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Private Testers Support Group Part 3!

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A "secret" group for a not-secretly awesome group of ladies. :)

As I said in the last thread, I'm CD 9 and nothing exciting is happening, unless you count patchy depression and seasonal affective disorder "exciting" :-/

576 Replies • 10 years ago



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Hi ladies! Sorry I don't have time to respond to everyone yet. I miss you girls a ton! I wanted to share some pics for those of you who are interested :)

Here is a slideshow of pics taken at the hospital.

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10 years ago

Smh she is gorgeous I LOVE those pictures by the time I got to the 12 slide I was teary eyed. Enjoy motherhood my dear friend.

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10 years ago

Good evening ladies! Hope you all don't mind my popping in after being absent for so long.... not even sure how long it's been... at least 3 months I think.

Well during the time I was gone I hopped off the baby making train (each month that went by just made me more irritated with myself), got a new car, and am now taking fertility drugs. Just started taking Provera today to bring on af and then Clomid. Keeping my fingers crossed that this cycle will bring a little miracle or even the next one. Just feeling positive about things now.

How is everyone? Everyone surviving the horrible cold we've had the past few weeks here in the states?

10 years ago

It so hard to use this site on my phone haha.

@cam- hope work went well for you!

@afmedic- thankyou. Even if just for my mental health.I hope it my turn soon. Hope things become less chaotic for you!

@jlhart- here's to hoping the weird spotting was a good sign! Good luck this month!

@smh- we completly understand why you'd be away haha. I'll take a look at the pictures when I am on a computer!

@mich- welcome back! Glad to hear you are feeling so positive!

Afm, temp jumped a way up today. Had some quite painful cramping. And then later a bit of pink spotting. So even though I'm only 10 dpo. If previous cycles have anything. I am out.

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10 years ago

SMH, love the pics, she's beautiful!!! Thanks so much for sharing!

Mich, hey!!! Sounds like life is treating you well ;)

Blue, you're not out til she shows! Thanks for the well wishes!!

AFM, just got home a bit ago from defensive driving...feel like I'm coming down with a cold :( head, eyes, throat hurting...drinking some hot tea for immunity...

10 years ago

Hey ladies! I have to play catch up soon. Was mia a while...had to visit my fam in Florida (was sure warm and sunny Cam!). My uncle wasn't feeling well so my cousin decided to have a cheer up party right around his birthday. He is now 80. I guess I had too much fun. Didn't even have time to follow much on my phone. I actually missed you guys!

GL to us all this month! Who's testing soon?

SMH: Congratulations girlie!

AFM: not much going on...

10 years ago

Hey ladies! I'm here and I'm sick :( Sorry for not being more talkative. I miss you all and hope things are going well!

10 years ago

Hi Ladies!

I took a TTC break since last month. Also my computer died on me so it is being repaired. I hate using my phone, but wanted to check in.

Congrats SMH! So excited for you. Boy how time flies!

law- sorry you dont feel well.

Good luck everyone else! Hope we get our bfps.

AFM, I have been seeing a chiropractor and an acupuncturist for the last 2 months. I also had an HSG a week ago to ensure my tubes are clear. They said I am good to go. I got a peak on my fertility monitor on Saturday, but so far no significant temp rise, so I am not excited this cycle. I'm also trying not to obsess over it like I have in the past.

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10 years ago

hey everyone so sorry I have been MIA!! as I said I was feeling really depressed for a few days so I decided to just take a step back for a little while to get adjusted again. since I last posted I have started the medication for IVF. Right now I am just taking one shot a day of Lupron. This helps to stop your body from producing any eggs. once my next period starts which should be in a few days I will call my RE and go in for a base line draw. we will then monitor everything for a few days until I am ready to start the stimulation meds which I will have to mix together and give myself in with the Lupron. we are expecting the week of March 16th will be the egg retrieval and then 3 to 5 days later the implantation. so I am glad I am back on an even keel and so far no side effects from the meds yet. I have been a little stuffy but I think its just allergies. we had a stretch of about 4 days of almost50 degree temps and now we are cold again and since then I have had a mjor stuffy nose and sneezing like crazy ugh..

SMH: I just looked at the pics... She is gorgeous. congrats!! soo happy for you!!

Luv: how are you doing hope things are going well. Looks like your temps have been a little up hopefully that's a sign of good things to come.

Blue: I will keep my fx that theses are all good sign for you!

law,jada,cam and anyone else I am forgetting: how are you ladies doing hope everyone is doing alright!!

10 years ago

@amag- I am sorry to hear that you have been feeling so down. I hope you are feeling better now and all of the effort you have been putting into TTC pays off soon! Good luck!

@Holly3307- Maybe a short break was all you need. Try not too feel to down about this cycle. You never know! This might be your time!

@ lawbride88 - Feel better soon!!

@JLHart22 - Hope the tea helped and you didn't end up sick!

11 dpo today. Took a FRER this morning. 38% said it was positive. I, however, don't think I saw anything. Spotting has stopped. Cramping is still very present. Some cramps are quite intense.

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10 years ago

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