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ttc after cp

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Hi ladies. I just had cp at 5 weeks... im sad...but bleeding is nearly finished so we gona try again. Is anyone in my shoes aswell? How soon did you ovulate after cp and got bfp again? Baby dust to us all :)

667 Replies • 9 years ago



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Thank you for the welcome on board your post Nikolina. So sorry to hear your period showed and you had another CP. :( How many times did your doc say you have to miscarry before they'll intervene? Mine said I have to have 3... seems cruel. I hope next month is a very sticky bean for you!!
Yes, I've had a few symptoms, thanks for asking. :) just increased thirst, pulling/pinching in abdomen, random nausea, crying, and maaaybe sore boobs but I'm currently ruling that one out because it's not enough to say for sure. But I'm trying really hard to prep myself to expect my period so as not to be disappointed. As you can tell its not going so well. O.o lol

3 Daughters born 12/16/09, 07/30/12 & 3/12/16 * 1 Chemical pregnancy @ 4 weeks 2/24/15 <img src=

9 years ago

Morning ladies!!! :)

Alice hun, thank you so much, you are my rock!! :) You realy are, cos lil as wright words can make it all better :) Yea i kinda secretly hopped af wont show, but in reality once my test showed negative, i knew and i was ready for witch to show :( Its hevier than normal af, more painful, but its day 3 now, so i hope soon it will ease up :)
How are you hun? You are 8 or 9 dpo now? this is the crazy time! When are you thinking of testing? Are you gona wait untill af dont show, or do a sneekey one day or 2 before? Any symptoms yet?? :)
Wishing you all the baby dust on the world, hope you will get the sticky bean :)

Hey missytwoshoes, you welcome hun!! Well with first cp i went to doctors, she didnt said nothing much, just that it was bad luck, and that i can ttc straght away if i want, so it was up to us. The second time i wanted to wait till i miss my period and then go to doc, but once lines started faiding i knew straght away im losing this one aswell, so didnt go to doctors at all. Hopefully 3th time will be lucky for me :)
Your symptoms sounds v promissing. The thirst was my biggest, cos i dont really like water, and v rearly im thirsty. i really hope this is it for you hun, and in 9 months you will hold your lil angel in your arms :)

Lods lods baby dust to all of us!!!


9 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies!!

Nikolina, thank you for your sweat words :-) I'm hoping 3rd time will be a charm for you!!!! And I hope that AF will back down soon, so you can relax!!!

Missytwoshoes, how are you holding up? TWW craziness getting worse? :-) How are your symptoms evolving?

AFM, still nothing. I'm not assuming that means anything though :-s Just got to wait. I won't test before Tuesday. If no spotting has arrived by then, and my temps are still high, I might cave. Or O'll wait for Wednesday :-p

Good luck to all of you and BABY DUST!!!!!


9 years ago

Hi Alice!

Ahh af is still here and dont see to wanting to back off!!! Last two months its been sooo heavy... sometimes i think i shuld get a big pampers or something lol sorry tmi :)

I gona buy vitamin b6, and his and hers vitamins, gona try that, it wont hurt anyway!! As i said that we kinda decided not to try this cycle, but im starting changing my mind already...just dont want to waste cycle... i know that my hubby is concern for me, i do get sad time to time, but all i want is our baby...yea...i think we gona try this cycle :) just have to convince him lol ori have to do tricks lol lol

How are you hun? Can not wait for your bfp!!! No symptoms so far?? Thats a good sign, it was for me, cos some months i remember i had all symptoms nearly next day after o!!! Are you checking your temp? Maybe i must start aswell, i heard lods ladies doing, but just have to look in to how to do it :) maybe gona try that this cycle :)

Lods baby dust to us all!!!


9 years ago • Post starter

Had a kind of busy day today so I was distracted from obsessing over symptoms. No real change from yesterday though. I'm honestly trying to talk myself out of symptoms, I just don't want to be disappointed. Thanks for asking Alice. :) Will have another busy day tomorrow and Sunday so hopefully when Monday rolls around I can test and be done with it and stop obsessing whatever the outcome will be.
when did you say you were going to test?

nikolina, you should def start temping! It's helped me so much to learn about my cycles, when I ovulate etc. It's nice to have 3 things you can use, temping, opks and CM. Some people use cervix position too but I can't lol... I've tried to reach it and I just cant. :p But if you can go for it, all these things will help you better understand your body to help you get pregnant :)

3 Daughters born 12/16/09, 07/30/12 & 3/12/16 * 1 Chemical pregnancy @ 4 weeks 2/24/15 <img src=

9 years ago

Hi lovely ladies!!

Misstwoshoes, at least the busy weekend will hopefully distract you from obsessing :-) Monday is only 2 days away now! I intend to test on Wednesday, but only if my spotting hasn't shown up. I'm crossing my fingers for you!!!

Nikolina, lol about the pampers :-d I understand that you feel like trying after all :-) I agree with Missytwoshoes, temping is useful! Not really to predict O, because your temp only rises afterwards. But for me, for instance, it learned me that the first half year after coming off the pill my O was not 'strong' (very little temp shift, maybe didn't even O at all who knows). It has 'improved' a lot the last couple of months, I now get a very clear shift. So you can definitely use it to confirm O. Once, I thought I O'd (O-pain) but temps didn't match up. A lot of confusion later (2weeks), I had my 'real' O (again O-pain but now with temp shift). However, you are very regular, so maybe your result will be less unexpected :-) But it's nice to have a confirmation ;-) Good luck with the vitamins!!! I really have this will be your lucky cycle!!!

I have a few symptoms (PMS?): stuffy nose, breast feel fuller, bit uncomfortable feeling in right ovary (not for long). From my records, this could be good or bad either way. Just have to wait and see, I guess...

Baby dust to all of you!!!!!


9 years ago

Hi lovely ladies!!

Thank you both for all d information about temp!!! I gona try that! When is the best time to check temperature? In d morning? I was looking about it yesterday, its amazing how so many women sees a dip in temperature when implantation happens. Gona try start charting :)
I checking my cervix, before first cp was easy, i knew when af gona show or when im o, but last two months after cp's its been all around wierd, mostly soft for last two cycles and high, so i gona stop checking that.

Alice stuffy nose is bfp symptom for most of women :) Im praying that this is your month, we all deserve it after what we been true!!! Would you get spotting before af, ore it comes straght in one day? My one usualy comes with the bang!!! How many dpo you are now? :) im so excited for you, you been great true out 2ww, i go sooo crazy lol i usualy start with opk's, and if i see a darkish line, its test time, i have no control lol

Misstwoshoes, monday is only around the corner :) i have fx for you hun, i hope Monday is a bfp day!!! I can not wait for af to stop and start baby dancing :)

All the sticky vibes and baby dust on all world!! ???


9 years ago • Post starter

Hello ladies :-)

Nikolina, yes, you should temp in the morning, at approximately the same time every day, and 'first thing' you do when getting up. Lots of things can influence your temp, so you might see weird stuff ;-) Good luck!!!
I've never checked cervix before. Wouldn't know how to :-p
I'm excited for your countdown to O :-)

Missytwoshoes, is tomorrow your testday? I really hope you will get some good news!!!!!!!

AFM, spotting arrived today, I'm 10dpo. So I'm pretty sure (say 99%) I'm out... :-( Well yeah, I wasn't supposed to try anyway according to gyn, so that's okay... Maybe in the next round.

Good luck to all of you and baby dust!!!!!!!


9 years ago

Ahh noo Alice, i realy hope its not af, maybe its ib??? Realy realy have my fx sooo tight, dont want to see that af arrive!!! 10dpo its v early for af tho?? Ahh hun i hope it will be gone by tonight!! My friend was telling me that any lil spotting during early days its normal, its her 3th pregnancy and with all of them she got spotting!! Is your temp still high?

I started temp this morning, hope i will be able to do every morning at around the same time. Bleeding nearly stopped thank God!!!

Lods lods baby dust hun, realy hope and pray that it will torn out to be bfp for you hun


9 years ago • Post starter

Nikolina, thank you for your sweat words!! I don't know 100% sure, but in my case IB seems unlikely. I once started spotting on 8 dpo. Then I thought it was IB too, but 2 days later AF arrived (way earlier than usual, don't know why). And my spotting is very varying: it can last 1 till 4 days before it changes into AF. But one thing has been constant so far: the only time I didn't spot, I was pregnant, and every time I did spot, I was not pregnant. So that's why I'm not very hopeful anymore :-) But at least I got a mental warning :-p
My temps are still rather high, but that's not unusual for me. It usually doesn't drop so soon.

What CD are you on now? I'm glad the bleeding nearly stopped!!! Good luck with temping!!! :-) I really hope this will be your cycle!!!!

Baby dust to all of you!!!!!


9 years ago

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