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Starting clomid, anyone with us? Can we get a hell ya!Part11

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Welcome to part 11 of our discussion group! Our forum is for anyone using Clomid or Femara for treatment. We are all super friendly ladies, so please come and share your story with us!

For anyone who wants to catch up, here is part 10.

TTC #2 naturally after infertility treatment for #1 User Image

347 Replies • 11 years ago



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Gunzz- I don't know what to tell ya. They do seem a little on the small size but maybe they were gonna grow and be just right. Doesn't it take something like 36 hours after you trigger to o? I've never used a trigger. Keep us posted! Are you doing iui or ti this cycle?

Proudmom - Good luck this cycle! Hoping that one cycle is all you need.

Afm - progesterone hasn't been too bad. I've been feeling pretty normal which isn't what I was expecting, so I guess that's a good thing.

Jupitor - how've you been feeling?

11 years ago

Morning ladies! I am back in the game this month!! Yayyyy! I started my first dose of Femara last night and have through Friday! US on Monday am so fxd that we have some good follies!! I had great follies with the Clomid so only time will tell right??
As for all of the other ladies, hers's to a happy, healthy, and VERY successful cycle for all of us!!!! Its Spring and we should be beaming with happiness!!!!

11 years ago


This is our first cycle doing the monitoring technique. I've been pregnant twice but lost both of them. The second we were through our first trimester. Basically they want to keep a close eye on me unlike my regular doctors can do. I took Femara on days 3-7, triggered on Day 11, and tomorrow I start the progesterone inserts until April 15th. On April 15th I will test for pregnancy. So you have never had the trigger shot? This shot has made me nauseas since Friday night. It's terrible!!' It's worse after I eat! It's not letting up and I was told the hcg could stay in your system for 14 days. Ugh!

11 years ago

Had my ultrasound today.... One good sized follicle on each side. 13-15 it looked like when he measured it on the screen. Trigger shot Sat am for BD Sunday night. So it looks like the extra dosage of Femara worked...let's just hope the rest of it does....

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11 years ago

Good luck MrsFlasche!!!!

11 years ago

Hi all I am currently on my 8th Clomid cycle I take 50mg days 2-6.
I just want to know if any of you have found your AF is lighter on Clomid?
I used to get heavy AF for 4/5 days but had v.irregular periods and used Super plus tampons.
On Clomid they last about 2/3 days and I only need regular tampons/pad for lighter bleeding
My last AF was 1 day spotting 1 day bleeding

I am worried I don't have enough lining for implantation

Thanks for reading

11 years ago

When I have an unmedicated cycle, my periods are very heavy. I can soak through a super plus tampon in about an hour. When medicated....I'm on femara this cycle, and my period was very light. Didn't need anything more than a regular tampon and that was only for a day or so....was fine with a pad. Not every cycle has become that light, but this one was. When I had my ultrasound today, my lining was still in good shape and was thicker than they look for.

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11 years ago

Elle - My period is always lighter on clomid, but my lining has been ok. Are you being monitored? I know it's a bummer to think about, but if it does thin your lining and this cycle doesn't work, check into femara. I know that the longer you're on clomid the more it will thin your lining. Do you take baby asprin? I've also read of a lot of girls that eat brazil nuts to help thicken the lining.

MrsFlasche - Yay! Go catch that eggie!

Gunz - Yuck, hope the nausea passes quickly!

11 years ago

Well I'm feeling a bit better today. Still no sign of AF. I caved and took an HPT this morning, and it was a BFN...I thought I saw faint line, but I think it was evap...I might wait a few days or so and try again.

Jennifer ttc #1 Diagnosed with PCOS 11/27/12 Praying for a

11 years ago

My periods are always bad too. I normally soak through a tampon an hour even on a medicated cycle. Also my period would last 8-10 days. On a medicated cycle my period only lasts 4-5 days. You are not the only one. My doctor actually told me at some point heavier periods is a good sign.

11 years ago

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