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New Cycle .. who’s with me??

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Hi Ladies!

CD 1 here!! Another failed TTC attempt. Here’s to hoping for a bfp this cycle!!

153 Replies • 4 years ago



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I hope this is it for you Jrosie! You’ve done so well to not test yet. That’s amazing discipline (something I definitely lack).

Let us know what the doctors say Colie :)

This is my pic. It’s VERY faint. I can barely see anything. I’ll test again in 2 days.

user submitted image

4 years ago • Edited

Can’t wait to see your line progression Nadine

My levels were at 1703 and the highest I had been prior to that was 25 so I’m feeling hopeful. Now just a long wait till my ultrasound but I’m feeling confident. I’m going to tell my husband Friday as he’s currently away.

4 years ago

Yay .. so exciting Colie. Those numbers are amazing.

Nadine- also looking forward to seeing your line progression

Luv- where are you at with your cycles?

4 years ago • Post starter

Hello ladies - well CD 34 today and possibly 14 dpo. I still have not tested! I don’t know why I haven’t. I think it comes down to being too scared to see that bfn. I did manage to buy 1 FRER after work today. So possibly Saturday morning I will test. I have not had a cycle last more than 34 days in almost 2 years. So if it doesn’t come tomorrow, I will for sure test this weekend.

If it’s not a bfp, then I have a feeling I didn’t O and my cycle is going to on for awhile longer, or it’s because I O’d later. Of course the one cycle I didn’t track at all, something is going to go different than the usual. This had been such a weird cycle for me with not tracking and not knowing what actually happened around expected O time. And not wanting to test? What is that? I’ve always been a POAS addict.

Nadine - have you tested again yet?

Colie - how are you feeling at this point in your pregnancy?

4 years ago • Post starter

Jrosie I am so impressed with your will power but totally understand not testing for the upset of potentially seeing a negative. I’m really hoping this is your cycle!!Keep us posted if you do test.

So far so good! I haven’t really been having any symptoms other than sore breasts and heart burn. So I’m doing well! My husband came home early from his business trip last night so I was able to tell him. He’s very excited but also cautiously optimistic like myself as it’s still very early.

Nadine any updates?

Luv how have you been girl? How’s the house hunt going?

4 years ago

CD 2 for me . I'm onto month #3 of tcc

4 years ago

Colie - I understand being cautious and would and will be too. I’m glad you are not having too many bad symptoms. Hopefully it stays like that for awhile.

Angel - hopefully this is lucky #3 cycle for you.

4 years ago • Post starter

I finally tested this morning ... and it’s a bfn. Ugh, this hurts. I’m out for sure. Considering AF was supposed to show last weekend, I know I’m out if it’s not a bfp by now. I think I’m just going to have one of those funky cycles that I get every 1-2 years where is goes on for like 40 days. So I probably didn’t O which I had suspected early on, but since I wasn’t tracking, I didn’t know for sure. This is depressing for sure and I hope I’m back to normal next cycle.

4 years ago • Post starter

Oh Jrosie I’m so sorry to hear that. That’s so disappointing for sure I really hope your cycle straightens out this upcoming cycle. This journey can be so frustrating.

4 years ago

Jrosie: HUGS hun, I am so sadden that it wasn't a bfp. I do not know how you can tolerate such a long cycle. I'd go insane and waste money on way too many tests. I do think that you did not ovulate either. Or maybe you did and your progesterone took forever to go down???? Whatever it is that happened, I'm praying you next cycle will be a shorter one with a good ovulation. I forget, did you do cd3 testing yet?

HUGS EOE....I've been so bad about looking at this thread because I didn't want to focus on my 'most likely' not pregnant self. And 10dpo was bfn as usually. I'm praying that before the year is over we can all be crossing our fingers for our due dates.....sorry I only had time for one personal but you all are in my heart on this ttc journey.

4 years ago

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