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40 and TTC # 2 after 19 yrs

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Hello Ladies,
I am 40 and DH is 50. We are trying to conceive our first together. I had a TR in August of 2013 and we stated trying in November 2013. I would like to share this journey with you ladies.

709 Replies • 11 years ago



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Rebecca- I can relate to how you feel somewhat. I have one child who just started college. My son is 18 and he wasn't planned. I got pregnant with him when I was 18, the summer before I started college. And I was scared to death. Looking back on everything I see know that God blessed me with the most wonderful little miracle. In the beginning by pregnancy was wonderful. I had very little morning sickness and basically felt great, until my check-up at 5 months. At which time my OB told me I wasn't gaining enough wait and he was really concerned about my blood pressure as it had went through the roof. He wanted to see me again in 2 weeks to again my weight was down and my blood pressure was up. However when he measured my stomach it was larger than what he said he would expect it to be. So he done and ultrasound and said that I had too much amniotic fluid. Well being 18 I didn't see why that was a problem, but he informed me that sometimes to much fluid was indicative of mulitples (which I wasn't carrying), downs syndrome, or spinal bifida. I was devastated. I didn't know what to think. So he ordered some blood work to check and told me that the results could take 2-3 weeks. Well I was a nervous wreck, which of course only made my blood pressure issues worse. But when the results came back my son was perfectly healthy, and my OB couldn't explain why I had the excess amniotic fluid. A month later I was in an accident and my stomach took a pretty hard hit. I was rushed to the hospital and my OB came over immediately (his office was within walking distance) and checked me and said everything looked fine. That the baby was doing good, he didn't see any speration of the placenta, and I wasn't having any pains or bleeding so he sent me home and told me to take it easy for a couple weeks then come back and see him. He told me that he thought my excess fluid protected my son from any danger during my accident. My next visit I went from losing weight to having gained 12 lbs. (WOW right), the next month I gained 16 lbs, and was swelling horribly, my blood pressure was still extremly high and I had high amounts of protein in my urine. My OB diagnosed me with preeclampsia. So the rest of my pregnancy I was watched and told to take it easy. I didn't deliver until 43 weeks at which time I had gained a total of 60lbs (WOW!! I KNOW), extremely high blood pressure. They lost my sons heartbeat about an hour after they induced my labor, he was born 8 hrs later, with his umbilical cord wrapped around his neck and entire body, my OB said he had never seen an umbilical cord that long or thick, and had he known my son was in that much danger he would have done c-section earlier that week. Jarred (my son) weighed 8lb. 1oz and had and APGAR score of 7, and was put on oxygen before I even got to hold him. And he was still the most amazing miracle.
This time around I've been trying without success to get pregnant and was truly about to give up. And one night I was praying and talking to God. And he reminded me that he hears all my prayers and that he answers them, in his time. I like you know that God wants me to have other children. I felt him telling me years ago that I would have more children. Sometimes though I think we try to get ahead of God. He does everything in his time, and sometimes I know I try to hurry him along. Just remember to hold on to God's promise he won't let you down. And just remember Sarah was 90 and Abraham 100 when Issac was born to them. God works everthing in his time. I have learned more peace in the last month talking with God about my TTC journey and it has really made things so much easier. I hope this helps you some and please always feel free to discuss anything with us. I know you have been through a lot and no one knows what its like to go through a miscarriage until you've gone through it yourself. Please just hang on to God and remember the path he is leading you and your husband. You guys may just have the next little Issac that will spread Gods word.

Prayers and hugs

10 years ago

@scarlet - Thank you. You are one of the few people who really seem to understand what I'm feeling. When my dh and I got married, he'd been married before and had two sons, and was afraid of having more kids and then our marriage failing. I was young, what did I know the future would hold. LOL. I thought we had all the time in the world. So we didn't try to have kids until we'd been married 3 yrs, and then when we thought we'd just pop them out every 2 yrs - you guessed it. Our journey of loss began. Instead of the 2 yrs we'd planned, it was 5 years before we had another baby. Then 3 more before we had our little girl. Then my hubby went back into the pastorate, went back to college for his degree, we moved 2 hrs away from our home, and he just really felt too old for more kids. (He's 12 yrs older than I am.) So I prayed and decided God wanted me to follow my husband and agree to not having more kids. But the whole time I wanted more. I prayed each month to get pregnant while on BC, although I took it faithfully. Then 3 yrs ago my hubby told me he'd been convinced that God was telling him we shouldn't be on BC, that we should let God decide the size of our family. I thought my prayers had been answered! But again, all that happened was the last 2 mc. I have felt abandoned and tricked by God. Like everything I thought I knew was turned upside down. But your story reminds me that God has His own timing. I know this, yet it's so hard to remember when we look at things from the human perspective and only focus on our ages and the percentages. Thank you so much for sharing your story of how God provided for you and your son.

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10 years ago

Hello ladies. I am 43 and also ttc. I had a TR in September of 2012 and no BFP yet. Not giving up hope though. I have had all my levels checked and everything looks good on my end. DH may need some testing! Good luck and baby dust to everyone.

10 years ago

Hi ladies

Scarlet:Although I didn't ask the question. ....thank you so much for sharing your story. I'm quite sure that it will help more women than you know long after you have concived all of the babies that your heart can love and your house can hold.

Rebecca: be encouraged and know that God will do just what he said!

Dragon: welcome to our ttc family. We are happy that you are here. I am 40 and I had my TR in August 2012 and I got my first real bfp in May 2013 but miscarried on July 4th. I have had 2 cycles since the m/c but really only one what I would consider normal cycle which is this one. The first one I spotted from cycle day 8 ( I usually bleed from cd1-cd3 and spot on cd4) until my cycle came on cd27/28. So.......don't give up. Are you taking any supplements?

Afm: I'm on cd12 I got a almost + on my opk with smu. I will retest at about 6:00pm and I pray that it is + then so hopefully I will O tommorow which will be a day early. Dh have been bding the last couple of days and I used a softcup and preseed today. I'm feeling good about this cycle. So i'm praying this is our cycle ladies.

Touch and agree with me as I agree with you.

I'm waiting for you guys to update your stats.

10 years ago • Post starter

Ladies, help me!!

I'm late. I'm never late unless I'm pregnant. I'm late for the 25 day cycle I have been on since my MC in March. I'm late for the 26 day cycle I had last month. I'm late for my normal 27 day cycle. Right now I'm CD29, supposedly 16DPO - although I'm not sure of that part. Yet I tested and got a BFN this morning!!! Am I out this month? Should I wait a few days and test again? Could I still get a BFP? Or should I call my ob and see if she'll do a blood test?

I hate this!

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10 years ago

Good Morning Ladies. Hope everyone is doing well!

Dragon- Welcome to our ttc family, it's great to have you with us. This little group is simply WONDERFUL. I love having them here to talk to and vent my frustrations with. We are so glad you chose to share your journey with us.

Rebecca- How you you doing? I've had you in my prayers and thoughts of late.

Zuberi- Keeping my fingers crossed for you this cycle and flooding heaven with prayers for you. I hope this is your cycle.

Afm- I'm cd17 and have had loads of EWCM the last 3 days so we've been bding like crazy LOL. My temp dropped this morning also, so I'm figuring I will ovulate today. Greg just started another 48 hr. tour so he won't be home again till Sat. evening late. I decided this month not to use the Mucinex or the baby aspirin and see how I do, it was just something I felt like God telling me, so I'm only taking my Metformin and Dostinex (which I have to take to keep my hormones under control). I've felt more peace this month and our bding has been so much more enjoyable instead of feeling like a job (which sometimes it did). I thank God so much for his blessings already and I know he has more in store for me around the corner if I just trust him and stop trying to do his work for him lol. My son is adjusting to college life so well that he only comes home about every other weekend. He joined a fraternity (Sigma Pi) and spends a lot of time with his frat brothers and it really seems to be giving him more responsibility. Which I'm thankful that he's settling in so well and doing so great but at the same time it makes me so sad because I miss my baby. But I'm so proud of the young man he is growing into and I thank God for him everyday.

Waiting for updates on the rest of our little group- Traci, KDdid, Tigerette, Tinkerbell. How are all you guys doing we miss hearing from you.

Chat with you ladies soon.

Love hugs prayers

10 years ago

Good morning ladies

Rebecca: I think you should wait two more days and test again. You might have implanted late and therefore you want get a + until late. So don't panic test again. Are you using a fre hpt?

Scarlet: I'm hoping that Greg left enough of him with you to create a special bundle of joy. Thanks for all of your prayers we really need them.

Afm no temp drop so still waiting to O

10 years ago • Post starter

Rebecca- Sorry I missed your earlier post I must've been posting at the same time as you. I agree with Zuberi, I would wait a couple more days and test again. I know the waiting can be so frustrating. Were keeping you in our prayers. Also do you temp? That is something that I think helps it lets you know once you've ovulated and then if AF is about to arrive it will let you know that as well. Keep us posted and if you want to chat were here for you.

Hugs & Prayers

10 years ago

Zuberi - It's strange. I've never had this before, but I'm trying to stay positive. I called my OB and she said to wait 10 days and test again. If it's still negative, I should keep my appointment with the fertility specialist on 10/7. I was supposed to call the Fertility Spec. this week when AF showed to schedule blood work on CD3 and an ultrasound, but of course I can't do that now. Or at least not yet!

Thought for sure I'd started yesterday. Had very strong pain in both ovaries for about 5 minutes, but then it went away and nothing happened. My hubby suggested maybe that was ovulation, but that would have been on CD28, and the few times I've felt O pain it was on one side or the other, not both, and way earlier in my cycle. But, who knows!

Scarlet - thanks! This is just so hard. I know our bodies change as we get older - duh, right? - but everything for me is so far out of the norm its just freaking me out. Maybe God is just trying to teach me not to think I'm in control so much.

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10 years ago

Update: I got a + this am. The reason for the update is because I have never had a positive where the test line was darker than the control line. And I test 3 times a day when I get to cd12 just so I don't miss the surge. Just thought that was interesting ans I wanted to share that with you guys.

Hope you are having a great day!

10 years ago • Post starter

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