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Where are you Aussie gals?

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Where are you all? I am hoping I am not the only one!!!
Here to share and support our ttc journey.
I am Queenslander who moved to NSW. Lol who does that?
Ttc num. 3 for a year now! I am 10 dpo waiting for the witch.Waving to you all.

687 Replies • 10 years ago



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Oh what I do for a good old drink right now !!

We had a fun day, but was tired as. I seem to have gotten the flu from somewhere :(
Hope it's only me that's gets it and stays away from others in the house!

My temps use to be crazy like that Sam, just chart it and look at the end of your cycle and see if it shows anything, other than that just forget about it. It's honestly only going to shoe you AFTER you ovulate to confirm it. ( hope that makes sense)

Cd 7 here and still spotted on n off yesty and today. Weird for me ! Normally 4 days MAX.

Hopefully we can catch this silly egg Jodi !! Slimy little sucker !!!!!

Night Girls I'm off to sook in bed xx

TTC no2 for all

10 years ago

hmmm i think this cycle is going to be a tricky and unpredictable one...... started of the day with creamy cm only to have ewcm by the afternoon...... have had slight cramping on the right side on and off all day.... did an OPK and it came back negative.
not supposed to enter my fertile window until thursday and not supposed to o until sunday/monday...... thinking she's coming early this month....
more confused than ever......

10 years ago

That is really bizarre Sam, maybe you are going to O early, those OPK's can sometimes miss it but still you wouldn't think it would happen this early or so quick. Why do our bodies screw with us like this?! (no pun intended! Ha) Have you taken anything new that might be changing your cycle? Just a thought. I forgot to say we also BD on alternate days, to help build hubby's count. I guess if you started last night you'd still be covered if you have O'd today. Fingers crossed! :)

Tracey I hope you are ok, you poor thing. My daughter has a tummy bug today so I've had a sick little girl on my hands. I'm sure hubby will get it too. :(
PS Yes lets definitely catch those slippery sucker eggs this cycle! I am still spotting out the end of my AF.

Keiralei hope you don't have a sore head today. He he. ;)

After tending to a sick child all day I am really not feeling up to it tonight but being the trooper TTC'er that I am I will take one for the team. (pun intended that time. ha)

10 years ago

Hey girls! No headache winning!! Lucky me. Yay the power is finally back on. The pipes have been worked on all day on our street.
Hope your daughter gets better Jodi and you guys dont catch it. I know right with talking about bedding plans and all. I used to plan it with my dh and it really got to him when it wasnt working so i dont plan it with him anymore.
Hey Sam yes your chart is different but hang in there and i agree with Jodi & Tracey just try and see how it goes and i think it will be an early o for you too. I find that my temps are the same from 6to 8 am then they start rising after 8 am, So if you get a chance see what temps you get . Nice bding plan too!Sohappy you guys are sorted, gl!
Hey Tracey hope you get better soon. Get plenty of rest. Can you please check out my bbt chart i am not sure if i mark down if i ovulate on the 16th or the 17th at this stage. What do you guys think?
Xx Cheers lol.

10 years ago • Post starter

Evening ladies :)
Keiralei, by what i can see you may have ovulated yesterday or today ? Any ovulation pains ? Looking good so far tho !

Jodi, :( poor little miss tummy bugs are the worst !

Sam, sometimes our bodies gear up for Oing early but then back down then back up few days later. My suggestion is bd when you can if possible and don't stress to much, yes harder said than done, but stress can be our worse enemy sometimes.


TTC no2 for all

10 years ago

stupid caps lock got me !!

TTC no2 for all

10 years ago

I'm in the Illawarra (as in, South of Sydney, apparently there are multiple Illawarras in Australia?!), anyone from around here??? I'm 6dpo today, and to be honest, I don't know I'm going to make it through the next 10 days!

10 years ago

Hi girls, bad night here with the munchkin, so much for the BD plans. We've just been to the doc and its a throat infection but at least that means antibiotics to fix her up. After one dose she has perked up a lot actually.

Keiralei I would say the 16th (the start of your spike, I think), but I could be wrong. I think it's going to be one of those annoying cycles all round!

Tracey maybe just keep a note on the days where you were sick but don't discard them. Are you taking antibiotics or anything, sorry if you've said, my brain is fuzzy this morning.

How are you Sam?

Welcome, IsThereABaby, (cute name, mine is Jodi. ha)I didn't know there was another Illawarra either! Ha. I'm in Sydney in the northwest. I know what you mean about struggling with the two week wait. Tell us about yourself... This is a great place to pass the time, Keiralei is close in cycles days to you, the rest of us are a bit behind. :)

10 years ago

Hey girls
Hope everyone and their kiddies are feeling better today I think I myself have a slight case conjunctivitis, will see as the day progresses.

Tracey I agree with Jodi, I remember reading somewhere that you still mark down your temps even when you're sick but make a note of them.

Hi IsThereABaby I'm Sam and from Melbourne. We all feel the struggle of the two week wait you just have to remember to relax and keep calm, which is impossible haha but good luck!!!

Jodi I'm still feeling that pain in the right side I definitely think O is on her way just not here in full force yet!!! I'm not going to bother with the OPKs early because it could just be the endometriosis so I'll just wait it out until Thursday. I can't have missed O because we've been BDing early anyways.
I spoke to the Fiancé about it and he's like well just to make sure lets do this everyday to maximise our chances...... I don't know how he has it in him I'm already tired from it!!! I came home and had a nap today!!!

Keiralei I tried the whole taking the temp later thing and I'm still getting the same results..... Maybe it's normal for my body to be around the 35.3 mark but who knows only time will tell!!

Only a few more days until my TWW and I feel a lot more relaxed this time around hopefully the mood sticks and the baby for that matter

Goodluck to you all

10 years ago

Hi all, catch you soon. No power or reception atm xo

10 years ago • Post starter

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