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Private Testers Support Group Part 6!

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Continuing from part 5 for our little band of sisters :)

Dev sorry about the BFN and the spotting :( Did you retest this morning? How sucky.

bluerose that is a long cycle! Hopefully AF doesn't show. Sounds like you have a crazy weekend ahead, hope you are able to nap today!

Hi to all the other girls!

AFM Not much going on, only work for a tiny bit today and then it is just relaxing. Hoping I can take a nap myself because I've been up since 5 AM for no reason. Boo.

272 Replies • 9 years ago



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So, I have been lurking for a while now, but have been too embarrassed to say anything. But when I read Luv's post about "lurkers please talk to us", I felt my heart strings get pulled and I had to say something. I have been terribly busy and I realize that is a very poor excuse since we all have our own lives and are busy. All I can say is that I am terribly sorry for being MIA for so long and I have truly missed you all...

@ Luv: Congrats on the pregnancy! Glad to hear things are going so well! You should be finding out gender in a few days... EXCITING! :)

@Cam: Hope school is still going well!!

@JLHart: Thinking of you!

@Blue: Congrats on the pregnancy and I am so sorry about the break up... Thinking of you!

@Janise: Glad to see you :)

AFM: Lynzie just turned 4 months old this past Friday. Labor was, well, Labor.
Just glad that we are both here and healthy.

9 years ago

Jan, I appreciate but please feel free to still chat with us!! As you can see support and cheerleading helps :)

9 years ago

oops.. forgot to mention that I changed my username.. I used to be 1stTTCMommy, if that helps you remember me. Lol :)

9 years ago

Woohoo! The thread is hopping! :)

Janise hey sweetie! Yeah I will definitely do whatever my doc says! Fortunately I will see her on Friday so I can find out soon. Hope you have been doing well, thinking about you lately and hope it's all okay in Janiseland!

JLH you have some willpower! I hope whenever you test that you get a blaring BFP! Have you gotten any packing/moving done?

1stTTC thanks for the update!! And thanks for posting! We have missed you around here. Glad the baby came out safe and sound and everything is great! How is motherhood treating you? Are you thinking about 2ndTTCMommy yet? (LOL you are probably too exhausted to think about that)

AFM my SIL is more coherent now but is still on a lot of antibiotics and drugs. She will see a specialist tomorrow and hopefully we will have more information on whatever damage is already done and what particular type of bacterial meningitis she might have. It can vary widely in severity and go from being fairly innocuous to mostly fatal, so we are still worried.

9 years ago • Post starter

@Luv: Glad to hear there has been some improvement, but I know your SIL isn't out of the ball park yet... I will continue to pray for her! And thank you :) Motherhood is going great. Exhausting at times but great. And shockingly my DH has mentioned possibly trying for a 2nd in the future, but definitely not in the next year. I want more time with our DD before starting another TTC journey. I am so happy to see you and your pregnancy are doing so well. All of you ladies deserve it!

9 years ago

Well hello ladies! Nice to see y'all :)

LVP714, hey there! Thanks for chiming you have read we miss you ladies and it's great to have support from all of you! I'm also happy to hear all is well with you and your baby girl!!

Luv, thanks for those words! How was your day? I am soooo excited for you to find out what you're having! Guess I'm counting down, lol.

Cam, hey Hun! I know you stay busy, just know we are thinking of ya :)

Jan, thanks again for popping in and being here to show support!

AFM, still no AF...still telling myself she's going to here's the plan, for real! IF she's still a no show by Friday morning I am testing. I have to be up at 0530 for physical training with my unit (working out) so I will be able to test and see what it says...I will then use my second test either way on Saturday morning and if positive I will tell the DH since it will be our 23rd month wedding anniversary (lame I know)! So just a couple of days and Friday will be a week from when AF should have been here...thank you all for dealing with my madness! I'm really not brave in holding out, just don't want to see a bfn then see AFs ugly face :/

9 years ago

Jada: Believe me when I say we understand. Take your time.

9 years ago

1stTTC (I hope you don't mind if I still call you that, haha) that sounds like a good plan for baby #2! I know some people who have trouble conceiving on the second go, but that might be better than starting to try "too early" and then it's like oops, we got pregnant and we're not really ready for a second one! Maybe it wouldn't be, I don't know, I plan on just "one and done" ;) Neither DH nor I is terribly into the idea of multiple kids which it turns out is good, since it's tough for us and costs a lot of cash, heh heh. What is your best piece of parenting advice you've learned??

JLH girrrrrrrl I don't blame you a bit! I'm with Janise, you take your time. Sounds like a good plan anyway. I'm all about plans too when it comes to this stuff. The first time I really made and stuck to a "plan" for when I was gonna test, I got that BFP. Every other time was just impulsive. It's good luck I think ;) You have a busy busy life anyway! How is your MIL doing?

AFM my SIL is doing a lot better already! Last night she was lucid and able to talk and even joke around with my brother. That is great news because it means she is recovering and the likelihood of brain damage is more minimal the more talkative she gets. Today she sees a specialist so we should get more information. We're still not sure what strain of bacteria caused the meningitis but a nurse said it "could be a worse" strain, so I guess that is good, haha? As for Cletus, he has been kicking up a storm lately, very active in the afternoon/evening. Easier to feel on the outside now. Only about 50 hours until we find out the sex...but who's counting, LOL!

9 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies!

Jan and Luv, thanks for understanding and for the kind words!

Luv, that is wonderful news about your SIL!! I know y'all have to be relieved if only a little bit :) I noticed you called your LO "he" just a few more, well more than a few, but closer to finding out!! I think we will be the one and done type as well, just with my medical issues and his age. I will be overjoyed with that though! Oh and I did get some packing done yesterday, much more to do though :/

Cam, how are you doing?

LVP, you still around?

AFM, welll I know my mind is in high gear. I keep "feeling" like AF is going to show, but so far still nothing. We are doing a pool workout on Friday, so if she does come I pray it's after that!!

9 years ago

JLH LOL you're right I did say "he," probably because of the name Cletus haha. I am excited to be able to use a proper pronoun with confidence :) And yes AF would ruin a pool workout for sure!!

AFM the SIL is back on Facebook and writing her own updates, so yay that is great! Took care of a bunch of errands this morning, got my hair done too. Relaxing all afternoon :)

9 years ago • Post starter

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