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Who wants to try an experiment?!

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TWO people that I know of (on this site!) got pregnant recently on their FIRST month trying EVENING PRIMROSE OIL! After TTC for over a year and starting my 3rd clomid cycle, I am ready to give this a whirl! I'm on CD 2 and took my first dose tonight. Anyone else want to see if we can get some more s?!?!?!?

304 Replies • 13 years ago



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LIZ - OMG Congrats! This is just craziness! ! Now if I don't get a I'm going to ruin the streak. Selfishly I feel like there is no way for me to get a b/c that would be WAAAYY too big of a coincidence. But we'll see. I'm only 4 DPO and really scared to test at all this cycle b/c I just can't bear to see another . We'll see......

12 years ago • Post starter

Victoria: awww, hunny don't get discouraged! Your bfp is next and it's more than coincidence, its epo! If you didn't start this thread I wouldn't have known about it, thank u! Karma owes you BIG! I know how damaging it is every time you see bfn, thats y I didnt want to test until af was late. I understand how easy it is to get discouraged, please dont lose hope!

12 years ago

Victoria- I had no idea you started this thread until today. That's awesome.

to all the ladies who got their bfps.

I am 9DPO and I tried EPO for the first time this cycle. I may have ovulated a couple of days earlier than usual. I have already tested and got BFN which really sucks. Have been ttc for a little over a yr and half. I hope that it is just too early and that maybe I do get a bfp. I am glad to hear that EPO helped some of you get pregnant. That is amazing .

My name is Nathalie by the way.

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12 years ago

Mamma080803 (Liz): a GIGANTIC on your !!!! I hope I get to join you in a couple of weeks!

I'm 39, hubby is 45. Happily married since 1999. TTC #1 since 2009. Three 1st tri miscarriages: Oct. 2009 @ 6 wks March 2010 @ 8 wks (w/heartbeat); D&C March 15 Sept. 2010 @ 5 wks All tests clean. 6.15 (FSH) 81.2 (estradiol) Diagnosis:"Unexplained Infertility" User Image Nov. 2010: Clomid cycle (100mg) - Canceled due to too many big follies (6!) Dec. 2010: Clomid (50mg) cycle w/3 big follies - BFN Jan. 2011: Femara cycle w/3 big follies - BFN Feb. 2011: Follistim w/Ovidrel IUI cycle w/3 big follies - BFN March 2011: Stopped fertility meds and took a break April 2011: TTC naturally+acupuncture

12 years ago

Hi ladies!

Nathalie - Welcome to the thread!! I have high hopes for everyone on her taking epo for the first time! It's worked for 2 or us so far! for lots more bfps!

Victoria - Liz is right, it's no coincidence it's epo!! ALL of you are totally gonna get your bfps this cycle!!

Hope you ladies have a great weekend!!

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12 years ago

Thanks for the reassurance ladies!

Liz - You are too sweet! Thank you. I hope you stick around!

Joy - Thank you. I'm so glad you are still here!

Nat - Welcome! Glad to see you over here! I hope we can make it a clean sweep and all get our s!

Baby - Where are you in your cycle again! to you as well!

12 years ago • Post starter

Good morning everyone!! My name is Melissa (most people call me Mel or Missy though), and with your permission, I'd would love to jump in on this experiment and thread. I held off on jumping on-board until CD1, which is today. (This morning my BBT dropped from 98.20 to 97.86, and has, without a doubt, made her presence known.)

I went to Walgreens first thing, and picked up some EPO and Soft Cups . (I'll try anything at least once LOL) I also am beginning to take B6, and I'm aware that after O-day, I need to stop the EPO and switch to Flax Seed. Oh, I've also been on Pre-Natal's for the past 3 months, as my Dr. recommended it.

I'm already feeling so uplifted by all of your TTC stories and successes. and My fiancee and I have been TTC since Nov 2010, but no luck yet. We discovered a couple of weeks ago that we love Pre-seed, as it feels so natural (sorry if tmi!) I pray I'm not going too overboard!

This thread is a Godsend for sure, and I'm so glad it was started (Thanks, Victoria!).

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12 years ago

Welcome, Mel! I'm new here, too, but hoping I can join the others in their BFPs!

TeacherToria: I'm CD13 today. My CBFM now shows "high" fertility (it was peak CD11 and CD12) and I had ov pain yesterday so I thought for sure it must've happened or was just about to, but my BBT hasn't shot up this morning as I expected it to. Actually, my BBT chart looks kind of wonky to me. Do you think that means I didn't actually ov? We had a major plumbing emergency last night/this morning...water everywhere...could my stress over that have prevented ov-ing? I hope not because DH and I have been BD-ing every night this week and I'm exhausted! I don't know if I can keep going (the energizer bunny I'm not!) Also not sure if I should keep taking the EPO? Whaddya think? How are you doing, by the way? It's 5dpo for you now, yes? I'm keeping my fingers crossed for your BFP. When do you think you'll test?

I'm 39, hubby is 45. Happily married since 1999. TTC #1 since 2009. Three 1st tri miscarriages: Oct. 2009 @ 6 wks March 2010 @ 8 wks (w/heartbeat); D&C March 15 Sept. 2010 @ 5 wks All tests clean. 6.15 (FSH) 81.2 (estradiol) Diagnosis:"Unexplained Infertility" User Image Nov. 2010: Clomid cycle (100mg) - Canceled due to too many big follies (6!) Dec. 2010: Clomid (50mg) cycle w/3 big follies - BFN Jan. 2011: Femara cycle w/3 big follies - BFN Feb. 2011: Follistim w/Ovidrel IUI cycle w/3 big follies - BFN March 2011: Stopped fertility meds and took a break April 2011: TTC naturally+acupuncture

12 years ago

Hi ladies!!

Baby4MJ - I know you were talking to Victoria, but I just thought I would add my 2 cents. It's very possibly to get O cramping before you actuall O, and since you CBFM still says High I would think maybe today would actually be ovulation day? (Cause it should peak when the best time is for you to bd right, which should be the day b4 O) Thats just my train of thought. I would wait and see what your bbt does tomorrow and then stop the epo.

Missy - Welcome to the thread!! I dont think you're "over-killing" at all, dh and I used preseed for the first time as well as the epo last cycle and it worked for me! (We both LOVED it too!!) Not sure about the B6 I have heard both good and bad about that, I never switched over to the Flax Seed... so dont know much about it either. LoL, I have heard great things about the soft cups tho! hun!

Victoria - How ya feeling sweetie?

AFM - Nothing new. Might have to go out to some part tonight with dh Not looking forward to it, but whatever.

Hope you're all having a great weekend!!

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12 years ago

Victoria: your welcome! And of course I will stick around! I may never leave, as all these new ladies join the thread at the start of their cycles, i'm waiting to see all the bfp's!! How many days til u do hpt?
Mel: lol! You're too funny! But not overboard at all! Just do what u gotta do and cover all your bases! Welcome and good luck this cycle!
Baby4mj: my o was delayed a few days, either by stress, epo, or both. I check cm and noticed the pattern was off, my body was getting ready to o but changed its mind and my cm went from watery back to creamy for a few days before finally seeing ewcm and the post o temp spike. Hang in there! Its probably just delayed!
Joy: Hi, hope all is well!
Afm: Af is not late yet, so im still on the edge of my seat praying its not chemical! Im off to the dr this morning, gonna c if I cant talk him into ordering a series of blood tests to make sure the hcg level is going up- just for reassurance. Doc will probably try to convince me it's not necessary but if I had that done with my last pg I would have discovered my mc sooner.
Baby dust + sticky vibes ladies!

12 years ago

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