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First time TTC; going crazy!

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Hello all, I have found this site while going crazy during this two week wait. I am inexperienced with symptoms and waiting and what to expect...I would appreciate anyone's advice...

My LMP was 2/11, I'm sure I ovulated between 2/25-2/27...I began with breast heaviness & soreness on 2/28 which is unusual for me to start with that early before AF. And it as continued - still sore boobs/swollen. I have noticed I've been a little more tired; requiring a nap the other day and going to bed earlier. And finally, on 9 or 10 DPO, (yesterday) I started with some dull lower abd cramping/pressure on & off all day... I have tested the last couple days because I am so impatient!!!! And obviously BFN... I know it is too early... Does it sound like I may have a chance?? Maybe I'm making up these symptoms?? AF is due 3/11... and I'm thankful for working 12 hour shifts the next couple days to distract myself! Please advise!!!

323 Replies • 11 years ago



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Hey hey ladies!

Well, if I ovulated (it is never a 100% guarantee through charting even if it looks perfect) it was definitely the day FF suggested. My chart was super pretty this month and not confusing the slightest bit!

However, June 28th proved to be a great day for three people. My best friend, Ashley, got engaged finally. Her fiance took a long time. My very good friend, Paul, proposed to his girlfriend. My friend, Trish, celebrated her 29th birthday. I got a surprise as well...

A. F.

Boo...however, I was somewhat relieved since I was late and testing BFN. I was going to call the doctor today if I didn't get AF. I guess that is a positive that I didn't waste my time thinking I needed a blood test!

I was only two days late. I'm thinking it is since I started Insanity in the middle of June, and it delayed my period. Hopefully, my friends' good fortune rubs off on me and I get prego in July!

The psychic did say I would get my BFP this July or have my first baby in July 2014... ;)

User Image Ashley&Bryan 6.1.12

11 years ago

I updated my ticker...hoping to go back to my 29 day cycle ;)

User Image Ashley&Bryan 6.1.12

11 years ago

Abennett are u shitting me again? a BFN? ur body either produces a lotta Hcg nearing AF or ur cheapie tests are really really faulty. i cant believe this is happening again. Happy u are off to the doc to start testings now that u tried for sometime too.

Ashley, looks like good things are happening in ur life. hope this cycle is the one for u and ur man. wishing u lots of babydust.

All u other lovely ladies, goodluck and BFPs hehehhe. happy summer!

11 years ago

hey lovely if ur getting BFP then having bleeding ask the dr about having an incompetent cervix (when it doesnt close properly) a fiend had this she was getting BFP then would start bleeding a few days latter, when the Drs figgered this out, on her next pregnancy they stitched her cervix closed now she has a healthy baby girl!!! could be the same situation fingers crossed 4 u!!!!!

so im now 3days late for AF took a HPT yesterday afternoon BFN :( stupid stupid test!!! im never this late always had a 28-29 day cycle im now CD31 and no AF WHATS GOING ON???? if it doesnt show up 2night i will take a test in the morning!!!!!

10 years ago

Well, no AF yet, but some spotting yesterday and this morning, so I'm sure the evil is on her way...

10 years ago

Reneee, AF showed up this morning... I knew she was on her way yesterday when the cramps started. Ugh! So begins another cycle!

10 years ago

so sorry ur AF showed her ugly face fingers crossed 4 this month xxx

im of to the Drs soon AF is 5days late!!!!!! i had a funny positive test yesterday morning unsure if it was a real positive as the sec line was deff blue but very very thin so i took 2more BFN BOOOOOOO hoping to find out whats going on soon!!!!!!

10 years ago

hello ladies , came home yesterday from vacation, Dp was so impatient and asked me to go and test, CD 53 today and still no Af, dont even know when or if i even Od, i gave up taking my temp cos of vacation and it was all over the place anyway. ok just to give him peace of mind, cos i knew i wasnt BFP, i tested and showed him the BFN.
didnt worry me a bit it was BFN, i knew i will need help in some form to get a BFP cos of the way my body is behaving. CD 53 and precious days are just flying away. i got myself a biggg glass of wine and just relaxed with a movie. Damn hormones, thank God we are going to the doc next month. that doc doesnt seem to waste time at all, we are sending a sperm sample on the very first visit, so i just cant wait.
Hope u ladies too are doing well and taking things easy. have a lovely weekend

10 years ago

Hey Reneee! Hope your vacation was great!! So sorry to hear about your bfn. I hate long cycles like that. Just a waste of time when you could be onto the next month and trying again! I know it's frustrating. I am 5 dpo today and have decided not to test til AF is late or I have a major preg symptom. It will do wonders with my sanity! I went to the doc a. Few days ago and she wants dh to get sperm analysis as well! But we aren't going to send it until this cycle is over. My doc also told me about this supplement called "pregnitude". Have you heard of it?? She said it helps a lot of ppl with pcos. It pretty much just regulates your ovulation each month and gives you a better chance to get pregnant. I read some reviews on it and it seems pretty good. It's not a fertility med like clomid or something. So it will be our last try before moving on to clomid. You might want to look into it. Good luck girl!

10 years ago

Hello Ladies,
My name is Rachel and me and DH are ttc for the first time this cycle does anyone have any advice or recommendations?

10 years ago

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