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August 2014 IUI/IVF

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I hope that all IUIs and IVFs will be successfull in August

Me: 31 DH: 32 TTC #1 September 2014: 1st IUI - BFN October 2014: 2nd IUI - BFN December 2014: laparoscopy and hysteroscopy - RE removed endometriosis and septum in the uterus. January 2015: 3rd IUI - BFN March 2015 - 1st IVF - we transferred 1 embryo and froze 1embryo - chemical June 2015 - 2nd IVF - we transferred 2 embryos and froze 2 embryos - User Image

173 Replies • 9 years ago



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The OPKs will stay positive as long as the HPT would or maybe a little shorter of a time (day or two). The OPK detects two types of HCG where the HPT only detects one I think. But I think the trigger is the type both detect.

9 years ago

Summerian I have been reading about Red Clover Tea and how some women are using it to open their tubes after a tubal ligation. I don't think it would hurt you if you got some and drank 2-4 cups a day. It is a gentle herb.

I quit trying one and ended up pregnant - I honestly thought I would be childless. Turns out it was low AMH.

9 years ago

Tks txkadams.
Do y'all know if you had 3 follicles at time of trigger, then could that be why now cd3, I still have mild pressure or twinge in my ovary? Does not feel like ovulation pain but just tight cramps pressure...should I be worried my iui was a bust?

9 years ago

I had read about the Red Clover tea, but was scared to try it because it says it mimics/binds to estrogen. I don't know if my estrogen is normal. It was 5 or 6 months ago, but idk now.

In the months I had 3 or more mature follies, I did have pains for a couple days after O. Guess I never asked if it was ok or not. I just always figured its cuz there were more eggos that needed to pop out.

Next week I will begin the leg work on trying to get a second opinion from another RE in my immediate area.

I looked into some additional treatments and found that the new RE frequently does the selective HSG's and also the tubal cannulizations. (sp)

Also read that there is no way the docs can tell on a regular HSG if your tube is actually blocked or if its from a tubal spasm. I was on a fertility clinic's site that is based out of NY, NY and they had HSG images of the different types of blockages and also of the spams and also of the selevtive HSGs and tubal cannulations. It makes me believe even more that my HSG showed either the proximal blockage and/or a tubal spasm.

I am still beyond annoyed at my regular Obgyn. All these 18 months I had such faith in him. I guess I had some red flags along the way, but I trusted him and ignored them. Hindsight is always 20/20!

9 years ago

Hugs honey. We will be here for you as you sort it out.

9 years ago it normal to begin bleeding after an HSG??

I did not bleed or spot at all on Wed. after the test or most of yesterday. But then hubby and I BD'ed yesterday early evening.

Last night I was spotting and now today its like a light period.

Its only CD 12 so AF should not be here now!!!

Any ideas? Is this normal or should I call the doc??

9 years ago

Texas, about the ovary pain. It's probably a cyst (or two). It doesn't mean the eggs didn't release, they could have and then the follicle close back up and the fluid not drain. If you triggered then your eggs likely released. I find cysts are a little bit painful but not too bad, mostly when my waistband smooshes them. I have three cysts on my right side right now and have had them since the successful IUI. Docs say they'll take a while to go down because of the extra HSG in my system keeps them big. If not preggers they'll go down on their own within a month or two.

9 years ago

sumerian_ a little spotting could be normal but if it is anything like AF call the doctor to be sure.

AFM. day 5 of estrace 2mg twice a day vaginally. good news, despite the nurse making that mistake in the beginning of this cycle it looks like we are back on schedule for our original transfer date of August 27!! I am really excited about that. should make a possible due date shortly after mother's day if we succeed. which is a little funny because my first IVF transfer was on mothers day this year so a year from that i might have a baby (or a couple of babies).

ttc since August 2012 diagnosed with PCOS January 2013 failed IVF with 2 embryos May 2014 FET with 3 embryos August 2014, Successful!! confirmed ectopic on 9/24/14 taking a break from ttc and pursuing adoption homestudy ready 1/8/15, waiting for the call that will make us a family!

9 years ago

Tks txkadams. I tested today just to see where I was at since I am 6 days past trigger and 4 days past iui. It was positive so guessing trigger still around. Will test again on Sunday. Man this is hard.

9 years ago

Yes, Summerian I was told some women bleed after the HSG, hopefully it might shift stuff in your tubes around a bit. The new RE you mentioned that does tube canalisations sounds good!

I took some red clover because my estrogen was low (my test told me). It seems to have stopped my pms symptoms. Not sore nips! I believe the dried blossom steeped in a litre of water overnight is the more gentle verison. Easier to build up to much estrogen with the tablet form?

Texas I'm 7dpo, so boring waiting and no sypmtoms! Don't blame you one little bit :)

9 years ago

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