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October Testers Part 2!

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AFM CD 15 waiting to O!

503 Replies • 10 years ago



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1st--I'm really excited for you with this cycle. Your body has shown you that you can get pregnant and I bet you'll be pregnant again soon! That's so reassuring.

Luv--I don't think so. His brother and dad also snore really loud so maybe its hereditary.

Dobbs--you're tellin' me. lol.

SMH--I am really relieved. I am trying to stay hopeful that I will get pregnant soon! I want a baby more than anything!

3lil--what are you going to have him pick up? Take out sounds wonderful!

10 years ago

luv: It is usually spineless wonder but the baby and I are feeling creative.

Lawbride: McDonald's.. All the good restaurants are about 30 miles away. We only have one sit down restaurant in the town nearest me. They just got a dollar store last week.

12/08 + 1/10 + 07/11, Had to do a lot of for baby #4. Yuck!!!! User Image

10 years ago

@lawbride: You WILL get pregnant soon! Once you start the injectables you'll be pregnant super fast. :)

@3lil: I can't wait until you are out of that town and into one with some good eats!!! Among other wonderful reasons to get out.

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10 years ago

SMH--thank you beautiful! I am hopeful! :)

3lil--sometimes mcdonald's can hit the spot but it must be a bummer not to have other restaurants available.

10 years ago

Hi ladies!

I was at the gym ran a few miles and pulled an abdominal muscle while doing crunches. I was already thinking I should slow down on the exercising given its around O time. I sure hope I didn't tweak something important. I feel sore in the ovarian region.

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10 years ago

Goodness, this is why I got 'lost'..the forum is hard to keep up with haha
Some of you asked about identical or fraternal: the babies are in separate sacs with separate placentas, but since they are both boys we would need to have a DNA test done after they're born to see if they are identical or fraternal. If they look nothing alike, then they're most likely fraternal...guess we'll have to wait and see. On the plus side, having the babies in separate sacs and placentas is the best, because it is the lowest risk twin pregnancy!
I will be heading to Charlotte tomorrow to visit and friend and do the Colour Run (we'll walk), so I won't be on for a couple days.
Good luck to everyone going to through procedures and's no fun, but it gets the balls!

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10 years ago

GR28 I hope they're fraternal so they won't pull off any Sweet Valley Twins style switcheroos ;)

Holly if you pulled an abdominal muscle it shouldn't affect your O, unless you really overdid it in general at the gym! If it's a low front muscle near the ovary it could either be a lower rectus abdominal or a hip flexor, try putting a heating pad on it and maybe massaging it if that doesn't hurt too bad :)

10 years ago • Post starter

Law. Have you tried unisom or melatonin for insomnia? You don't need a prescription for either.

Just realized baby will be born on a full moon.

12/08 + 1/10 + 07/11, Had to do a lot of for baby #4. Yuck!!!! User Image

10 years ago

3lil: Oliver is sooo ready to come out if you can't sit on a chair. I can't imagine what that must feel like:) Not long to go now. Now go and practice to type with one hand while you BF Oliver:) Did you end up sending your dh for a food run? What did he bring back? Full moon delivery! Woooo Hoooo

afmedic: How are you? Have you tested again? I looked at your test you posted and I can see something. Might just be early.

law: I'm so chuffed about your HCG result. You see the RE next week Tuesday correct? Sorry to hear about your insomnia. I suffered from it while i was studying. Hate, hate, hated it.

Holly: Wow BD for 5 days in a row! How do you not fall asleep? hehehe Keeping my fx that you've caught that egg and it's brewing. Sorry that you injured yourself at the gym. Hopefully it doesn't affect your O day.

1st: I am stoked that your number is 1 and you can get right back ttc again. Tnx for thinking about me. I don't think it will be too early to start your opk. I think it depends on the body. I would think that everybody is different. Did your Obs say anything about when you get preggo again to put you on extra hormones etc?

luvto: Any closer to a pos opk? How do you find using the mucinex?

smh: I love your reveal photo. And you say you're not creative??? Gmmff
I knew it. Just had a feeling:) Thank you for asking about me.

Cam: I'm hoping that you've got that egg all tugged up nicely brewing away. Tnx for thinking about me. AF is still in full swing.

Amag: Happy anniversary.

JLH: Go get that egg HUN. I've got a good feeling this month. Love your sneaky plan LOL

shawn: Soo happy for you.

Dobbs: Keeping my fx that you will get your BFP next month. I'm glad that you've got a game plan for catching that egg.

law,luvto: My DH snores too and it gets so bad that i sleep in the downstairs bedroom. I can't afford not to get enough sleep for work:)


AFM: I'm on CD4 and AF is still in full swing. Feeling very dizzy atm.
I had my app with gyno/ob yesterday and I LIKE him. He is very soft in nature and does not make me feel uncomfortable like i normally do with these type of Dr.
After telling him my history, he was very upset that the previous Dr did not do a D&C when I had my molar mc in June. I also told him that I think my LP is only 9-10 days and he said that it can be easily fixed. He seems to think that the molar preg caused my uterine lining to reject anything wanting to attached and grow. I've had 10 viles of blood taken today. ranging from full blood count, liver functions and other tests that i can't even pronounce. I'm booked in to have a Hysteroscopy, D&C and possible suction curettage next week Thursday. Depending on bleeding he will do a pap test too because I've got Sin II.
I'm not looking forward to any of this but am really glad that things can get back to normal.

2005 2007. 2008 1/2013 6/2013 User ImageMake an ovulation ticker

10 years ago

@Nicolene: I know; when the nurse said 1, I had to ask again to clarify what she said. First emotion was definitely shock, then of course happiness. And the doctor hasn't said anything about adding anything yet since we have only been ttc since August and this was my first miscarriage/pregnancy. So, I guess it's just a waiting game right now... guess we will either get pregnant again or have to add other measures later on down the road. Hoping for the best for you next week and that things get back to normal for you!!!!

10 years ago

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