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Wannabe an AUGUST mom?!? Join Here!!!

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I see no one had started a new board so I am going to start the new one for the next month!! August Due Dates welcomed.

My Est. Due Date will be Aug 3rd if I get that this cycle. This is my 13th cycle TTCing and we are trying BBT/ Fertilaid for Men/OPKS.

Any Ladies want to join?!?!

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755 Replies • 11 years ago



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Araley24 when will you know?

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11 years ago

Hi all I haven't posted on here in a while. But if my clomid works this cycle my EDD will be Aug. 7th... I feel like it did tho. I had the weirdest dream that I got a positive test around the holidays. Hopefully it's this year. But it was def. Christmas in my dream... I believe I Od yesterday so today will be my 1Dpo. I got a pos. OPK Tuesday but I didn't get O pain till yesterday so I'm counted it as O day... Only signs I have is very bad gas.. Like yesterday it was sooo painful I had to go out and get Gas ex. Well go luck ladies!

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11 years ago

Well I purchased the wrong thermometer... so doesn't look like I will be bbt this month. This one only goes to the .0 degree and I guess I need one that goes to the .00.

TTC#2 to make 3, have 1 biological son, and 1 stepdaughter that is 7 but I have raised since she was 7 months. User Image

11 years ago

SMP do you have a wal-mart? If so go to the pharmacy and ask them for help finding them. We got one there for like $14 but that had cheaper than that. They will make sure you get the right one! Then you can start temping tomorrow! :) Baby Dust and Sticky Vibes. Good Luck!!!!

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11 years ago

Hello ladies... spotting picking up af should be here tomorrow or sunday. Took a test anyways and bfn :( 11dpo. Apt monday to see when i can get the endometriosis surgery thst is the only possible problem i could be having that is preventing me from conceiving... ttc for 20 failed cycles no miscarriages therefore no implantations.... using opk's and bbt since sept. 2011... and all dr. Just guess as to what they think then it ends up incorrect... ugh sorry for my rant just really fed up with all the money im throwing away and still no answers...

11 years ago

Hello everyone!! This is my 3rd month TTC post mirena removal in August. I also have endometriosis which they recently have classified as stage 2. I had an odd cycle this month with AF only lasting a whopping 2 full days (it was wonderful for me being I am used to a typical 7 days) then to my surprise I ovulated 5-6 days sooner than I thought. I am currently in my TWW and if this is my month EDD would be Aug. 2 or 3. My husband's grandmother passed away this past weekend, and my husband firmly believes that when God takes one life he replaces it with another, so fingers crossed God will bless our family this month.
TTC has become a lot more stressful than I thought it was going to be. I thought first month trying I would get pregnant since my husband and I BD like teenagers, then the doctor told me he thinks too much BD is a bad thing and we need to cut back. Yeah you tell that to my bunny rabbit husband lol. I have just been checking my CP, CM, and using OPK's this month, have already decided that is this isn't our month that I am going to stop charting all together and just wait for when the timing is right.
Today I am 7 or 8 DPO have been feeling very tired and nauseous. Last night my boobs started hurting very badly (going downstairs oh man!) I am hoping my boobs hurting this bad is for a good reason and not just in my head. I ordered HPT off of early pregnancy and they should come today so I think I am going to start testing tomorrow morning.

Best Wishes and BABY DUST to all!! Here's hoping there are TONS of babies born in the world August 2013!!

11 years ago

Hi ladies. Welcome newbies. Congrats to BFPs. Sorry to any disappointed ladies. Good luck and baby dust to all!

Well I've had some weirdness today. I coughed this morning and felt a sharp pinch in my uterus area and then felt my pulse in the same place for more than an hour. I don't know if I pulled a muscle or more is going on.
Also, I'm exhausted, but I largely attribute that to my husband having a nightmare last night at 2 a.m., waking me up, and me not falling back asleep until 4:30. That said, after falling back asleep I still woke up every few minutes from insane dreams.
A day and a half ago I had some crazy hiccups.
This morning I'm feeling a bit nauseous, but haven't gotten sick.
The boobs are still sore.
As I'm typing the uterus area is warm.
I'm only 7 dpo (if I o'd) so I don't know if these are symptoms or maybe me getting the flu or something.

11 years ago

Jess I am so sorry hun! I am praying for you. It will happen! It took 28 cycles for me! Keep me posted and let us know what the doctor says. Big hugs for you my friend!

Welcome MommaSpike and lots of Baby Dust! My dr told me if I was not going to use OPKs or anything then to just BD once every other day after AF. Good luck and hope it helps!

Fingers Crossed for you Sarah... lots of sticky vibes and baby dust heading your way! Praying!!!!!

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11 years ago

Jess- so sorry girl! I don't know what to say except I hope you'll get some answers soon and I'm sure your bfp will be just around the corner for you. I get painful AF too but it's not sharp pains, it's dull around lower abdomen area, I need tylenol CD2, CD1 usually I'm fine and rest of days... I also don't bleed that much nor do I have clots, just normal.. how about you? I hope IF you do have endometriosis, while they're in there they clear it all out!!! Let us know how your appt. went!! Good Luck!
I too haven't had any miscarriages so I'm skeptic now maybe I do have it as well... but I do have a tilted uterus which I believe is a whole other issue, been laying on my back all this time and just recently I read I need to lay on my stomach... I would also notice all the little spermies would escape... since laying in my stomach now I don't notice that at all... it all stays in!

Cristi- how are you my friend? How was the doc appt.??? Can't wait to hear some good news, still praying for your sticky of the stickiest beans for you!!


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11 years ago

Hi ladies. Well I'm cd9 now and have just done my first opk for this month. It's come out with a second line but it's paler than the control line. We are planning on bd'ing tonight just in case but can anyone tell me if that means the opk is positive or just normal? I've done them before and there's been no line whatsoever so I figure a pale line is better than no line at all? Also I've read that a few women who've had a very short period (mine was only 2 days) o'd earlier? Has anyone had that? I had a cp last month so maybe that will affect things. How's everyone else getting on? Grants- where you been girl?! I miss your pearls of wisdom? Congrats cristi!

11 years ago

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