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2016 IUI/IVF

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Ladies we've had some great news lately, let's keep it going! This is for everyone starting out for their first or trying again! Best wishes to everyone and loads of baby dust!

540 Replies • 8 years ago



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Margie- Ugh! I'm so sorry to hear that!
Jfmolo- yay for still being pregnant!
hoping- congrats on the weight loss!

afm- our timeline got moved back a bit, as af did not arrive quite as quickly as they anticipated this round. I had my baseline this morning (CD2) and start stims tomorrow. They're now guessing somewhere between the 2nd and the 10th for retrieval and transfer.

8 years ago

Hi Ladies!

I have not been on for a long time, needed a break from thinking about ttc. However hubby and I finally decided to do our first cycle of IVF! We transferred two blasts last Monday and go for our first beta on Wednesday. Keep your fingers crossed!

Hope everyone has been well, it looks like there have been alot of BFP's since last time I was on, which is so wonderful!

Lots of baby dust to everyone still trying

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8 years ago

Mel- FX for you!

Additional question for everyone who has done IVF before... what CD was your retrieval? I'm trying to plan some time away from work and I'm seeing an average of CD 13 in a few places. Today my IVF coordinator said anywhere from June 2 through 10, which was not particularly helpful for planning vacation time!

8 years ago

Margie - I am sorry but that is such bullshit (excuse my language) but it is! If you are paying out of pocket, you should demand a discount. They are the ones that over surpassed you in the first place... that is so frustrating. I would have been in tears.... I am really really sorry... is there another clinic you can go to?

Mel - fingers cx - how are you feeling??

2moms - I think, unfortunately, retrieval and transfer days vary depending on the woman's cycle and the clinic. I don't think i had my retrieval until day 16, but I have longer cycles... this prob doesn't help you much, I am sorry..

8 years ago

Hello ladies!

Hope everyone is well.

Margie- I'm so sorry your IVF is being delayed. That is so frustrating!

Afm- I have great news. I had my ultrasound today at 6w5d and we say the baby and the heart beat! Everything measured just right and the heart rate was going strong. I'm so relieved. I was so nervous all day today I was pratically in tears.

Bens- looks like your next scan is tomorrow. Good luck and keep us posted!

Take care everyone!

8 years ago

Hello ladies I took a break it seemed like my two weeks until my appointment was depressing me. I had my appointment this morning after a month of bloodwork and ultrasounds and semen analysis. We also had the universal genetic screening. We were given the go ahead to start just waiting on my period to start today or tomorrow so I can have ultrasound to check for cysts then the birth control for 2 weeks then injections for 1.5 weeks then retrieval then transfer! My prolactin level was high so I also have to take meds for two weeks to bring it down. Funny how my faithful period always show 24-26 days and today on cd 26 she hasn't started. She knows I'm planning on getting rid of her for the next 9 months. We will be transferring 2 embabies the dr wants us to do only one but we want to do two. Whew that was long.

2moms retrieval depends on your own eggs at least that's what my dr said.
Babypath how's the pregnancy
Jfm I'm happy to hear you are progressing and the baby is doing fine.
Margie sorry about the mix up
Bens can't wait for an update!
I hope I didn't miss anyone.

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8 years ago

Hello ladies! This Sunday I will start my meds for our first IVF cycle. A little bit about me: I'm 35 (hubby 34), we have a beautiful 3yr old girl conceived naturally first try. We ve been trying for 14 months unsuccessfully for baby #2, including 2 failed IUI's. We've been diagnosed with secondary unknown infertility. My husband does have a lower sperm count, but still normal according to the specialists.
I'm very nervous about the whole process and the retrieval as I've never been under anesthesia. Stim days 7-10 scare me with stories of bloat, fatigue and weight gain, but I'll do whatever it takes for baby #2. I am supposed to run a 10k a day or two after the projected retrieval, not sure how that will go. Any insight would be wonderful. I keep googling IVF diaries, lol. I couldn't find any online support groups or local groups so I'm hoping being on here will help.

8 years ago

I'll be starting bcp tonight!!!!!

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8 years ago

Camasia, not pregnant again, yet! Still on meds leading up to FET in a few weeks. :) We have a lining check on June 6th and should know more about transfer date then!

Glad to hear from everyone and glad to hear the newest pregnancies are going well!

Michelle, welcome to the group and best of luck to you! Word of advice, you may want to look into cancelling your run after retrieval unless it's many days after as your ovaries will be large and you shouldn't do any bouncing of any kind with them that large as it could cause torsion and you can lose them!

8 years ago • Post starter

Oh ok Baby well it's coming!

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8 years ago

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