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Two Week Wait Support

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Hi Ladies,
My TWW is about to start and I would like friends to cheer, support & accompany each other through these dreadful (and exciting few weeks). Who wants to join me?

244 Replies • 7 years ago



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Hi Alaska and ash! Super glad to hear from you girls!

Mollsk, only 2 more days, fx for you honey!!

Alaska, sorry I'm so bad at the charting, but temp rise is good right!?!?I sure do hope you get your BFP! Fx

Ash,I'm sorry you're feeling discouraged : / lots of hugs for you! It's so hard, I hear you on the waiting a bit to test. Bfn are painful. Try not too lose hope yet... you are not alone here,.. we all are hear to listen! (((Hugs)))

Afm, 13dpo.. this mornings test results seemed lighter than yesterday's : / but I took two more just now. The ic line seems Def darker... the blue dye one is hard to tell. I hate blue dye but I was desperate and that's all the 24/7 store had this morning at 730 haha... what do you girls think? I just posted the recent tests! Thank you in advance darlings! ! I appreciate you all helping me through this

TTC after my beautiful angel was born sleeping

7 years ago

saw your post...the internet cheapie showed lots more than the blue dye test.
I just HATE blue dye..i just couldn't test on them, I don't trust them.

keep testing...fingers crossed your have a sticky bean.

I know,...2 more days and ill test...crossing my fingers.

7 years ago

Hi ladies, new here after 6 years.... had a baby girl who is almost 6 now and then three consecutive losses. I'm 38 and am in my 2WW... i'm 10 dpo.

are any of you taking progesterone cream? I'm new to using it b/c of a super short luteal phase.... does it mimic pregnancy symptoms?

I'm nauseous and tired-- just foggy-- with sore boobs and twinges and pulls (which i usually don't have).

Would love some insight to PC if you have any...

Sending you all lots of LOVE and BABY DUST.



7 years ago

Hi Nan, welcome to the board. I'm not on progesterone cream or anything. im sorry I can't help you there : /

Update: tested with a clearblue digital and it said not pregnant. At 13dpo I expect I would've gotten a positive. The instructions said 95%of pregnant women got a positive 1 day before period is due. MInes due tomorrow. I wish I never tested : / I feel like a fool for getting excited and telling SO about the faint positives on earlier tests. I took it tapart bc I'm crazy like that and there's two distinct lines but I don't think that means anything.

I'm gutted girls... I wish you all the best!

TTC after my beautiful angel was born sleeping

7 years ago

Hi Nan,
Welcome to the group! I'm also not on PC but I have been considering it because my LP can also be short. How many days is yours?

hope2b2, don't give up yet, digitals can take a while and perhaps you have drunk more liquid recently? Give it a few days. Don't loose hope!

Thinking of you all... statistically there should be at least one pregnancy or two in this group this month! I'm rooting for us!

Clare (Alaska)

7 years ago • Post starter


I just want to be pregnant!!! lol.

I watch too many youtube channels and pay attention to this page not to be well informed and ready.

I have a love hate relationship with POAS and symptom tracking. every on cycle 4 now, every cycle its different symptoms. so I have no clue what are MY pregnancy symptoms. And, its not like all pregnancies are the same with the same symptoms. its super frustrating. I just want to get my BFP and be on my way to have my first child!!!

I wish you all TONS like bulk supply of baby dust, I am hoping for a BFP this cycle. I wish that we all can get a BFP and cont. to stay in touch and talk about our pregnancies.

7 years ago

So apparently progesterone cream does mimic the smpyroma of pregnancy. Bastards. Well if i am pregnant this month then at least I know it shelpibg me maintain the pregnancy if it's a viable one.
I broke down and POS at 10 dpo.... BNF staring right in the face. Now I will wait one week till I officially missed my period

Thanks for the welcomes

Forgot how good it feels to have the support of people who get it

Love and baby dust to you all


7 years ago

I'm experiencing such mixed emotions right now. My best friend in the whole world just found out she was pregnant this morning... they just decided to start trying for a baby (and had sex...1 time only!). I am soooo excited for her (for many years it looked like she wouldn't be able to conceive due to a extreme hormonal condition) and i feel a little pity party for myself that I am not preggers. Happy and sad all at the same time (but mostly happy).

7 years ago • Post starter

its perfectly be a lil bitter...when you try so hard and you are doing everything you can to get pregnant and someone you know is so passive about the situation it can be upsetting.

my bestfriend thought she would try the month after my wedding, just start the process and that very first month they conceived...its I am going on 5 mos of trying and nothing...its alarming and makes you upset.

it will happen for you, and we will all have this extra appreciation for the process and not complain about the nausea...or that we cant see our feet because we know that we should be thankful and appreciate the pregnancy process.

afm, this morning, a tad breast tenderness...nausea, that is relieved with eating.
small dull very subtle cramps.
9dpo appox.
not sure when I ovulated.

7 years ago

It's okay Alaska... I had two family members announce at thanksgiving dinner. I had to leave bc it was too difficult hearing everyone being so excited while my heart was aching for my baby. I have relaxed a bit sense then and I told them how happy I was for them it just took me sometime to process the emotions. It will be okay and you'll be there soon enough!

Mollsk the nausea sounds like a great symptom! Tender bbs is what i felt last time! I really really hope it means you caught the egg!

Nan, it's still early honey, relax and I think waiting till at least a day before AF to test. Even though some women get those bfp later than that... fx for you!!!

Afm, 14dpo today. I had 3 positives on the ic this morning.. and this afternoon a positive on an ept + text and a positive finally on the clearblue digital (no weeks estimator)... it feels fantastic to see that one word! I'm due for AF today, I really hope this baby sticks! I'm worried bc I don't have any symptoms except mild heaviness and cramping... feels like the witch will show any minute... I'm praying for a healthy baby!!

Thank you girls for listening to my ranting, I really appreciate all your words and kindness!

TTC after my beautiful angel was born sleeping

7 years ago

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