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Starting clomid, anyone with us? Can we get a hell ya!Part11

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Welcome to part 11 of our discussion group! Our forum is for anyone using Clomid or Femara for treatment. We are all super friendly ladies, so please come and share your story with us!

For anyone who wants to catch up, here is part 10.

TTC #2 naturally after infertility treatment for #1 User Image

347 Replies • 11 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

121 - 130 of 347 Replies | Last Page

Sorry I have been MIA lately...... I started af last Friday and Sunday I started 200mg clomid omg... It's awful the headaches and nausea are killing me! Any who I go back to the dr Monday the 8th to get my follicle scan done! I hope I have a good response!!! I wish all of you girls the best! Xoxoxox

11 years ago

Hi guys,

I'm new to the discussion and can really do with some motivation. Been TTC for 15 months. This is my 3rd round on Femara and the last. RE said it might be time to try something else. I don't even know if I ovulated this month. Currently on CD15 and no symptons yet?

How long have you guys been trying?

11 years ago

Welcome JBergsma! I am currently in the middle of my first cycle with Femara after 2 failed cycles on Clomid and having to sit last month out due to Clomid related cysts. What all have you tried thus far? We have been ttc for 14 months now and began appts with our RE last Oct, meds in Jan. i know that this can be frustrating, we just need to stay positive:)ay i ask what your diagnosis is?

11 years ago

I've been on 3 rounds of clomid last year. But it didn't work. Had a laparoscopy in January. They found ovarian systs as well as endo. Did ovarian drilling as well. Been on Femara since then. Must say that I ovulated on Femara, both times. Just not sure about this month.

What have you tried and your diagnosis?

11 years ago

Well, i have had an HSG which helped the dr to see if anything was blocked and everything looked great. My DH has had his SE done and it too looked fine. They wound up dx-ing me with Low Ovarian Reserve which from what i understand is pretty common. I am becoming more concerned with the poss of endo however due to the fact i have always had major cramping issues whenever AF was coming, arrived, and a little after. They suggested doing a lap in the very beginning, but i declined thinking that was not an issue since nobody in my family was ever diagnosed with it. I have however developed an endometrioma which is aka a chocolate cyst. Unlike the other cysts i had from the Clomid, this one cannot be shrunk down but it is not big enough to raise much concern with my RE.
My RE happens to be the only one in our area and so my DH and I are seriously considering going down to St. Louis for a second opinion!
Hang in there lady:)
How is everyone else doing today????

11 years ago

JBergsma, I'm also on my 3rd round of Femara. We've been TTC since October 2011. I was untreated until August of 2012. Did my rounds of clomid. m/c my very first cycle without birth control, and also m/c my first round with clomid. My RE also suggested that we may be moving on to other things after this cycle....and this cycle he upped my dosage of femara. So we'll see....

I'm on CD16, so we're definitely in the same boat.

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11 years ago

hey everyone thanks for the replies about the lighter periods on clomid. I am relieved to see its not just me! I have not been given scans just blood tests to confirm I have released an egg.

I see the consultant next in May so I will mention it.

How many cycles have you all done so far? This is my 8th of 12 and I am starting to think its never going to work

11 years ago

Hi ladies. Hope everyone had a great Easter! I am 8 dpo today...already tested way too early, so am waiting until the weekend to avoid torturing myself further, lol. This TWW has been the most uneventful ever, with none of my usual pre-af symptoms that have gotten my hopes up in the past. I thought the Clomid TWW was supposed to be worse, but I'm certainly not complaining! I do, however, keep getting these little pulling cramps that feel almost like ovulation pains, which is new for me and my temps are still very high.
Sounds like everyone has something to be hopeful about this cycle, so kmfx for you all!

11 years ago

Hello ladies im back in my TWW on my 3rd round clomid but first on 100mg and i can def feel a difference in my ovaries with ovulation this cycle so hoping for good news in two weeks but ill tell ya horrible hot flashes and then i got so dry this month even on EPO and mucinex i still used preseed even on the days i didnt BD and I BD 4 out of 6 fertile days so im really hoping for this month to work if i did conceive then my EDD is Dec 24! im putting my thermometer away after the 3rd confirmed temp over coverline and im going to try not to symptom watch so i dont psych myself out! Really have beenin a great mood with changing diet and going to gym everyday and just staying positive after i got so down last month whenAF showed i dont want to go thru that again i was horrible and my husband wasnt happy with me so im hoping for good news and no more stress! Im wishing all of you ladies the best and I will be popping in here and there!

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11 years ago

Ladies that have used progesterone, did it mess with your sense of smell?

11 years ago

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