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Starting clomid, anyone with us? Can we get a hell ya!Part11

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Welcome to part 11 of our discussion group! Our forum is for anyone using Clomid or Femara for treatment. We are all super friendly ladies, so please come and share your story with us!

For anyone who wants to catch up, here is part 10.

TTC #2 naturally after infertility treatment for #1 User Image

347 Replies • 11 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

131 - 140 of 347 Replies | Last Page

Lauramarie- no it did not mess with my smell. We're you ever irritated? I hope I'm not getting a UTI. Ugh not sure what I should do. I don't want to be stuck over the weekend

11 years ago

Hey Ladies,

AF arrived today. First round of 50g Clomid with no success.

11 years ago

Kelli1973, so sorry to hear that. Hopefully the next round will have better luck!!

I am currently in the dreadfull TWW...

11 years ago

Don't give up hope. I know it stinks and its heartbreaking. Keep your head up. I'm waiting and waiting! I won't be able to test until April 15th.

11 years ago

I sort of had a feeling their was no success this month cos DH had issues this month during my fertile days. I was really optimistic on the 1st round of Clomid and I still am, just means waiting to see for a whole month.

I think I am just sick of having to try so hard. If this was me 10 years back there would have been a lot more fun in it. I guess its just not fun anymore because you have this thought in the back of your mind that this may never happen, and then there is taking using the OPK's, taking the medications, and on top of that there is no one immediately around you who understands, except for you ladies here of course, and this is why I know with all the crap that is being put down on this page right now will be fully understood, even if it is just me shooting off randomly to you all.

Anyways ladies, I wish all of you the best of health, mentally and physically to get you all through your next cycle, and until you have reached your ultimate goal, to see that BFP....

11 years ago

Anyone else had light spotting on cd18??? Ovulation should be cd20, will be giving trigger shot tomorrow.

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11 years ago

MrsF, sometimes I get light spotting before ovulation they say its caused by fluctuation of hormones, but who knows sometimes our bodies have a mind of their own!

11 years ago

Hi ladies,

I would like to join dis conversation to pour in my thoughts and worries..!! I'm TTC for the past 10 months but nothing has happened. We went to a gynac and tested everything but couldnt find a solid reason...Hence we visited fertility specialist last month..She conducted so many tests include blood test to detect hormone level,HSG to detect any blocks in fallopian tube but nothing has been detected except she said that my uterus s some wat small comparatively which is not a major issue..and then gave us so many fertility tablets for us to improve our condition.And this month she gave me 100 mg clomid each a day from CD 3-7 and did ultrasound last week..Got four follicles (first folly - 21mm and the remaining r comparitively small)..She triggered with otrivelle injection some 2 days back and we r BDing..yesterday again did ultrasound and came to know that all 4 got ruptured.I had severe cramps on the same day..My RE said its because of ovulation.We r BDing for the past 3 days starting from the day before ovulation till today..totally 4 days.

Im just curious to know will the all 4 follicles will be fertilised??My DH's semen analysis is soo good..If all r fertilised how r the chances of them to grow in my uterus..I dont think so all the four will implant in my uterus and grow..will i be pg dis month..!! Pls clarify me and also i would like to share my experience if anyone has any doubt reg dis..

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11 years ago

Ps mrsflasche, I get my u/s on Monday and hopefully get my trigger then! We will only be a couple days apart!

11 years ago

Hello Ladies!!!

I have been out of the game for a few months now, but I am finally back. The last you heard from me, I was Vaccinated for MMR & I had to wait minumum 3 months to TTC again. Well hubby & I finally got the green light this cycle. I took clomid from days 2-6 and I am now waiting to ovulate. I had my doctor's appointment yesterday to test the follice growth & I have one on my right side that is 14mm & my lining is perfect. My doctor said she does not like for her patients to have more than one follicle, because it can cause complications. I still on 50 mg of clomid and this is my second time using it.

The side effects the first time were almost none existant, however, this month OMG, I am gass, I have alot of head aches, but worst of all I am have Heart burn & that aint funny! It's keeping me from sleeping through the night. My doctor said though, that if I continue to have bad side effects and this cycle results in no baby, then next cycle she's putting me on daily injections, because they have almost noe side effects.

Anyway, I was never really gone. I kept reading the threads now and then. But it's good to really be back!

Here's to all of us getting pregnant this month! Haha.

11 years ago

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