
I would be so grateful if we didnt have to, and normally I probably wouldnt even go down this route until we were trying for a year....but given my two CP in the past, I just want to make sure everything is o.k, and obviously if not, then starting to fix whatever the problem is..sooner rather than later.
Sorry for the long post..I just realized now how much Ive written. I just wanted to update you, because its been a while..
Ashley - Im very sorry for your loss! I was waiting for your message, and was quite sad when it didnt arrive.. Im hoping that the psychic is right and you ll get pregnant again this month, but this time it has to be a sticky one :)
How is the rest of you holding up?
We can all do it girls, and we will!

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10 years ago

Hi Ladies. Abennett - my husband just did an analysis too, dropped it off yesterday - fingers crossed. We've been joking about it since he picked up the kit so he called me yesterday to say "the goods have been delivered" and then proceeded to say he lit candles and ran a bubble bath. ;) I have an appointment next Friday. They mentioned in my previous appointment that if everything came back fine from him, they could start me on clomid. With only being on month 5 of trying, wondering if I should wait a while before we start that. Like I've said before, my biggest fear is that I'm not ovulating - mostly because I do not get a clear temperature shift. The OPKs indicate I am, or at least that I get the hormone surge, but that doesn't guarantee actual O. I would just feel better if i knew I was for sure Ovulating.

After skipping my period last month, I'm waiting for AF to start. Typically it would of been this week starting anywhere from Wed-today. My big plan last month was to bd every day after my period, and then I never started...

10 years ago

Hello ladies, sorry i was away for a while, thunder and lightening destroyed our internet and it took a week to get it back . @ASHLEY, sweetheart, so sorry for the chemical, have my deepest sympathy ok. u will get pregnant again in no time, cos this cleary shows u really can get pregnant.

Abennett, have u been diagnosed with a thyriod prb, i pray the meds ure taking works for u my dear, i have reaserched the pregnitude, but i aint taking anything more on my own without a docs prescription, so i am waiting until our appointment on the 28th.

Now my depressing update. today i am CD74, still no AF. SO i took a bloodtest today since all hpts are negative. i dont feel pregnant at all anyway, so we just wait and see. Maybe there are even more serious issues with my body that need attention, we wait and see.

Good luck all u ladies out there and babydust

10 years ago

@ovugirl- I am taking vitamin E daily and so is my husband. I'm drinking Shakeology daily too. I was doing that hand in hand with Insanity. I stopped Insanity the day of my super faint BFP just in case. I just started back up again yesterday, but I'm modifying the routine a bit. I think the diet and exercise helped. Exercise naturally helps your progesterone levels. I can attest to that because my spotting has been significantly fewer days since I started eating healthier and working out 6 days/week. We are doing the whole Pre-Seed/Diva Cup thing too. Every other day worked for us last month, so we are on that BD plan. Good luck to you!

@ABennett- I hope the Pregnitude works for you. I just couldn't find enough evidence of the stuff. It definitely scared me. That main ingredient in it is for sufferers of bulimia, OCD, bipolar disorder, etc. It spoke very little about fertility, and it only mentioned PCOS a bit. Maybe you could be a success story for the stuff to help get it recognized a bit more!

@Kejtblue- I did write you back! I guess it didn't go through, but I did think it was odd you never wrote back also. :( Well, I wrote everything here, on my journals and CTP homepage, so I'm sure you at least saw what is on this forum. Boo! Hope this is your cycle and that you enjoyed your vacation!

@Writergirl- I sure hope you are ovulating! Where you temping the same time everyday when you were charting? That could be a reason why you never saw a clear shift. I was temping for months, and I find it more relaxing not doing it. It was great having all the data at my fingertips, but I hated stressing about what my temp would be each morning around the days it mattered most. Since I have the info handy, now I know my range of ovulation. Maybe it will just be easier when the doctors figure it out soon though anyway! Hope that goes well!

@Renee- CD74? I hope the blood test indicates a pregnancy. That is such a long cycle. Are you doing anything to get it regulated a bit more? If it helps, i didn't feel pregnant last month. Granted, the baby probably didn't even stick much at all to my lining, but I didn't feel morning sickness or sore boobs like most claim to experience. Everyone is different.

User Image Ashley&Bryan 6.1.12

10 years ago

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