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Looking for ladies in their 40's TTC

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Hello :)
I was wondering if they are any ladies out there in their 40's ttc. Please add me as a friend and we can support each other along the way.
I'm trying for another child but have had a few losses along the way but not ready to give up just yet, not while I know they're still some eggs just waiting to be caught!
and to every single one of you out there!

583 Replies • 10 years ago



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121 - 130 of 583 Replies | Last Page

SydneyNat - my thoughts and prayers go out to you honey. I'm sure that was a blow, but try to keep the faith.

Dawniem - Normal is overrated! I hope you hear good news with the additional bloodwork.

Baby bean - I'm sure that WAS scary. Glad that Dawniem contributed there because I've never experienced that with my son. I'm hoping for good news for you, but until then keep taking care of yourself. Will be praying for a !

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9 years ago

SydneyNat please don't despair , people have been told they can never have kids because of all the tests done and they go on to get pregnant. I don't think you should worry too much about the numbers. I know it is worrying but they are numbers. If you still want a baby I think you should keep trying but also try not to let it stress you out too much, I know right easier said than done! I wish you all the best .

So sorry about your news babybean, lots of women have a little bleeding but go on to have happy healthy babies so please don't stress too much. Still having all your symptoms etc is a great sign. When you come back just have your scan to make sure everything is fine to put your mind at rest. Try to enjoy the rest of your holiday and we'll all be thinking of you and praying for you

Hoping everyone else is doing great. I'm about to start AF in the next day or two so upwards and onwards to a new cycle with renewed hope, I won't let this TTC business weigh me down, hell no!

9 years ago • Post starter

Hello ladies, I was just checking in to let you know I was trying something new called Ovaboost. (Only cause I heard good reviews) I will be trying it for 3 cycles and will be checking back in with my 40+ to inform you of my success. (Positive thinking.) If anyone has already tried Ovaboost and has worked for you, feel free to let me know.

Thanks ladies and lots of

9 years ago

I'm feeling a tiny bit more hopeful. I saw my physio on Saturday and he told me his sister conceived last year at 45. She had been trying for years and she and her husband had many rounds of failed IVF.

They gave up, thinking it just wasn't meant to be. Months later, after a very drunken day at the races, she conceived.

I've only been at this since April, so hopefully, despite my low numbers I'll still get there.

9 years ago

Hello Everyone,

Thank you so much for your encouraging words.
I really appreciate that.
I'm trying to stay positive and not google too much... Two more days and hopefully I will know either way.

SydneyNat, don't give up hope. I think doctors read too much into those numbers and statistics. I will keep all my fingers crossed.

How is everyone doing?

9 years ago

Hi ladies! Hope everyone is dong well. I'm in a very good mood today... for no particular reason...just am.

Jazmine - I have never heard of Ovaboost. Yes, please keep us informed on how it goes with you!

SydneyNat - I have a family member who was told he could never have children and oops it happened and then happened again a year later! Cool huh?! Needless to say they were thrilled!! Like others have said, don't put too much weight on what doctors say. There are plenty of examples out there that have proven them wrong!

Baby Bean - Hope you are doing well! You're in my prayers!

Onemorebaby - be checking your in box soon!

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9 years ago

Hi everyone , hi Jazmine, thanks for the info, I too have never heard of it so yes please let us know how it goes. Hopefully it works a treat for you!!!

Sydneynat, I'm glad you sound more upbeat now, these things do happen honestly, we hear about them and read about them and they're normal people like us...well I'm not that normal but hey . Take one cycle at a time and there's light at the end of the tunnel. You're 43 not 60

Babybean positivity is great and Google can make you feel and think the worst, not long now your mind will be put at rest, we're here for you. I love this group really, the way we support each other is amazing .

BabyAngelG, you do spoil me lol

Hope everyone is awesome and pregnancies are going great!!! And to us still waiting I wish us all the best of luck with sticky vibes and tons and tons of baby dust!!

9 years ago • Post starter

I started a a cycle of ovulation tracking at the fertility clinic this morning.

They do the testing on site - today was my first day and I got the call! I have to do the baby dance tonight.

I just finished a period on the weekend, so obviously my ovulation isn't exactly mid-cycle. Maybe that's why I'm not pregnant yet - not doing the baby dance and the right times?

So the nurse instructed me to 'get busy' tonight, then I have to go back in the morning for another blood test and an ultrasound.

i'm so excited!!! I might get pregnant tonight!!!

9 years ago

Hi Onemorebaby and the rest of you ladies. I hope my message finds you all well and in positive hopeful spirits. I will be 40 in January and had my 1st child last year in June (got pregnant with him 4 months into trying). I am ready to have another now that he is 1 years old. I have been trying since November when my menses returned. Was hoping to be pregnant by now but I think because I am breastfeeding him still that it is preventing me from getting pregnant as soon as I had hoped. I'm not willing to stop breastfeeding because I know plenty of women who've conceived while breastfeeding. This ride is just gonna take a little longer for our destination. Baby dust to all of you!

9 years ago

Babydust to you too Ravenmickey :-)

9 years ago

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