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June 2016 Babies ????

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This is a forum for all the precious ladies, anxious and enthusiastic ladies hoping to conceive this month with hopes of having a baby in June 2016. Join me to discuss strategies, share the pain, obsess over the symptoms and celebrating !!!

Loads and loads of and ...
for conceiving the baby !

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311 Replies • 8 years ago



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131 - 140 of 311 Replies | Last Page

dsinha1011: the hcg trigger (Ovidrel) is a shot that causes mature follicles to release the egg. I used it in combination with clomid this cycle. Since the shot contains hcg, it will cause hpt to show a false positive for at least a week. I was testing every day to make sure it's out of my system, and I think it finally is! So any positives I see from here on out are "real" ones if that makes sense. I know it's unlikely to see a BFP until 10dpo but I'm in the habit of testing every day now so I'll probably continue just for kicks and since I have a ton of ICs! yay for being cycle buddies, MrsB11 too!

WishingforViolet: so glad your cat finally came home, and thanks for the great idea for the list!! I'm adding myself to the TWW section!

Calvingirl: AF just started - Cycle day #1, first cycle trying to conceive after loss. The journey has begun again - may it be a short one!

Wishingforviolet: TTC#1 Cycle 3, O'd 19 Sept, AF due 7 Oct

Dsinha1011: TTC#1 Cycle 13, O'd 20 Sept, AF due 8 Oct

Luna_red: TTC#3 Cycle 1, O'd on Sept 23, AF due on 7 Oct

MMcAlli: TTC #1 Cycle 10, O'd on Sept 27, AF due on 11 Oct. 1 DPO

Jbean: TTC #2 Cycle 6, O'd on Sept 19, AF due Oct 3, 9 DPO

Shananabooboo: TTC #1 Cycle 2 O'd on sept 24th or 25th AF due oct 9th or 10th 3 or 4 dpo

Lalou3tt3: TTC#1 Cycle 1 clomid + Metformin, O'd (hopefully) on Sept 19th, 9 DPO, AF due (unsure) from Oct 6th to later

MrsB11: TTC#2, Cycle 1 O'd 20th Sept, 8dpo today, AF due about 4th October, will probably test from tomorrow morning.

clarabelle31: TTC#1 Cycle 3 (clomid/Ovidrel), O'd on Sept 20, AF due on Oct 4

Contemplating: TCC#1, Cycle Unknown (tried for 4 years on and off due to life circumstances), LMP: 28 Aug 2015, BFP 21 Sept (Gold Digital FRER), EDD: 03 June 2016

8 years ago

Contemplating - Hope to hear great news after your ultrasound on October 13.

Shananabooboo - Thanks for sharing about the symptoms. I know we all tend to symptom spot in the TWW but hey, if it makes it go by faster I will do whatever.

Lalou3tt3 - Really? its nice to hear I am not the only one. I hope your ovulation date is the one you originally thought just so you get a BFP sooner! I know mine isn't because I am having way to many symptoms now unlike when I thought I got my first positive. Fingers Crossed for you.

Calvingirl, MrsB11, Clarabelle31 - Hope to see BFP soon from you guys!

AFM - I am having intense ovulation pain today. If it keeps it up I think I will be calling my doctor. I don't know what's going on. Pray it goes away & I am able to start my TWW.

Ladies we made it through another day. Hope everyone had a great one!

Calvingirl: AF just started - Cycle day #1, first cycle trying to conceive after loss. The journey has begun again - may it be a short one!

Wishingforviolet: TTC#1 Cycle 3, O'd 19 Sept, AF due 7 Oct

Dsinha1011: TTC#1 Cycle 13, O'd 20 Sept, AF due 8 Oct

Luna_red: TTC#3 Cycle 1, O'd on Sept 23, AF due on 7 Oct

MMcAlli: TTC #1 Cycle 10, O'd on Sept 27, AF due on 11 Oct. 1 DPO

Jbean: TTC #2 Cycle 6, O'd on Sept 19, AF due Oct 3, 9 DPO

Shananabooboo: TTC #1 Cycle 2 O'd on sept 24th or 25th AF due oct 9th or 10th 3 or 4 dpo

Lalou3tt3: TTC#1 Cycle 1 clomid + Metformin, O'd (hopefully) on Sept 19th, 9 DPO, AF due (unsure) from Oct 6th to later

MrsB11: TTC#2, Cycle 1 O'd 20th Sept, 8dpo today, AF due about 4th October, will probably test from tomorrow morning.

clarabelle31: TTC#1 Cycle 3 (clomid/Ovidrel), O'd on Sept 20, AF due on Oct 4

Contemplating: TCC#1, Cycle Unknown (tried for 4 years on and off due to life circumstances), LMP: 28 Aug 2015, BFP 21 Sept (Gold Digital FRER), EDD: 03 June 2016

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8 years ago

btw Lalou, I finally added my cycle to my profile!

I feel like my cover line is kinda high, maybe because my temps were a bit erratic in the beginning of my cycle? I think my temps were a little higher pre-O due to the Clomid which I took CD3-7. Usually I'm in the 96s or low 97s until I O, after which I'm in the mid-97s until AF.

Let me know what you ladies think!

8 years ago

MrsB, can't wait to hear from you tomorrow! Fx

Clarabelle, are you testing anytime soon?

TTC#3 since September 2015 DD 11/2013 DS 01/2012 User Image

8 years ago

Hi everyone,

This is so exciting, looks like we could have a whole week of testing!!

Calvingirl: I'm so happy that you're ready to start again.

MMcalli: I hope the pain goes away soon, but do update us on how you go

MrsB11: for testing day!!


Calvingirl: AF just started - Cycle day #1, first cycle trying to conceive after loss. The journey has begun again - may it be a short one!

Wishingforviolet: TTC#1 Cycle 3, O'd 23 Sept, AF due 7 Oct
Dsinha1011: TTC#1 Cycle 13, O'd 20 Sept, AF due 8 Oct
Luna_red: TTC#3 Cycle 1, O'd on Sept 23, AF due on 7 Oct
MMcAlli: TTC #1 Cycle 10, O'd on Sept 27, AF due on 11 Oct. 1 DPO
Jbean: TTC #2 Cycle 6, O'd on Sept 19, AF due Oct 3, 9 DPO
Shananabooboo: TTC #1 Cycle 2 O'd on sept 24th or 25th AF due oct 9th or 10th 3 or 4 dpo
Lalou3tt3: TTC#1 Cycle 1 clomid + Metformin, O'd (hopefully) on Sept 19th, 9 DPO, AF due (unsure) from Oct 6th to later
MrsB11: TTC#2, Cycle 1 O'd 20th Sept, 8dpo today, AF due about 4th October, will probably test from tomorrow morning.
clarabelle31: TTC#1 Cycle 3 (clomid/Ovidrel), O'd on Sept 20, AF due on Oct 4

Contemplating: TCC#1, Cycle Unknown (tried for 4 years on and off due to life circumstances), LMP: 28 Aug 2015, BFP 21 Sept (Gold Digital FRER), EDD: 03 June 2016

8 years ago

Hi! Sorry I'm late to the party! TTC#1 but am so blessed to be stepmom to three awesome kiddos. I may have gotten a but am scared to get excited just yet. First BFP ever!!

8 years ago


I haven't been online for a bit. But thought I would update everyone. I am now 5dpiui. I had my IUI last week Thursday. Was still as painful as last time, and I bled afterward. I am hoping this is my last time for awhile. I am going to try to hold out on testing until at least 12dpiui.

Margie - I hope that you were able to catch the egg. Glad you were able to do the IUI over the weekend. Sorry your DH's numbers were low, but hopefully it was still enough.

Gettingby - Good luck with your IUI. I am on my second round.

Lalou - I hope you get your BFP

Wishing - I am glad that your cat is home. Also, I think the list is a good idea.

Good luck to everyone else in the TWW.


Calvingirl: AF just started - Cycle day #1, first cycle trying to conceive after loss. The journey has begun again - may it be a short one!


Wishingforviolet: TTC#1 Cycle 3, O'd 23 Sept, AF due 7 Oct

Dsinha1011: TTC#1 Cycle 13, O'd 20 Sept, AF due 8 Oct

Luna_red: TTC#3 Cycle 1, O'd on Sept 23, AF due on 7 Oct

MMcAlli: TTC #1 Cycle 10, O'd on Sept 27, AF due on 11 Oct. 1 DPO

Jbean: TTC #2 Cycle 6, O'd on Sept 19, AF due Oct 3, 9 DPO

Shananabooboo: TTC #1 Cycle 2 O'd on sept 24th or 25th AF due oct 9th or 10th 3 or 4 dpo

Lalou3tt3: TTC#1 Cycle 1 clomid + Metformin, O'd (hopefully) on Sept 19th, 9 DPO, AF due (unsure) from Oct 6th to later

MrsB11: TTC#2, Cycle 1 O'd 20th Sept, 8dpo today, AF due about 4th October, will probably test from tomorrow morning.

clarabelle31: TTC#1 Cycle 3 (clomid/Ovidrel), O'd on Sept 20, AF due on Oct 4

Jeskalillis: TTC #1, Cycle (Idk, it has been a few years), IUI on Sept 24, AF due October 8 or 9.

Contemplating: TCC#1, Cycle Unknown (tried for 4 years on and off due to life circumstances), LMP: 28 Aug 2015, BFP 21 Sept (Gold Digital FRER), EDD: 03 June 2016

TTC#1 DH: 29 Me: 27 Married 2009, officially TTC since 2013 July 2015: Decided to talk to OB. HSG was good. Blood work good. SA showed low motility. OB recommended IUI. August 26 2015: IUI #1, 50mg clomid, hcg shot, 2 follicles, bfn Sept. 24, 2015: IUI #2, 50mg clomid, hcg shot, 4 follicles, bfn October: took a break, to talk to a RE, bfn November 22 2015: Intercourse, 50mg clomid, hcg shot, 1 follicle

8 years ago

Good morning everyone! Hope y'alls weekend was good.

Wishing - Glad to hear your cat is safe and sound! Cute that she had a bf :) Thanks for the list idea! This makes it SOOOO much easier to answer the common questions I usually try to keep up on without having to go back through every post!

Clara - I agree, your coverline seems awfully high. It seems as though this site's charting software doesn't believe there can be ANY temps above cover pre-o. (I've had the same issue in the past with my charts here. I also use FF and tend to put more trust in that chart) In any case, at least your temps are still up. How long is your LP usually? Can't wait to see that line re-appear :)

MMcalli - Hope the pain has eased up! I think the only thing worse than the TWW is waiting to be IN the TWW!

MrsB - Did you test this morning?? FX for you!!

Calvin - I hope your DH is right and you get your BFP fast! I worry about age too (I'm 38). But my mom was 40 when she had my youngest brother so I'm hoping to follow in her footsteps.

Lalou - Have you tested again? Did you post the test on here for us to check out?? Hope your shadow darkens :) Good Luck!!

Shanana - We are cycle buddies! I ov'd on the 25th also. I hope you are able to get your BFP without having to involve an RE. It would be REALLY great if you got it this month! How long are you able to hold out before you start testing?

Contemplating - Keep in mind that the pos line on tests start to lighten again after some time. I had a few days I re-tested with my first pregnancy (because I was obsessive and was so scared of mc....sometimes these sites can instill fear!) and they started to fade. I was terrified and convinced I was losing the baby until I found out that was completely normal. So don't let it freak you out!! Easier said than done, I know :) Also, have you checked out countdownmypregnancy? I moved over there after my first bfp last year. It's really great to record all the "firsts" and to have due date buddies! Of course, please keep popping in here to give us updates until we can join you over there!

jbean - That's awesome you had a nice weekend with the hubs :) Getting back to a routine is sometimes the best way to wait out the TWW. Hope that works for you and your temp stays nice and high!

Luna - Hope you don't have to wait long to add to your family!

dsinha - I've always used the IC opks and they've done fine. I'm a poas addict and using anything other than IC, I'd go broke! I think it's just my body still readjusting after pregnancy that is making them so wacky. Good luck to you! How are you surviving the TWW?

AFM - FF confirmed my ov at Friday, the 25th while here it said Saturday. I'm going with FF, and changed my date here, because of the extreme ov pains I had Friday night. In all actuality, I'm pretty sure I ov'd overnight so it could go either way. I just tend to trust FF more for some reason? So that makes me 4 dpo. I almost forgot how obsessive the TWW makes me. I'm so glad I have a little one to keep me busy and pass the time. Because I'm a poas addict and because I have a ton of IC hpts, I'll probably begin testing Friday (7 dpo). Super early, I know, but I got my first super faint bfp on 8 dpo and I kinda like having one that will almost certainly be stark white to compare to. Looking forward to everyone's updates this week....lots of testing soon!!! Good Luck to us all :)

Calvingirl: AF just started - Cycle day #1, first cycle trying to conceive after loss. The journey has begun again - may it be a short one!

Wishingforviolet: TTC#1 Cycle 3, O'd 23 Sept, AF due 7 Oct

Dsinha1011: TTC#1 Cycle 13, O'd 20 Sept, AF due 8 Oct

Luna_red: TTC#3 Cycle 1, O'd on Sept 23, AF due on 7 Oct

MMcAlli: TTC #1 Cycle 10, O'd on Sept 27, AF due on 11 Oct. 1 DPO

Jbean: TTC #2 Cycle 6, O'd on Sept 19, AF due Oct 3, 9 DPO

Shananabooboo: TTC #1 Cycle 2 O'd on sept 24th or 25th AF due oct 9th or 10th 3 or 4 dpo

Lalou3tt3: TTC#1 Cycle 1 clomid + Metformin, O'd (hopefully) on Sept 19th, 9 DPO, AF due (unsure) from Oct 6th to later

MrsB11: TTC#2, Cycle 1 O'd 20th Sept, 8dpo today, AF due about 4th October, will probably test from tomorrow morning.

clarabelle31: TTC#1 Cycle 3 (clomid/Ovidrel), O'd on Sept 20, AF due on Oct 4

MrsRabren: TTC#2, Cycle 2, O'd Sept 25, not sure when AF is due, cycles still out of whack (used to have 10-11 day LP which would put AF due around Oct 5)

Contemplating: TCC#1, Cycle Unknown (tried for 4 years on and off due to life circumstances), LMP: 28 Aug 2015, BFP 21 Sept (Gold Digital FRER), EDD: 03 June 2016

Me (36) & DW (32) together since February 2006 DD (conceived via at home insemination with KD sperm) born Feb 2015 TTC #2

8 years ago

Good morning ladies,

MrsRabren - I hope the TWW goes by quickly for you.

jeska - I hope you caught the egg too. I'm with you I think I'll try and hold out until 11 or 12 DPIUI.

Lovelee - Welcome. That's definitely a BFP. Congratulations! Please let us know if it gets darker or if you use a different brand to confirm.

Wishing - I'm glad your cat came home. I know how relieved you must feel. It's super cute that she had a boyfriend.

MMcalli - I hope you're feeling beter ad the pains have stopped.

Calvingirl - I hope you get your BFP very quickly.

Lalou3tt3 - did you test again today? is it any darker?

Shananabooboo - I'm glad your temp rose. I hope you get your BFP this month.

Contemplating - I've heard that sometimes morning sickness doesn't kick in until after 6 weeks.

jbean - I hope your sleeping evens out soon. I find that my temps stay pretty acurate even if I've had a restless night as long as I don't get up and move around.

AFM - My temp stayed up so my BBT actually confirms O on saturday. It's the first time in months when my BBT and my OPK have agreed. I'm feeling super positive about this month. I really hope it works out for us. I have to admit I haven't felt this hopeful that it worked since our first IUI. On the down side I'm super tired this week. I don't know why but I've been waking up a couple of times per night.

Calvingirl: AF just started - Cycle day #1, first cycle trying to conceive after loss. The journey has begun again - may it be a short one!

Margie_m: TTC#1 Cycle 28, O'd 26 Sept, AF due 10 Oct

Wishingforviolet: TTC#1 Cycle 3, O'd 23 Sept, AF due 7 Oct

Dsinha1011: TTC#1 Cycle 13, O'd 20 Sept, AF due 8 Oct

Luna_red: TTC#3 Cycle 1, O'd on Sept 23, AF due on 7 Oct

MMcAlli: TTC #1 Cycle 10, O'd on Sept 27, AF due on 11 Oct. 1 DPO

Jbean: TTC #2 Cycle 6, O'd on Sept 19, AF due Oct 3, 9 DPO

Shananabooboo: TTC #1 Cycle 2 O'd on sept 24th or 25th AF due oct 9th or 10th 3 or 4 dpo

Lalou3tt3: TTC#1 Cycle 1 clomid + Metformin, O'd (hopefully) on Sept 19th, 9 DPO, AF due (unsure) from Oct 6th to later

MrsB11: TTC#2, Cycle 1 O'd 20th Sept, 8dpo today, AF due about 4th October, will probably test from tomorrow morning.

clarabelle31: TTC#1 Cycle 3 (clomid/Ovidrel), O'd on Sept 20, AF due on Oct 4

MrsRabren: TTC#2, Cycle 2, O'd Sept 25, not sure when AF is due, cycles still out of whack (used to have 10-11 day LP which would put AF due around Oct 5)

Contemplating: TCC#1, Cycle Unknown (tried for 4 years on and off due to life circumstances), LMP: 28 Aug 2015, BFP 21 Sept (Gold Digital FRER), EDD: 03 June 2016

Me:29 DH:27 Mar 31 2015: IUI #1, MC 16/04 May 30, 2015: IUI #2, Jul 31, 2015: IUI #3, Aug 25, 2015: IUI #4, Sep 26, 2015: IUI #5, Oct 24, 2015: IUI #6,

8 years ago

too confusing to me...

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8 years ago

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