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March 2016 Babies

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I'm going ahead and starting this board as I am out for Feb and hoping for a March baby.

y'all and lots and lots of

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308 Replies • 9 years ago



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I currently use the clearblue digital with the pink handles but the RE is suggesting I try the clearblue advances with the purple handles since it will give me more of a peak reading. So I will try those ones. They think the regular ones are picking up my surge too early

Me 39. DH 35 TTC since Nov 2013 Me-2 DD 8 & 9 from prev. relationship Clomid Cycle 1-MC 7/22 cycle 2 & 3 BFN 1st IUI February 2014 BFP on 2/22 4/2 blighted ovum IUI 2-6 BFN IUI #7-100mg clomid, follitism, novarel

9 years ago

Fingers crossed for all of us!

AFM, I have been going to weddings the last two weekends and getting my fill of wine in while I still can.
I am hoping this is a successful cycle for us. I am on climid and doing another IUI. If this one doesn't work, I move to IVF.

I just keep telling myself, it will all be worth it....

BABY DUST and HUGS To everyone!

9 years ago

I'm sorry those who got a bfn if you tested before 14 dpo you can still get a false positive. Seeing all the pregnant girls is what made me want baby number 2! My ovaries are like "I need a baby!" Lol I dont know how to explain it. I bet all of u feel this way. The wait each month is hard. I know u feel defeated but dont give up. You will get your little ones!

On another note I'm 10dpo only 4 more days til Af is due and no symptoms of it coming. Feeling nauseous tired and thirsty. Maybe heat, maybe my bfp!

Good luck girls!

8/24/2014 Noah TTC #2

9 years ago

Hey Ladies,

Hope you had a great weekend! Mine was pretty good. Got laundry done. Caught up on some shows and went to my parents house on Sunday for Father's Day. Yesterday was nice and lazy day with my DH. And thankfully we did BD last night. I am thankful because this morning I used an OPK and surprisingly it showed a +OPK! I had forgotten to use it yesterday. But last night I started to get some bad cramps. Almost felt like bad gas cramps and yes there was some gas involved but I had also noticed some EWCM yesterday too and after DH slept off some booze and food we had, he woke up before I was going to bed ready to DTD. Sadly there wasn't much romance involved because it had gotten late. I was almost about to say forget it and we will do it tomorrow (which would be tonight). Glad I didn't. We plan to do it again tomorrow night too.

Margie_M: I hope you have a fabulous trip...when do you leave?

IVF is crazy expensive. I know some places have that money back guarantee but even then, it is crazy how pricey it can be. I knew a couple of people who decided to take a 2nd mortgage out on their home to help pay for it. Not really sure how that works but it does make me wonder how some people save enough just to get it done. I think it's great that there is that possibility to try and get grants or scholarships for IVF...I had no idea that was even out there. you won't need to go that route and you get lucky this month or at your next IUI.

I am so sorry you are struggling emotionally this cycle. I know exactly how you feel. I have had to turn it around in my head. I have always wanted a Spring/Summer baby...more into the Summer. Granted that obviously hasn't stopped me from trying for other months. If I am meant to have a Winter baby, so be it. But getting through last month and this month that "state of mind" has definitely helped. And if we happen to get lucky this month then it will be a great bday present for DH. My EDD is around March 17th. His bday is March 30th. So that is pretty close. I have a feeling that if this month doesn't work out for us then we wont be doing an IVF until the May board, which is Spring. So that has made me feel a little bit better with everything...not a lot, but a little. and hope you feel better. Enjoy a glass of wine and take a hot bubble bath...that has always made me feel better too.

Dcuddihy87: Just curious and maybe you responded to this already and I missed it but what did the doc say about your progesterone suppositories with the infection? I have been on progesterone but was given the oral pills. But who knows what this next doctor will do. It would be good to know for the future if you can use progesterone suppositories as well as the yeast infection meds.

User Image Me:38 DH:40 TTC #1 since March 2013 Been seeing Fertility Doc since Nov 2013 Please check out my page and you will see a whole list of things we have been doing for this whole TTC journey. 1 Fur child (cat)...named Kit 2 step kids... Boy: 13 Girl: 12

9 years ago

Sorry for the long double post...they said I ran out of room...guess I have lots to catch up on and

kelley828: the oily skin was a sign. I wish I could say it was a definite sign but sadly the only definite sign is a BFP. I did have a change in my skin when I was first pregnant before I lost it. But then at a cycle I had the change again and AF showed up. That is why I don't trust the signs really...and yet I still symptom spot But your chart is looking promising!

Amanda_McDaniel: Sadly I don't recall any cramping or knowing if I was implanting or not. I might've around that time would think about and be like, "I wonder if this was implantation cramps" but I don't think I would know if it was or wasn't. Sorry. that what you were experiencing is implantation. Why are you only allowing yourself so many cycles to try? Or is that like so many cycles before seeking medical help?

And for your brother and SIL. 6 years is definitely a long time to be TTC without any luck.

matherof3: Welcome and
What DPO are you? If your AF isn't due until June 29 chances are you are still too early to be testing. The earliest I would test would probably be Thursday or even Friday. And eve then that might be considered early.

nharty09: Sounds like a pretty stressful job too. I am also a secretary/office manager. But definitely not to the extent of your job. I started this job after the retail job. It was definitely much better for me. It was the constant twisting and turning and carrying boxes that put a strain on my back.

But I can't imagine the pain and stress you have had to endure with your back. I would be so pissed at the doctors for rupturing my spine during surgery. When they removed a part of the vertebrae did they replace it with something? I also pray you get some answers that don't require surgery.

I am glad you are still going to the specialist.

Sailors wife: I hope you get to take the pics you want to take. I pray this is your month!

TTClate30's: I am so sorry for the BFN and that you feel AF is coming. The doc told us that because of our age he only does 3 IUI's too...because then he sends us to another specialist to see next steps which from my understanding typically leads to IVF. Our appt is on July 15. Wish it wasn't so far away.

I have used the purple clearblue tests. I like them but my doc told me to use the pink ones. I like the purple ones because they not only tell you when your LH surge is but they also tell you when you are fertile. Because I guess it detects you estrogen levels as well. Or something to that effect. I recorded them like a monitor instead of under OPK, because the purple ones do a blinking smiley face (for high) when you are considered fertile but give a solid (peak) when you have your LH surge. Just one thing to let you know...when you do see your solid, you can't test anymore for 48 hours. Some women don't like that. They like to test until they don't see a positive anymore. That doesn't work with these tests.

Have you asked your doctor what his/her next steps are if the IUI's don't work? I do hope it works out for you and who knows maybe they will do a 4th one before doing something else.

dsinha1011: I saw on your profile that you have been TTC since July 2013. You aren't far off from me. I also saw you are in your 30's...are you in your early 30's or late 30's? Either way if your doctor keeps putting off IUI's it might be time to find a doctor willing to go the next step and get proactive with TTC.

Holly860: I hear ya on the hating Facebook. I have actually stopped going on there for the most part. I mean I check it periodically but mostly for a game or 2 that I play through the site. Otherwise I am barely ever on there anymore. I might go back on regularly when I have a little one I can post cute pictures about and show off stupid videos of my baby eating nasty foods and spitting up all over themselves. Personally it also grosses me out and I would never post stuff like that but some cute ones I would. But it also saddens me that I don't have that option to post gross or cute pictures yet.

To anyone I missed: Welcome to all the newbies!
Sorry to those who AF showed and didn't get their Father's Day gift.
Congrats to any BFP's that I missed.
And of course to those who are still in the dreaded TWW! Or even waiting to O!

User Image Me:38 DH:40 TTC #1 since March 2013 Been seeing Fertility Doc since Nov 2013 Please check out my page and you will see a whole list of things we have been doing for this whole TTC journey. 1 Fur child (cat)...named Kit 2 step kids... Boy: 13 Girl: 12

9 years ago

Lolo1176, I wanted a second child a little more than my husband and we made an agreement that we would try until nine months prior to my thirtieth birthday. After that, if no baby after over a year of trying, we'd let go and move on. If it happens after that point, it's not planned and all in God's hands. I spent so long getting my degree that I would like to use it and we'd take more time to travel the world. Hopefully it's a moot point but I'm actually seeking help on the 30th. This is my second month with this cramping and swelling but no period. I'm bloated, starving, and cramping like AF should be in a matter of hours. But, almost a week later, nothing. I'm guessing PCOS or something equally as life upsetting...

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9 years ago

Lolo- thanks for the info on the OpK's. I will want to test it out too so I think I will just use my regular cb digi's after I get my peak. I have 2 boxes of the regular pink handle ones so I might as well use them! I didn't talk to the RE, I only talked to the nurse so I didn't get to ask what could be next. She just said he will sit down and talk to me about "advanced options". I'm hoping they don't count the one I got pregnant on as 1. If they don't count it I still have 2 more chances but if he does count that one then this will likely be the last IUI.

Good luck! I pray you get your BFP!

Me 39. DH 35 TTC since Nov 2013 Me-2 DD 8 & 9 from prev. relationship Clomid Cycle 1-MC 7/22 cycle 2 & 3 BFN 1st IUI February 2014 BFP on 2/22 4/2 blighted ovum IUI 2-6 BFN IUI #7-100mg clomid, follitism, novarel

9 years ago

Lolo1176 they said it was completely normal because it's really hard on the body. I was told to use the 7 day medication because it's not as strong as the 1 or 3 day. I did it for one day and it cleared up for the most part overnight. I had to use that external anti-itch cream because I was dying! Today, I don't really have any trace of it.

I do have A LOT of watery CM to the point where I have to use a liner. It feels like I'm peeing. :( But I will take it as a good sign! I'm 6 or 7 dpo (I don't know when I O'd exactly because of the trigger) but I'm already anxious to test! I'm driving myself nuts with over analyzing these symptoms.

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9 years ago

Guess I will be onto the next cycle shortly. My temp dropped way below coverline.

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9 years ago

Good morning ladies,

Kelley - I'm so sorry that your temp dropped. I really understand how frustrating that is. FX that you get yoru BFP soon.

Dcuddihy - I hope it's a good sign and that you get your BFP very soon.

TTC - when do you meet with the doctor again to find out what their plan is?

Amanda_McDaniel - I'm sorry you're struggling through this right now. I hope the specialist is able to get you back on track.

Lolo - I'm glad you had a good weekend and that you got your +OPK. I really hope you caught the egg this cycle.
I leave on Friday to go on vacation. I'm so excited I can't wait. I'm not looking forward to the drive but once I get there it will be amazing.
I'm really hoping we don't have to go the IVF route... or even IUI with injectables.
I'm feeling better about this cycle and about not being pregnant... I've also been eating a werid amount of chocolate, but hey a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. I'm really hoping we both get our sticky BFPs very soon.

tiainker - I truely hope you're right and we all get our little bundles soon. I hear you on the ovaries kicking it into "I need a Baby" land. I hope you get your BFP in the next few days.

Bens - I'm glad you're getting your fill of wine now. I hope you're enjoying the weddings. it makes everything go so much faster when you're busy. FX that you get your BFP this month and don't need to move onto IVF.

Holly - I hear you. I wish that I had this sort of forum but in real life. TTC can be so draining. I'm feeling back up but it's been a struggle this month and for the past couple if I'm honest. I really hope you get your BFP soon.

Sailors wife - That sounds wonderful. I want to get more family photos taken of my DH and I but I haven't gotten around to it and DH isn't too keen on it. It sounds like you've had a good chance that you've caught the egg this month. My fingers are crossed for you. Good luck in the TWW.

AFM - CD10 just waiting to O. I'm so excited for vacation. DH promised I could bring a bottle of wine and some angry orchard cider for the trip. I'm so excited to drink them. I also got my new yarn that I ordered. I'm going to get started on a bunch of Christmas presents I'm going to try and knit. If nothing else it's something to keep me occupied during our down time.

Me:29 DH:27 Mar 31 2015: IUI #1, MC 16/04 May 30, 2015: IUI #2, Jul 31, 2015: IUI #3, Aug 25, 2015: IUI #4, Sep 26, 2015: IUI #5, Oct 24, 2015: IUI #6,

9 years ago

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