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Late February/ Early March 2017 Babies?

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Just looking for other ladies due around the same time to experience this adventure with.

I'm a dietitian/nutritionist who helps keep other's babies healthy. Pregnant with my first after TTC 3 years (found out 6/23/16) + Endometriosis. In my 30's.

129 Replies • 8 years ago



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I know exactly what you are going through, the tiredness was the worst for me that sometimes I didn't want to get off the sofa to get a drink, I was that tired.

I fell asleep while trying to watch films and never could get up in the mornings, I felt drained the whole time.

Believe me, it really does get better! My friends have said that the first 12 weeks (15 for me) and the last 3 weeks are the worst.

AFM - I am just trying to enjoy planning the nursery and buying the furniture. I have also bought a few clothes for baby boy. I have read that it is best to try and get the nursery done before 26 weeks so I have 7 weeks. Surely that should be plenty of time

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7 years ago

Hi LAAR, I hope the struggle passes soon. It's been really tough with all these hormones raging in our bodies.

Sezzy, you and me both. I can't watch a full movie anymore, I just kept nodding off. It must be fun decorating the nursery! What are your colors?

AFM, we are supposed to be going to a Coldplay concert on Saturday with friends and I decided to not go to the concert and have another friend go for me. I don't think I'll survive the full show. Also, I'm trying to be patient as I wait for the NIPT blood results and the Harmony results. It can't come fast enough for me.

7 years ago

Good luck for your results winter! The week wait was a killer but getting the phone call saying everything was low risk was so so amazing- worth the wait for sure!

Hang in there LAAR, it definitely got work for me around 10 weeks. I'm 13 weeks now and still vomitting some days.

My 12/13 week scan went very well. It was both external and internal but the internal was painless (much better than the very uncomfortable early scan I had!). Got some amazing 3D photos too and saw the baby wriggling, moving her mouth and everything. Just amazing!

7 years ago

How fun to see the 3D image, Smalls! Makes it more that exciting. glad to know that everything went well and you're at low risk.

AFM, I've gotten the Harmony NIPT results late afternoon yesterday. I'm also at low risk for the 3 trisomies (1/10000). And I found out we're having a girl! BUT I'm not telling my husband or anybody yet in our family and friends because....I bought these nifty customized gender reveal scratch cards from Zazzle that we will be mailing out (I'm opting out of gender reveal party). It's this one:

So, I'm keeping mum until I get the cards :)

7 years ago

Hi ladies!!! I am so glad to hear all of you are doing well and congratulations Winter!!! I wish I could have had the Harmony done but my doctor said I didn't meet the requirements for age and also not having a high risk pregnancy. So I'm having to wait til 15 weeks now!! I can't wait. Further along I get my mind is seeing pink!! Either way I can't wait to meet this little babe!

I go for my 12w scan Thursday and am praying for another scan even though I had one at 7. I desperately want to see baby moving about in there!! Wish me luck :))

7 years ago

Hi ladies,

I can't believe I am nearly at the half way mark, time is now flying. I have a medium sized bump now with my 20 week scan on Monday and all my friends say that I am glowing now

Winter - I have bought all my furniture now, classic white with oak edging. The walls are going to be cream and baby blue, all the bedding and accessories are a brand called bear and friends, it's really cute. Now we just have to get round to doing it and putting it all together.

Smalls - So glad your scan went well I had vomiting until around 15 weeks so don't get disheartened, I read it's normal whilst the placenta is taking over from the yolk sac at around week 14.

LAAR - Once you get past week 12, it will fly by trust me. Try and enjoy every minute as before we know it, no more sleep for us for a while

I hope you ladies have a peaceful rest of the week

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7 years ago

Yay Winter! Congrats on the low risk results and also the exciting news that you're having a girl!!

Good luck LAAR and sezzy for your upcoming scans :)

Still gagging/vomitting daily but part of me is thankful for it as I know the hormones are still high and the pregnancy is still continuing. Even though I'm technically in the safe zone, I'm still quite worried about the possibility of miscarriage. Is this just me or are others feeling this way?

7 years ago

LAAR, I asked my doctor for the Harmony test and will have to pay out of pocket for maybe $130. I think it's good money to spend to find out the gender and get the trisomy results - apparently, this test supersede the other tests. Your 12 week scan should be fun because baby is a bit bigger and probably be moving a lot.

Sezzy, your project with the nursery sounds like its going well. I bet it's going to be so nice. I'm thinking of gray, white and lots of neutral color for mine - so I can reuse it when we plan for the next one (I can't believe I'm thinking about the next one already LOL). Show us a pic of your nursery when it's up and done.

Smalls, I hope your symptoms ease up soon so you can start enjoying the pregnancy. Mine has been easing up little by little but still there. Think positive thoughts - I know it can be hard sometimes but try. It'll be good for your sanity

AFM, I caved in and told the hubby last night. I had him read the email report of the results and gender without him knowing that's what he's about to read. I recorded his reaction and man, what I saw is such a happy man. No anxiety in his eyes whatsoever. Pure happiness. I think I have more anxiety than he does. Also, prior to going to this pregnancy, I was pre-diabetic (runs in the family. After my blood test last week, the result says I'm out of the pre-diabetic range and went back to normal. I just have to continue my good eating behavior for the rest of this pregnancy.

7 years ago

Thanks Smalls! I am really excited to see my baby boy again

Winter, I will try my best to get a picture up here when it's done, my partner is doing the bathroom over the next few days and then we need to finish the study but once that is done then it will be all go getting the nursery done.

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7 years ago

Finally 12 weeks today! So relieved to be here! Our appt on Thursday went wonderfully. Got to have a second ultrasound and see our little baby moving all around and being all kinds of active! Heart beat was still high this time at 162! We go back for gender scan on Sept 13!!!

7 years ago

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