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Anyone on or near 10 dpo? How are you feeling?

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Just wanted to check in with others who are like me waiting to find out if they are pregnant this cycle.
How are you feeling?
Any symptoms that are standing out that have you hopeful or wondering?
When are you going to test?

I am ttc #1. I have regular 27 day cycles with a 15/16 day luteal phase. I check my cm, take vitamins and use opk's. Been trying for almost 5 years now.

This cylce I got ovulation spotting which has only happened to me 2 times in my life before this. Hoping it's a great fertility sign?

Ovulated on Feb 13th. Now I am 10 dpo.

Symptoms so far
0 day - 7 dpo Not much. Just the usual gassy, heartburn, bloated, nipples sore for a few days after O, Some weird dreams and moody.

8 dpo - 10 dpo (current ) Vivid dreams, hot and cold body temps, dry throat, thirstier, dry skin (but it is winter) rash or pimples breaking out on my chest ??? Stuffy nose for 3 days. Mild ovary cramping/twinges. Getting shooting pains in my breasts a few times a day/night which I have never gotten before. Less moody today then the past week thank GOD! All these could be progesterone as well.

Anyone want to add on so we can obsess, wait, hope, pray and test together?

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7993 Replies • 11 years ago



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Hey ladies,

Why is the Tuesday after a long weekend always the worst!
On way to work in the rain-so grey!

@miracle, glad you had a fab birthday! I am cd 7 too so we're together this month!

@pisces-poor you. Hate being sick, especially on the weekend! Feel better

Not much going on, temping with new thermometer and doing it whenever I first wake (so between 5am and 7am) and still jumping from 96.2 to 97. Guessing the O spike will be more obvious-hopefully!
Got blood work done cd3 at family dr so results from that in a week and then fert clinic appt mid june. Hoping to catch o wirth them scanning but may be just after sio have to wait for nexy cycle. Ot not!

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11 years ago

Hi Ladies! I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend! I was away celebrating my birthday (it was last Friday) at our family cabin and didn't have any cell service or internet.

Of course I forgot my OPK's at home and I am pretty sure I ovulated on Sunday. Since taking Geritol, my O cramps and signs were pretty pronounced. I did take an OPK when I got home last night and it was negative. But last month when I ovulated, my test was positive on Saturday and Sunday and negative by Monday. I am hoping that the same thing happened this month. Although last month I O'd on day 15, this month would be 13.

We didn't have many opportunities to BD but did on Friday, Sunday and Monday. So finger's crossed that was enough!

I am also thinking I may have double ovulated since the pain was not just on one side...for sure on both sides. That would be kinda cool! Twins does run in my family :)

Ok, I have reading to catch up on now!!

11 years ago

so im anxiously awaiting for my appt for ultrasound today at 220! not looking forward to drinking so much water to fill my blatter! that part sucks! as i found out last night my mother in law has twins on her side of family and she even mc on twins! ill be happy with just one but very surprised if 2!! well see i hope they print out a picture for me even tho its not much more then a lil bean right now!!

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11 years ago

@miracle OH wow you had an action packed family filled weekend. That sounded awesome. I am so happy that you got a chance to visit your parents and their spouses. CD7 **whoop whoop**

@trouble you too CD7 **whoop whoop** I think I am on CD6 so I am right behind you ladies. Keep watching those temps. I usually see a serious drop before O and then after you should see a rise and that rise should sustain for three straight days. Try to narrow that time down to one set time. My time is 6am because I get up at that time most days. On the weekend, I get up take my temp and go back to sleep.

@lsch if you O'd sunday and BD'd all those days then you should be fine. How is your temps? Have you been able to confirm the O with three days of temp rises?

@topo did you get a surgery date yet?

@jsx good luck with your sono. I am hoping for twins too but I would be happy with whatever God gives me. A healthy baby, he knows I want

AFM: still sick. DH is coming to take me back to the doc. I'll let you guys know. CD6 and I have two doses of clomid left to take. One tonight and tomorrow night. Last month I started OPK's right after my last dose, @jsx when is better to start? And like @desertchic said as soon as I get a positive, I will stop testing.

11 years ago

@pis -- I didn't start temping this month. I really should have, but it was so confusing to me. If this month is not the month, I will think about doing it next month for sure. I am so sorry you are so sick!! That sounds really awful :(

11 years ago

@lsch thanks, they say summer colds are the worst. And I am the type who never gets sick, it's usually allergies ...not this time. Well it's usually when you are not trying to hard is when you get pregnant. I hope that's the case for you hon. So that makes you 2DPO?

11 years ago

@pis- yep, I am 2dpo. My hubby and I were talking about it last night and I think not using OPK's this month might make it less stressful for me. Mainly because in the back of my mind, I will always know that there's a possibility I didn't O so from the get go, I won't have my hopes up. At least, I will try to tell myself that :) I am pretty confident I did with how my body felt, but day 13 is pretty early.

At least I am now double covered with insurance so that is something to not have to stress about!

I sure hope you start feeling better. Summer colds are the worst!

11 years ago

@ jsx- ur prolly at dr right now, can't wait to c how things r going

@ pices- I know how u feel we have all had the same thing u got and had it since last week, I don't think it's ever gana go away

Afm- this weekend scared me one day my back was killing me then the next day I cramped realy bad, but feel good today just nausea, still 6 more days till first dr. Appt

11 years ago

@tiff that's right you said you & the girls had been sick. My oldest girl had it last week and this week it's me and my youngest daughter but she seems to be better than me. Lol ...the youth. Sorry about the scare but glad everything is ok. The 6 day count down is on to your first appointment. I always found out about 1 to 2 weeks after I was pregnant so by the time I got there I was definitely preggers. With my oldest daughter I didn't have insurance until after my 13 weeks or so I got almost everything at the first visit. Or the week after. I acted like I had no idea I was pregnant...lmao **shameful**

@lsch I think DH is right, less stress. Those damn OPK's had me off the wall plus my traveling and what not.

AFM: the girls both got accepted to the National Jr Honor Society **yeee haw**my doc can't see me for my cold until tomorrow **booooo*** and has anyone seen the commercial ....lmao...I cracked up their motto is "go make a baby".....lmao ...if they only knew. We sure as hell are trying !!! Lmao

11 years ago

Hey girls just getting done work my ultrasound wasn't much but a sack right now measuring at 5w2d and does make spence because I know when I o and wasn't til cd 22 and now and 22dpo so right on target most likely have to go back next week to see if the baby growing properly an hopefully heart beat! I still have that acted feeling until I see the heart beat ya know I could never go thru another loss! I'm praying everything is ok!! As now only see one in there! Just grow and stick lol bean momma loves you do much and wants nothing more then you in my life! I pray every night!! I will post the pic of the lol sack in the morning kep an eye out!!

Pieces my dr always told me to start opks cd10 mid day like 3/4 clock until I get closer to my date then test twice! Good luck girl! I really how your right behind me with BFP!

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11 years ago

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